*is making a fangame atm*
Swine. Burn. BUURNNNNN!!!!

*is making a fangame atm*
No wait you haven't tell me your favorite FF character...
You had some nice screens. But I wish you would make a CBS
I played your game. It was great.
That's just the thing. You SHOULD "lay down and take this bullshit" instead of responding, because if not, it will only escalate into even greater insulting. I've been around the internet for a while, and I've come to realize when it is best to pull your punches. This is one of those times.
Because we didn't suck your dick, we're terrible people? Sometimes (almost always), you'll have to hear what people truly feel about you and your games to move forward.
(the hatred towards fangames is that they're horrible, and a roadblock in creativity. it's disgusting that someone who potentially has the talent to make a game would hide under the guise of something already out there, most of the people at GW are creative in some form or another and it's just a WASTE OF TALENT to see someone work on a fangame, providing that person has talent anyway. It's a lame cop-out and just an excuse to not make your own thing)
I believe we simply acknowledge it and move on. I have a hard time believing that we skimmed past it.
Most of us consider Final Fantasy fangames to be pretty dang awful. Goldenratio was completely right when he said that there is no reason for them, since there is nothing specifically 'Final Fantasy' about any of them, and any of them could be standalone games. Everyone's ignoring it because everyone AGREES WITH HIM.
So, basically I was right in saying it's because you're a child? Okay then, looks like we're done here.