So I'm guessing we're all around 20 or so in these forums, many older, many younger, but maybe the average is 20. I recently graduated from UAB and am currently applying to medical school. One of the most, if not the most, feared aspects of the grueling application process is taking the MCAT exam, a test that spans 5 hours, covering Gen. Chem 1 and 2, Organic Chem 1 and 2, Physics 1 and 2, and Bio 1 and 2, all in unfamiliar passage-based format. The test also has a Verbal section and 2 times Essays, all of which tests ones CRITICAL THINKING skills.
I've studied for this test for almost 14 months, spent $3000+ in prep. material, went over 20+ books, a 4 month long live class, tons of online workshops, quizzes, and a million passages, and about 35 practice tests.... I took it, and got a 27/45, in the 60th percentile. It crushed me, and I felt like giving up. But then I had to summon up the strength to retake the test, and after 3 months of 6+ hours a day of studying, I took it, and today, I got my score back... I made a 33, in the 90th percentile.
The tests curve is weird, in that, getting a 30/45 is like getting 80% of the test correct, but it'll still throw you in the 75% percentile or something. It becomes increasingly difficult to score over 30.
Looking back, this has been my greatest accomplishment (yes, even greater than making my game! JK
), but of course getting into medical school will overthrow this feat. I can't express how relieved I am about this, the test consumes you... and it has for the past year and more (its the reason why my game's been deadlocked in development in case anyone was wondering). Whenever anyone asked me to hang out, or I wanted to do ANYTHING, I had to have a mini-conversation with myself, on whether its smart to spend time doing this, when I should be studying more. I'm finally free from its chains, and it rocks epicly.
Just so this doesn't turn into a rant, what is something you guys have done that you're most proud of? Your GREATEST accomplishment in the short life we've had so far!