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ok i got invited to a friday party and i saw the invite list and they were all deranged white hipster except one black girl but she doesnt count because she is a drug addled hipster. is this gross. i wanted to go to drink but ill feel gross. i imagine i can dress up white but idk whats dressing up white and guiltrip the fuck out of people
i dont know how i feel about a lot of white people  satirizing gangster shit or whatever. i dont think its their place. it just sounds hella patronizing and racist but its ironic or whatever. i sere this in facebook all the time and its kindof gross. but then maybe iam just a big hurt babby or whatever
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weres ryan. why is ruan banned. where is his corpse. who is the guilty one. wheres rtuyan
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been trying to make a thread about this for a while.

The Astrophysics ratio of male/female in grad school is 13/4, and it is worse in the pure physics grad school here. The faculty situation is even worse. Undergrad is a little better in my classes - the astro ones are probably around 6/4 for males, females, the pure physics one I would say about 12/4.

It always made me wonder why in the current order of things females are not attracted to the very mathematical sciences. Theres a lot of females in biology and the ratio is not terrible in chemistry either. However in either pure math or physics the ratio is abysmal. I doubt it has to do with our phenotypes at all, because I consider myself fairly bright on physics stuff and there are females in the classroom that surpass me. So it must be something social. It probably has to do with the whole geeky/nogeeky thing too to an extent, because stuff branded as geeky is famous for being very male centric.

People say it has to do with the styles of learning too. Some academics say females are better at verbal stuff while males are more "quantitative". I disagree vehemently, I think females are better at verbal stuff because it is what is expected from them. For example, males are encouraged to play with legos when they are kids, which develops spatial and quantitative skills, while females play with dolls, with develop social skills.

Physics male students are terrible concerning gender issues though, 'cuz most of us are emotionally broken geeks. For example there is always that thinking that hot females are dumb as rocks and the only smart ones are the ugly ones.

So what are your opinions?
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why are zoology girls so goddamn crazy. i am being serious here - nit is completely novel to me. ive never seen such a phenomenon with the vet folks i knew back at home. i always get this weird vibe out of them and i remember once in my  troll escapades visiting some pagan thing (green spiral i think) and the fat women there where all zoology people. its like zoology girls and horse girls form part of the same specie. Is it because a lot of them are farm sheltered girls who barely interact with people? Ive had friends with zoology girlfriends and all of them seem to be emotionally broken and play WoW 24/7 and watch sakura cards captor. please help me here.
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this is the academic excellence of msu. i was there right in the center of the mob. jesus every year there is a riot because of sports. we won the first of the final four in basketball and people rioted. i mean it was p. fun but it was really ridiculous and there where like 5 girls getting arrested for flashing tits because a mob of bro faggots pressured them. thats pretty bad man. i even shouted at them to not do it because they might get expelled because the pigs are quick as the bink of an eye. anyway saturday was a wonderful evening of drunken retards like me.

have other people been involved in stupid drunken riots about basically nothing or is msu the only school that those this ever. they arent really riots but theres a lot of property damage and stupid people getting arrested.
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peeps and geeks post ur frustrations in this thread and what are u currently seein at school and how this contributes to the enlargement of your anus.

i am trying to decipher this

solution to the schrodinger equation of the hydrogen atom heh its all gobbidygook to me gotta drink some beer instead

also to makes this thread interesting elaborate a little on what you are seeing. for example if you are writing a paper, tell us a bit about what the paper is about
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well i am a huge fag and i feel like talkin to internet people. put up ur skype tag and if i feel like u might be a good ghuy ill ad you,

mine is bgmarmot
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so finals............

i got a 3.5 overall in chem. thats good because i hated that class and i think i just went to the first day and test days. i failed the first test and had like a 50 in homework, so i just vomited information in the last one and got a 3.5. its not amazing, but is nice.

i got a 3 in honors physics i think. thats really bad but that class was tough and i didnt get the hang of it until after i failed the first two out of three tests. thats not gonna happen again though. now i know that college is not a little game, especiall physics. i pulled an alnighter and i felt surprisingly fine, except in the middle of the night where i got a caffeinesugar crash and realized those things are not good for alnighters. i bought some turkey ham in hope the proteins and the liters of waters would help me survive it and it did.

now in 2 hours i am gonna have astrophysics. thats easy. i have a 4 in that

friday i have calc iii and i think ill do alright in that.

so wjhat about yall
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hm, help.

I know how to get the final temperature but not the entropy change and this is due at 8 am!!!!! the asnwers are listed but dont know how to do the work for entropy.

You probably know that when two objects at different temperatures are brought into contact, heat always travels from the hotter object to the colder object; never the reverse.

Imagine that you have two copper blocks, one with a mass 300 g at a temperature of 26.9 oC, and another with a mass 268 g at a temperature of 133 oC. The two blocks are brought into contact with each other in an insulated container.

Specific heat of copper = 0.385 JK-1g-1

What is the sign of the entropy change for the heat transfer (enter positive or negative) that takes place?

Sign of entropy change = positive

What is the final temperature of the two copper blocks?

Final temperature = 77.0 oC

What is the entropy change for the heat transfer described in this question?

Entropy change = 2.50 JK-1

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Ok this problem is pissing me off because I have to get all parts of the question to get the point so I cannot know what I did wrong

fuckin help
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well i stopped listening metal like a year ago because i felt like a dumbass and i discovered other genres that i liked more. i still realy hate the metal subculture.

however i really liked empyrium's second album, which is really slow doom metal. its pretty cool because first: although i dont like the lyrics because they sound like old 19th century romantic poems, they arent about gay shit like vampires or how god sucks or teutonic knights slaying dragons, but forests, shepherds, and other bucolic stuff. second, they use wind instruments, and they do sing a good chunk of the time with a smooth voice, rather than grunts. i bet its really good to listen stoned.

there two final albums are not even metal, they are just really slow dark acoustic songs. the last one is pretty good though.

nvm, the lyrics are pretty gay.

blue mists of night

some acoustic song

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i dontr know how the fuck should i get the taylor serie at x=0 of


i am getting really pissed off heeeeeeeeeeeeelp please
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discuss. this is why i hate liberal bunny-like girls

personally i think the guy's ideas are retarded (although there is a kernel of truth) contrary to expectation i hate college liberals so kudos for him
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WASHINGTON - Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, aided by an extraordinary outpouring of Internet support Monday, hauled in more than $3.5 million in 20 hours.

Paul, the Texas congressman with a Libertarian tilt and an out-of-Iraq pitch, entered heady fundraising territory with a surge of Web-based giving tied to the commemoration of Guy Fawkes Day.

Fawkes was a British mercenary who failed in his attempt to kill King James I on Nov. 5, 1605. He also was the model for the protagonist in the movie "V for Vendetta." Paul backers motivated donors on the Internet with mashed-up clips of the film on the online video site YouTube as well as the Guy Fawkes Day refrain: "Remember, remember the 5th of November."

Paul's total deposed Mitt Romney as the single-day fundraising record holder in the Republican presidential field. When it comes to sums amassed in one day, Paul now ranks only behind Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton, who raised nearly $6.2 million on June 30, and Barack Obama.

Paul spokesman Jesse Benton said the effort began independently about two months ago at the hands of Paul's backers. He said Paul picked up on the movement, mentioning in it speeches and interviews.

"It's been kind of building up virally," Benton said.

The $3.5 million, he said, represented online contributions from more than 22,000 donors.

Paul has been lagging in the polls behind Republican front-runners. But he captured national attention at the end of September when he reported raising $5.2 million in three months, putting him fourth among Republican presidential candidates in fundraising for the quarter.

Paul as of Monday had raised $6.3 million since Oct. 1, more than half his goal of $12 million by the end of the year, according to his Web site.

Paul advocates limited government and low taxes like other Republicans, but he stands alone as the only GOP presidential candidate opposed to the Iraq war. He also has opposed Bush administration security measures that he says encroach on civil liberties.

 :fogetbackflip: lets celebrait