eat my stanking crud
enjoy a steaming turd meal
I'm not good with poems
enjoy a steaming turd meal
I'm not good with poems
very good
pansexual, not lesbian. FYI :P i am indeed super queer these days! a lot of my childhood homophobia came from a source of self-hatred and repression. thankfully, i eventually learned to accept myself and others. :> i'm still a Christian though, btw (Quaker, specifically).
also, hi Shep, good to see you around
i gave bible a chance but there was a passage there where this guy was visited by some angels and the people of the town wanted to sex them (that's how it was worded) so the guy said to the people they could have huis virgin daughters and do anything with them so they shouldn't touch the angel visitors. I mean wtf!!
also that guy who was raped by his two daughters in the cave because they wanted to have oiffsprings.
fuck hidden meanings. where are they
of you