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I can totally go to this one (probably the Sat and Sun only).

I also may be able to make it to a mini meet in May depending on the date.

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I've got everything I use frequently in my quick select.  I like how clean the empty space looks.

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Here's mine.  Nothing special...


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I used to watch 24 religiously, I thought it was the best thing ever!  Then it just started to get more and more ridiculous and I couldn't stand to watch anymore.  I think it peaked season 3 and then just started to slide pretty fast.

I watched up until the middle of season 5 and that was pretty much all I could take.


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Hey guys, apparently Christian also thinks he was being a retard!!


By The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - Christian Bale says he acted like a "punk" and that his profane tongue-lashing on the set of "Terminator Salvation" was inexcusable.

In Friday remarks on a Los Angeles morning radio show, Bale said he never intended to get physical with cinematographer Shane Hurlbut. He also said he was likely channelling too much of his character, John Conner.

Bale also told the "Kevin and Bean" show on KROQ 106.7 that he and Hurlbut reconciled and worked together for another month following the tirade.

The outburst, which occurred last year on the set in New Mexico, was posted this week on the celebrity gossip site TMZ. It has become an Internet sensation, inspiring a music remix, spoofs, and punch lines for the "Kevin and Bean" show.

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...i believed he hit his mother and sister, when i read about it, cos it was just something so out of left field and he got arrested and all that shit...

To be fair in this instance, he didn't hit his mom or sister just yelled at them a lot.  He got arrested for verbal assault and then the charges were dropped due to insufficient evidence (he probably did freak out though).

I don't know about this one.  I would like to think that he was just super stressed and this pushed him over his limit, however, knowing his past anger issues I think the dude just needs some therapy or something.  That much rage can't be good for anyones health. 

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Amanda Meskey, also I have no friends...

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lol but they didn't look THAT bad, that was my problem...

The resolution on the HDTV is just too large to properly show the PS2/1 games.

Most PS2 games run at 640 x 448 or something like that and my TV does 1920×1080 that is like magnifying all the ugly by like 3 times...

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Video quality.  All the PS2/1 games I tried to play from my old PS2 on my TV just come out looking awful.  The colours are off and everything is jaggy with some severe motion blur.  I tried playing around with the settings but I can't get anything right.

I could play my PS2/1 games on my PS3 though, maye because of the smoothing settings and such.

I've not tried to play anything older than that on my TVs.


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Oh I do have an old PS2 but the problem is I only have HD TV's and trying to play a PS2 on an HD TV is just awful...

As for the DS thing.  You madam, are a better person than I am.  :fogetsmile:

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This is a really cool thing, but I only rarely buy new games and usually only buy ones that I know for sure I like, so I don't have that many games I'd like to get rid of.  I think my brother used this a while back though, it's a great idea for people who get rid of games a lot.

I am sort of the same way but I lucked out because when I intially started I had a crap load of old PC games that had just been sitting around for years which I listed (a couple of them are still there, lol).

Then I bought an Edge DS I didn't need my actual DS games anymore so they went up.

Then my 60GB backwards compatible PS3 went for a poop and I had to buy a new 80GB one (less the backwards compatibility) so I didn't have anymore use for my PS and PS2 games.

For the most part I haven't listed any current gen games unless I bought them on a whim on Goozex because of their pricepoint and then realized they were that many points for a reason...  :fogetsad:

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I have a Goozex membership.

It's not a scam or anything, the site makes its money off of the trade credits people buy.  It costs $1.00 for 1 trade credit.  You don't actually get trade credits for trading in games, you only get Goozex points.

You would need 1 trade credit for every game you want to "buy" off the site, plus the needed amount of Goozex points.

The only way you can get trade credits is either by continuously referring people, or by purchasing the points.

It certainly is a money saver though, the trade in value for most of the games is much more than what you can get from Gamestop or anything so I prefer to trade my games on there.  I've traded more than 75 games since I started in 2007 and I've "bought" more than 50.

Here is my profile in case anyone cares:

Totally recommended.

Goozex eh? Hmm. I've seen the points been referenced on another one, but never actually checked. Seems cool, even though it doesn't exactly say if it's America only. But trading in for points, and only having to pay $1 is just... wow.

Goozex can be used by Canada and the United States.  No international support as of yet.

Is this anything like WareZ? I've heard bad things about WareZ

I've not heard of WareZ but on Goozex people are pretty curteous and trustworthy.  Occasionally trades do go bad (I've had a few) but the Goozex administrators are very quick to fix the problems and are good at weeding out scammers.

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My Name is Lisa

This one is very sad. :(​  Very well done though.  So far it's my favourite one I've viewed.  Good acting all around for a web video.

Black Button

I didn't like this one too much.  The acting was a bit distracting and I thought the writing was pretty bad.

My favorite video is still Hard n Phirm's Pi

This is weird...like far to weird...oddly enough it's the only video I've wanted to watch more than once.


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I used to play Furcadia back when I was like 13 and every two seconds someone would be coming up to me asking to cyber...

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There was a series of 3 games called Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo's Whodunnit and Hugo's Jungle of Doom which were like that they were early 90's games.

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Alright, I don't love the game but it's not as bad as Yugi makes it out to be.

There is no armor in the game :[ But there is big axes, hammers and cleavers (giant butchers knifes). All clothes in the game are for appearance only, and have no other effects.
Also, most of the clothes in the game suck, badly. At the end of the game basically everyone will look the same, like a pirate or an assassin, because those are the only remotely decent looking clothes (the clothes you start with seriously look better than pretty much everything else except for pirate/assassin clothes).
The game is set several hundred years in the future. Armor at this point would be both out of place (how often do you see someone walking down the streets in a suit of full plate mail?) and due to the invention of guns useless.
It's not unrealistic that there is no armor in the game, but is sure sucks that there is hardly any decent looking clothes!

Sadly, this is true.  On my lady warrior I gave her the hot pants, the corset and the thigh boots because she looks so dumb it makes me laugh just to look at her.  I don't mind the adventurer outfit though.

Anyway, the game is decent, but nothing great. Though in a lot of aspects it seems to have taken a step backwards from the first Fable game.
Leveling up in particular is pretty bad. At the start of the game you can swing your weapon, and shoot your gun, that is all. You cannot block, use flourishes, or even aim your gun. You literally have to level up to buy this stuff which came as default in Fable.

I don't think it's dumb you have to level up to use those things, since you can get along fine without them anyway.  You can aim you gun just not manually at first.  It doesn't take long to level up to get those things anyway (since they are in the first 1 or 2 levels).

Combat it's self is at times stupid too. Sometimes the game just randomly goes into slow motion, and the camera zooms in on an enemy. I don't know why it does this to be honest with you!

My game only does this when I kill and enemy and it zooms in on the death animation.  I have no idea why your game would be doing this randomly.

You also cannot attack enemies that are backed up to a wall, you cannot swing weapons near walls, and if the enemy is near a wall, you simple cannot swing your weapon at them.

I'm not saying this doesn't happen but I've never had an issue with this happening (I generally use ranged attacks though until I'm surrounded).

Magic is also really crappy. There is 8 spells, and only one of them is useful, and that is Shock and that is only because it hits and stuns. Inferno is basically Shock, but it does not stun, Blades is Shock without the stun, Vortex is Shock without the stun, Force Push is Shock with the stun... But less than half the damage. All the cool and useful spells Fable had have been removed for no apparent reason (no heal, mp shield, berserk, assassins rush, multi-strike/arrow and so on).

I agree but replace Shock with Inferno.  Inferno kills all.

On top of that the way magic is cast though kind of useful (all spells can either be targetted at an enemy, or used to hit all nearby enemies) sucks because Mp is removed, and replaced with having to charge up a spell. To charge up a full level 5 spell takes a good 5+ seconds, if enemies are near you then chances are you'll be dead long before this happens, and if not then you'll only get off a single spell before enemies get too close to you. Also, having to charge up spells means you will only ever be using a single spell, since it is not easy to change a spell unless outside of combat.

I've never had a problem with the magic charge time but my spells are only at level 3.

Shops are crap too. They sell like... 1 of every item they have in stock, and that is it. And everyday their selection of items is randomised. If you want to stock up on some potions this means you buy a potion. Sleep for a day, come back the next and hopefully buy another if they have it in stock. Repeat until you have enough potions. (Never  use food, after a single fight you'll end up a total fatass, and losing weight is impossible outside of buying a single stick of celery every day for 2 in game weeks... Great fun, really great fun!)

I don't ever buy potions at shops only furniture and such but having said that I haven't had any issues there yet.  I've not had any trouble with eating and getting fat and I do eat quite a bit.  Maybe the girl warrior is different than the male in that respect.

Using items is horribly retarded too. In the original Fable I could slap an item onto the D-Pad, and press that direction to use it. This seems to have been entirely removed from Fable 2.
Now you have to press start, select items, select potions, find and use the potion. Oh yeah... The menu system lags a lot. Pressing start, 2s lag, selecting items, another 2s lag, selecting potions, ANOTHER 2s lag, finally using the potion also results in a few seconds of lag. And you have to do this with every single item you want to use except in rare cases (when you are nearly dead a potion will be assigned to the left direction, but chances are it is not the right potion you want to use and the most expensive potion which will heal you for 500% more Hp than you even have).

lol I agree I prefered the d-pad item slot but I've never experienced lag in the menus.  I do get about 2 seconds of lag while entering the menu but from there it's smooth.

Also, the game doesn't have a massive deal of exploration or open endedness to it. It is like Fable in that there is a path leading from one town to the next, only this time that path is slightly wider, and there is no easy to view minimap, making it look even less like a path.

This is true but they do have bigger areas and you aren't (for the most part) restricted to the paths (ie. you can run around the forests/fields etc. so there is a bit more to explore. 

The game could have been a lot better than it is. But for some reason the developers decided to make a lot of retarded choices for no apparent reasons. But at least you get a pet dog, and can get STDs!!!!!!

I find the dog mostly useless the only thing he's good for is dig spots but I haven't seen anything too spectacular from them.

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So I recently bought the Guild Wars Game of the Year edition at Walmart and I'm starting to get into it.  Do you guys still play this regularly?

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I'm a girl and I probably cry about once a week on average.

The smallest things make me emotional.  Like the movie Wall-E and that one Futurama episode with Fry's dog.  Sometimes I cry and I can't even really think of a reason why I'm doing it.

EDIT:  Oh lol, I just read the thread now (after replying) and I can't believe how many other people cried about that Futurama episode!  My boyfriend laughed at me so hard when he saw I was crying (he also thought the episode was sad but not cry sad).

Also, Dogs are awesome.  They are so sweet and loyal and they love you unconditionally no matter what you do to them.  I think dogs are great, I'm not looking forward to the day when my Dozer dies.  That's going to be a breakdown day for sure.

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The word MOIST and Centipedes.

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Here's mine.  It's an HTC Touch.  Mine has a miuch better background and theme though.


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