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So I figured it'd be nice to have all the contact information outside of GW for all members. This is for contacting members to pass parts or discuss previous chapters or any details necessary and when GW Messages don't work it may be faster to communicate some other way. Just post various ways to contact you (email, aim, etc) and I'll update this as I get more information. This should be helpful and speed up the process. Feel free to communicate between the creators to discuss ideas and such. Communication is a good thing!


1. DarkPriest:
  IRC: #gamingw or #music

2. The Magi:
  AIM: ArxAmulius

3. christophomicus:
  Email/MSN: [email protected]

5. Rone Rivendale:
  Email/MSN: [email protected]
  Email: [email protected]

6. RPG:
  IRC: irc.whahay.net at #G&D
  AIM: ArePeeGee

7. UPRC:
  Email: [email protected]
  IRC: #gamingw, #music, or #g&d

8. Mirthless:
  Email/Msn: [email protected]

9. Nessiah:
 MSN: [email protected]

10. Medieve:
  IRC: #gamingw or #graphicart


ALT: SphereXtreme:
  MSN: [email protected]
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I should have probably put this up sooner. But we're going to need a title screen for this project. I'd prefer the title of the project (Chain Game 4) not take up too much space as we need the rest of the area for the creators to "sign" their names on it. If anyone has any suggestions or could present some of their own ideas for the title screen, please post it here.

Below are things I've taken part to create:

Channel Changer 1-3 Complete
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  • Avatar of Erave
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  • PipPipPipPip
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After playing Darkpriest's first chapter (which is very good), I decided to set some MINOR consistencies we all have to follow.

\c[2]Person Talking\c[0]:
Text here.

If you enter a new area for the first time have a text picture show on screen the name of place. If you need to get a good example of this feel free to copy it from Darkpriest's chapter.

Hero speed should be set to 4 in any city/dungeon/indoor area. Speed should be reduced to 3 on the worldmap (if there is one). Remember to set them correctly!

Put one at the end of your chapter. Set saving to off and having saving only allowed by save points. Copy the save point from the first chapter and add new funny dialogue (ala CG1) if you wish.

I might add a few more simple templates inside the game that you can easily copy and paste for things like Treasure Chests and Save Points. That way you don't have to worry about making them correct. Once I get the game again I'll be sure to create a map with all these easy to copy things.

Very simple stuff, but gives it a nice consistency. Thank you.
Below are things I've taken part to create:

Channel Changer 1-3 Complete
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  • Avatar of Erave
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  • PipPipPipPip
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1. Darkpriest DONE
2. The Magi DONE
3. Christophomicus DONE
4. Ohlichris DONE
5. Rone Rivendale DONE
7. Mirthless DONE
8. Nessiah DONE
9. Medieve DONE
10. Kaempfer DONE
11. Kitsune Inferno DONE
12. Azn DONE


Estimated date of completion: Late 2008/Early 2009

The Rules:
RpgMaker 2003.
No confines on what the game plot/theme will be like.
NO DBS/Random Battles. Figure out a way to put gameplay without using the DBS.
Around two weeks to make your part. When you finish send it to DarkPriest.
Have fun!
Below are things I've taken part to create:

Channel Changer 1-3 Complete
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  • Avatar of Erave
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Alrighty. I'm gonna try and get this thing started. I'm just posting this to see who's interested in participating. Once we get some members we'll get to more of the specifics. As for as I have decided the Chain Game will be like this:

2 weeks per person
RpgMaker 2003
No set "rules"

We may have a standard theme but I am leaning on keeping it up to the will of the first chapter maker. I don't care to make the first chapter because I've already done that before and it'd be interesting to get a different perspective (if no one wants to, I will do it then.) I will make sure the game gets to and fro persons and in the middle and end I will clean things up and make the concluding chapter. Sound good?

Alright, so post here if you are interested. Give me a brief statement why you should be included and what you can bring to the table. I'm
looking for anywhere between 10 and 15 people.

After we get the participants finalized we'll go in to greater detail. My goal is to get the first chapter started by next Monday the 19th.

1. Darkpriest
Gelantinous Cube
2. Ohlichris
3. Rone Rivendale
4. The Magi
5. Christophomicus
6. RPG
8. Mirthless
9. Nessiah
10. Medieve
11. Kaempfer
12. c.
13. Cold Omen
14. Raen
15. tears123
Conclusion: Erave

(If someone folds you get their spot)

Sphere XTreme
Below are things I've taken part to create:

Channel Changer 1-3 Complete
Easy Mac Complete
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  • Avatar of Erave
  • No that isn't me in the avatar!
  • PipPipPipPip
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  • Posts: 447
Alright, I know there's been lots of debate over this and I was wondering what you guys think of Ridley qualifying as a playable character in Brawl. Not that this poll will decide anything but my roommate got in a scuffle over this and we wanted to see what most people think.

Some facts to know, he was the third most requested character on Sakurai's Poll. Anyways vote and discuss.

Personally I have no idea who he is, but I'd like to know what you guys think!
Below are things I've taken part to create:

Channel Changer 1-3 Complete
Easy Mac Complete
Easy Mac 2
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