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news posting
and official site:


I am gonna be trying it out..anybody else?
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This is pretty sweet, dont know if anybodys seen this yet:
It's kind of like the mini-short for that MGS fan video but WAY better acting and filming
And it was made with around $200
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Anybody remember that fan movie trailer we saw a while ago??
Apparently the whole movie is done now, and it's been released in H264 and XVID.

As well as online streaming..

(dont know if this has been posted already or not, I already tried the gamingw search feature)


**EDIT: man... the acting is so poor, and the lines are really really bad.
At least some of the action parts are okay..
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So, I just installed Linux Mint 7 "Gloria" Gnome Last night, and am using it as my main os at this time..
I installed VLC... that's about it.. I'm also having a problem playing stage6 videos that stream in totem, mplayer and vlc... they just don't want to work.
What are some good applications for Media, and etc...?

By the way, Linux Mint is based off of ubuntu..
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So I'm off to a different uni this coming fall and I need a good laptop for college. I'm sick of windows, and I figured I'd try a mac this time around.
Which should I get? At the moment I can get the 13.3" new macbook for around $1,100 at my local computer store, and the last generation 15.4" macbook pro for $1350 @ clubmac but it's open box.....

I'm mostly going to use the laptop for writing papers, research, web design (photoshop & quarkexpress)..

so what would you recommend? (and dont tell me shit like macbook pro cuz its faster for photoshp zomg) ... thats not really important to me.

I need some good opinions on build quality, which is better tiger or leopard? as well as the best deal for my money... :fogetshrug:
and with open box does that mean I need to buy the extra cables, power cables, and stuff separately?
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Hm.... so I was looking for a decent free mmo to play.... (too lazy to keep buying timecards for WoW or waste my time with it... not rewarding enough),
I'm looking for something good with a decent ranking system so I came across something that seemed interesting... Exteel.
Something of a gundam mmo? It looks like its heavily based on PvP instead of quests and shit..



I dunno if this has been mentioned but I just came across it and wanted to see if anyone has any reviews or has played this game before and if its worth the download...
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A very minimalistic web browser I have started using.
It's really quick as well as minimalistic :D

Hopefully you guys will like it as much as I do. It's still got tabbed browsing and a bunch of stuff that we regularly use with firefox.


If you have used it or are using it.. please relay some comments about it.
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Well, I've finally gotten off my lazy ass and made a clan for Counter-Strike Source that is 17+.
I haven't set up the site yet, as its still in works but I finished the forums, and along with that gotten us a 20-player pub and a ventrilo server.
I'd like to welcome the gamingw community to come play cs:s with us mature/older members and have fun!
If you need an admin on just join vent and request either impact or redfox; we will take care of any problem.

http://www.radiantspark.com/rs  is our clan forums (site is still being coded).

Our ventrilo is:

and our game server is:

btw all we ask is to follow the rules in our servers.