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So I was in radio till a couple of years ago. I want to get back into voice acting, and I did some voice stuff for people here a couple of years ago. Does anyone have any leads, or know someone working on gams that need voice actors? i cant find anything professional, or otherwise, on google searches.

yeah, i havent posted in a while, life and all.
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I need to burn a disc that has a long disc name. But windows XP and Vista only support up to like 12-15 or something, and Nero is the same. Is there some other software that can extend the maximum characters for disc names without shortening it afterwards (ex. "disc file name for this disc" , "disc file name for t-") or some kind of settings I'm not seeing for Xp/Vista?
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Ok yesterday morning around 5:00 am my CPU fan started running really fast and was pretty loud. I got up, turned on the monitor and neither the taskbar nor RocketDock was responding, but my mouse was working. So I restarted and it took a good 3-4 minutes after my background appeared for the taskbar and all the processes to even start loading. I tried to connect to the internet and it got stuck on Opening port. then I opened Firefox and it never came up. I opened the Task Manager and it said they were all not responding. I went to processes and tried to closed down Firefox and rasphone, but they wouldn't close. I've never had that happen before. Usually when I go to Processes and close something it closes instantly, but they never shut down. RocketDock still worked and I clicked on CS3 a couple of times and it never opened, and I don't think it's process appeared. My computer wasn't running slow or anything like that. I restarted in safe mode, ran avg and went to school (my fan ran loud the whole time) . Came back, restarted, again it took 3-4 minutes after my background to appear for any processes to load. But everything ran fine after that. Avg found nothing from the scan. So my computer ran fine until 1:13 am this morning, when I was again woken up by by a loud CPU Fan. This time I checked my mouse and the light was off, so I clicked it and it and my keyboard and my monitor turned on, and I think my CPU Fan went back to normal, but the mouse and keyboard were frozen. So that's where I am. I didn't install anything before it started happening. Is my comp going into some weird sleep/hibernate mode?

oh and my fan is usually loud like that until Windows boots, then it quiets down. and I checked my cpu temp on all occasions and the temp was pretty normal each time.

tl;dr : nighttime loud cpu fan, proccesses wont close or start/computer lock up
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Heros season 4. Is anyone really watching this anymore? Yes. does that make me a bad person? Yes.

Ok so we all know that Season 2 and 3 were pretty bad. Maybe this season will turn it around. So far nothing that out there is going on, but there are some slippery slopes.
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Kate Moore wins National Texting Championship

Kate Moore, a 15 y/o from Des Moines Iowa has recently won the Nation Texting Championship. She can text the fastest in all the nation.

I personally wish to congratulate Kate on her amazing performance, and look forward to seeing a texting competition at the next Olympics. And hopefully she'll invest that 50k she won into something responsible like a texting training facility. Teaching other girls, and maybe even boys, some texting techniques would be great for them, and would give them all a huge boost in confidence that they can text with a champion. Texting takes a lot of skill, and a lot of creativity. It's more of an art form really.


I can just imagine her life following the path of other famous champions like René Lacoste.[/center]
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Ok, I've been putting this off for a while. But I'm a big procrastinator and I'm sick of it. I put everything off till the last minute. Every new semester of school I always get pumped up and want to get everything I can do out of the way, but I always end up slacking off. Paper due in 2 months? I'll do it the week before, I mean the weekend before, I mean the day before. The worst part is that this doesn't just apply to school. This applies to all aspects of my life. At work I put everything off till the last day (mind you I can easily put it off till the last day, but still). I even procrastinate watching movies and shows I want to watch that I have on my comp. Sometimes I get pumped up and want to actually accomplish something! And sometimes when I'm pumped up I set very achievable goals for the what I'm going to do the next day, but rarely complete them. Other times I'd wake up the next day and completely forget about how much I wanted to actually do something.

This is making me miserable and I can't seem to find a way out of this loop. I want to accomplish things and not go to bed everyday thinking about how I wasted the entire day. I wish I could find out what was making me randomly inspired/pumped up and bottle it. help?

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World of Goo is out (and has been out). Simply put, you use different balls of goo to get to the end of the level. The game that started it all was Tower of Goo. Tower of Goo was basically an experiment created years ago by Kyle Gabler. It had no goals or anything, just goo that you could build into a giant tower. He started up an indie game studio called 2D Boy and began working on World of Goo. I played Tower of Goo years ago and was following the release of World of Goo for a while. World of Goo expands upon the initial engine of Tower of Goo by adding different types of goo, many different levels, different worlds (chapters), goals, high scores and all types of quirky humour and characters.

The game is now for PC and Wiiware. I bought it for PC yesterday and am thoroughly enjoying it.

Tower of Goo Link (always been free): http://www.experimentalgameplay.com/game.php?g=17
World of Goo Website: http://2dboy.com/games.php
World of Goo Demo: http://2dboy.com/forum/index.php?topic=378.0

edit: world of goo
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Heroes Season 3 is on TV right now, go watch it. They had this recap episode before it aired. I'm watching the last episode of Season 2 so I can remember wtf is going on. It's been off TV for so long, I had completely forgotten about it and most of the story. I forgot most of the peoples names and forgot all the little intrecant story factors that are probably going to arise in this season. This episode is also 2 hours long. Maybe they merged two episodes into one?
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Happy Birthday Rowain.
Rowain is everyones favourite mod,
and now he's a year older,
Born 09/12/1986,
He is 22 years old,

though he was seeing red,
he never got mad :throw:​,
unless he was locking topics,
and he's really good with his hands :gay:​,

Let's all take the time to remember,
Lets all wish a happy birthday to our favourite member. :cake:

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I think all those topics I made about system instability and BSODs are caused by my RAM. I downloaded and ran memtest like 20 days ago and it came up with errors. So I took out one stick of ram, then booted back up and ran the test again and it came out clean (ran it overnight, 0 errors). Then a couple of days passed and I got BSODs once a day again. So I swapped the RAM with the stick I took out earlier. I ran memtest and this one came out clean. My comp ran fine for a couple of day, then I got BSODs again everyday. So I put my other stick back in and kept getting BSODs at least once a day. So last night, I got like 5 BSODs within a couple of hours. I read that when you turn off your computer, your RAM should be warm to the touch and you should be able to keep your fingers to it for like 15 seconds. I turned off my comp and touched one stick of RAM and it was hot, but I could keep my fingers on it for like 15 seconds. The other stick of RAM was scorching hot. I couldn't keep my fingers on it for more than 3 seconds. So, are there solutions to hot RAM? Could it actually be the RAM or something wrong with the RAM socket on my motherboard? 

save me goat
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I started watching this, it's pretty good so far. It doesn't have any dubbed episodes yet, but I read somewhere that Funimation is suppose to pick up the series. This will do a better job explaining what it is/about.


why is every topic in here locked? conspiracy.
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Its not an anime or a comic. ITS A NOVEL. But its based on the death note series. It's a prequel to Death Note that mainly focuses on L solving one of his earlier cases. This is pre-Kira and there are no Death Notes (to my knowledge). The story is narrated by Mello. I think the only characters from the Death Note anime/manga in the novel are L and Naomi Misora

Here's a good review and synopsis: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/death-note-another-note-the-los-angeles-bb-murder-cases/novel

And if you want to buy it, Amazon has for around 12 bucks (USD) I think.
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I haven't been on much lately cause I'm kinda bored with gw. now we got post colours and that crap. So bye, idk when I'll be back. Maybe when I start doing arts I'll post it.

Sarevok's an admin.


nessiahs a chick?

ase is an ape.

gr pip salute.


PPS: I'm not leaving cause the changes, I've just been bored with gw.

PPPS:Thanks Marcus.

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I keep having stability issues. I've update all my drivers, have Zonealarm as a firewall, and have the newest AVG. Everytime I run AVG I walk away for like 30 minutes or so, or auto-scan with it overnight, and when I check it it says 'avgscan.exe' has had a problem and had to close. I think I fixed the problem with it. But Today I was installing the orange box and went away for like an hour and came back and my computer was booting up. It said windows had recovered from a serious error, and when I sent the report. the microsoft page said that the windows error report was corrupt. What should I download, a registry cleaner, etc.? I need free stuff. When I said I update all my drivers I meant only my graphics card and motherboard. I'm a liar.

help meeeeee  :fogetcry:

ok now I ran a game I was playing earlier today and got the BSOD for a split second and my comp restarted. got the 'serious error' thing, but it didnt open up the microsoft page to tell me whats the dealio.

ok avg is running fine so far, it kept getting the error at my inform7 installer (that text-based game maker), so I deleted it and its keepin' on scanning. save me goat,use your mod powers and save me, and my computer i guess.

avg scanned the whole comp fine and came up with nothin'
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Man flash drives just keep increasing in the amount of stuff they can store. The highest I've seen for sale is a 32 gig flash drive for $99. 32 GIGS! thats like a less than decent sized hardrive.  Soon we'll see flash drives that can store in the hundreds of gigs. Will flash drives become the dominant portable storage device and make CDs/DVDs obsolete? I think in the near future we will have more and more USB compatible electronics. Maybe the future next gen gaming consoles will add USB support for flash drives, and maybe more games/programs will be sold on flash drives. I have seen programs, like TaxCut sold in stores on 1 gig flash drives for around the same price as TaxCut sold on CD. Are we moving towards a more standalone device driven market? Will CDs/DVDs go the way of betamax in the near future?

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      So I got my Sata hardrive problem worked out. And I figured out my Cpu running hotter problem (it was the program, the bios has the right temp). But yesterday, I kept getting system instability and BSODs. Like every 10 minutes or so I'd randomly get a BSOD for a split second (so I couldn't see what it was about), then comp restart. So it kept doing that and I'm freakin'. So I backup my external drive with all my important files and prepare for the worst. I ran Registerybooster 2 kind of as a last ditch effort. And had a ton of errors and repaired them all. Then my computer was working normal. I hadn't had any instability problems for hours after that.

      So I was bored and forgot that I recently installed Mass Effect (i still hadn't gotten around to installing all my old stuff since I got my Sata). I start her up and it gets to the loading screen and it's taking forever. It's never taken long before. I do Ctl+Alt+Del and I can sort of see the Task Manager. It's like it hidden by the loading screen. The game hadn't locked up or anything, the loading animation was still running. I ejected the disk hoping it'd close and pop up a disc error. Then I finally just restarted my computer.

      Computer started up and got to the Windows Logo. After 4.5 passes on the Windows loading bar thing it froze for about a second, then flashed the BSOD for a split second and restarted. I tried 'Start Windows Normally', 'Last Known Good Configuration' and even 'Safe Mode'. But it always froze at the 4.5 pass of the loading bar, flashed the BSOD, and restarted. So I got my Xp disc and decided to just repair Windows. I pop the thing in and set my cdrom to boot first. It goes through the loading files part. Then says basically 'Windows isn't installed on this system'. The partitioned drive was 305 gigs, which is the same amount it was when I first put in my Sata hardrive. So the thing got wiped somehow. Like wtf? Any ideas?

Last night in reinstalled windows and all the stuff I needed like Firefox, internet, graphic and motherboard drivers, AVG, etc. Everything's working, except I ran a scan with AVG at 7:00 this morn and I checked when I woke up and AVG had an error and had to close. I'm just confused and don't want to have to go through that crap again. Could it have been a virus of somekind? Faulty drivers? Faulty programs?
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Ok. I finally got my SATA hardrive working. I got windows installed and chipsets and drivers and all that crap. Almost back to normal, but my CPu seems to have risen in temp quite a lot. It use to be around 38-39 C idle before I reformatted and stuff. Now it idles around 51-55 C. I'm using the same monitoring program I used before that came with my motherboard. I use to could take off a side panel and blow a fan on it to get it around 30 degrees C, now when I do it that takes it to around 45 C. I don't know what could be making it run hotter. I have even touched anything near the CPU. I've only taken a hardrive out, and put a hardrive in. I checked to see if my fan was even on and it's running. The only thing I can think of is that maybe something happened to the thermal paste while my computer was off for 3-4 days (took forever reformatting/installing windows). Hmmmmmmmmmmm.m.
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I'm looking to get a SATA harddrive. My IDE one started crapping out so I reformatted it, but it's only 80 gigs. I have everything I need backed up on an external. So I was looking at newegg and came across a 500gig SATA for $79.99(USD). Good deal? Should I keep looking. I would rather just go to a store and buy one but the only computer store around here has this on their homepage:

4 Rules for a successful relationship with your computer:


#1: Your computer is a member of your family. Get over your love hate issues. Like any favorite pet, it nags for handouts. When cared for properly, it nags less.

#2: Be clear about boundaries. Let

Your computer knows whose boss. Don’t be afraid to use the Power Cord Trump

card - meaning unplug it when

It gets too sassy.

#3: Work your conflict resolution skills. Hitting, punching or throwing is not okay.

#4: When all else falls call us at _______________

Should I try Walmart or something?
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Have you guys read any psychological manga/comics lately? I'm looking for stuff with plenty of twists and turns and that makes you think. I just finished up Death Note and was looking for more, so I downloaded some of MPD Psycho and I'm gonna download Monster but surely there must be more out there.
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So I'm browsing through the local events section of the newspaper and I stumble upon an "Anime Club for Adults" screening Devil May Cry at the Library. I've never heard anything like this before, and can't think of a single person who would be a part of this. Part of me wants to go to see who else goes. Has anyone ever seen anything like this or been a part of an Anime Club? This really surprised me for my type of community.