I once got something from Necro Posting... wait a minute maybe that was from my necrophilia.
DDay is Dead I am a dead man typing

I know what you mean, going to be hard picking a GotY this year because of all the good games.Persona 5 might just be my game of the year. it Fixed a lot of the issues that the other Persona games had. Like there is actually level design for the most of the game and the pacing seems to be good. The main story also seems to be good too but atm nothing seems to stick out on the social link department.
You do know I already know that I just didn't know about his off site hobbies\now job.I had a dream the other night that I was walking through the ruins of Gaming World, encountering souls of posters that never left.I showed my buds soldat last month and all of them asked why this isn't on steam, and then asked about playing it! haha
And this place is still here, figures.
Anybody down for some Soldat for old times sake?
I miss the soldat, worms and Mame-lan fighters we all used to do. Anyone else remember Corel? kid artist made some wicked art and was good at fighters, introduced me to meltybread.
>Jester was a content admin at some point in time unsure of when it was though, but he was almost always a mod.What a mind trip that musta been!! That is really, really funny.Well Jester seems to still be here since he did post in 2016 about a game he's playing . It's crazy since I didn't know, till 4 days ago.
Well I'm glad he ok, since I always wounder what has become of some of the users of GW... like Bart(The man that made GW a thing.) is he still around and so on
What a mind trip that musta been!! That is really, really funny.Well Jester seems to still be here since he did post in 2016 about a game he's playing . It's crazy since I didn't know, till 4 days ago.
I just order a Wii U through amazon I think the new smash is going to sell the consoles and make it hard to find a console so I figured I should get it before the new smash brothers comes out in November (since many speculated it will be coming out in November) and I don't think theirs going to be a price drop before before that time. Sadly the console is only going to leave me with 150$ and my next pay check is 2 weeks from nowwhat's your day job? if you don't mind
>>What's this now twitlonger for nobody's listening? Had a bottle of wine, doing the job search thing again. Broke, in debt, a lot of life has happened since last I was here. I've accomplished a lot of noise I'm happy with. Playing games, arting, and existing. Just checking in.twitlonger for earls lenitive omnipresence
Playing through Crono Trigger for the first time in over 10 years. I kinda didn't realize how not-so great this game is. Particularly, in that it has so little focus in the gameplay and plot, that you essentially just wander into half of the plot points, and the battle system is obnoxious enough that it doesn't give you your maximum hp during battle (I had another 200 hp or so I didn't realize I had during one of the boss battles). There is no way that anybody who doesn't have all the time in the world could beat this game without a guideGuss you never play Phantasy Star 2 ... I personally love Phantasy Star 2 but some can call it a grind fest and if you answer the wrong answers on a dialog branch and save over your save without a backup you can kiss your Megid (spell\tech) goodbye the only real effective way to do damage to the last boss granted it dose a low amount damge to all party members.