you should feel bad for not having your tastes evolve since highschool.
Who's taste DOESN'T evolve? Fuck just because somebody likes Blink 182 when they were younger doesn't mean they can't like it when they are older. As long as they just don't try to pass it off as being good music. Chances are their taste has evolved and they have since found other music that is probably more respectable.
And to konix, I find it pretty funny that you're judging people about anime and toys when you are posting on a game making forum. You're excuse to not continue with an argument is a cop out. Please tell me why a person should feel bad about themselves for liking
A FUCKING BAND. I'd like to hear.
Bonzi Buddy. That is exactly saying. I don't put that much thought into most of my music to be honest, I find what I enjoy and listen to it. Blink 182? I dunno, I just don't take too seriously and like the way it sounds. I know it's shitty music made by 30 year olds appealing to a teenage crowd, but I don't care enough really. I think for the most part people agree here. I don't care about music criticism or discussion. Just don't be a faggot and attack others because they like Blink 182.