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so a random cat came into my backyard and wont leave. I was inside when i heard it calling out. It was raining so I let him in. Im going to take a picture of him and post it around I guess. dont have any catfood, and google search told me he might eat chicken. This cat hasnt eaten anything I gave him (bread, boiled chicken, meat). Now hes just lying in my room. His nails (claws?) are long as hell and he basically digs into anything. Any cat owners here? What should I feed this guy for now? Its too early to go buy cat food. He better not shit or piss anywhere ugh. I've never owned a cat so dunno what to do with him. Any help would be appreciated

I split up a bunch of pet related posts from the What's On Your Mind topic for fun and profit. You're welcome.
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I share my internet with 2 other computers. One of them, is on youtube 24/7. Because of this when I play online games, my ping is always fluctuating from 80 (normal) to 150-400.  Is there anyway I can limit everyones upload/download rate so that I won't be lagging all the time? Can I do this through my router settings or do I need a program? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Hey guys, I went to the library today after years of not bothering to, and I was too confused. I didn't want to just pick a random book off of a shelf so decided to get back home. It's been a while since I've read a good book. I mostly read fictional stuff just to get out of reality orsomething, and I was wondering if any of you out there can name a few books that have led you to either different worlds, a different time or just a really amazing experience reading something.

Books I remember reading and loving  >>>
Redwall Series (lol!)
Harry Potter Series
LOTR, The Hobbit
Kite Runner

well, I'll read basically anything, but I also like sequels, trilogies etcs

Also, If you have an author or two whose works have been fascinating to you i'd like to hear your recommendations

Let the book naming begin!
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So my friend's computer's powersupply has been messed up. Okay well thats what I assumed when I opened up his computer and took a look.
He said the comp kept overheating and eventually it just shutdown on him. Also he got this program to check his comp temps and it gave him some high numbers. The fan would start spinning really fast when he was loading games, or photoshop. The fan would stop making loud noises once the game was loaded and he started to play. but then the comp would shut down on him after a bit.

When I opened up the cpu to check it out, the heatsink below the fan that was attached to his gpu was dirty as fuck. So I cleaned it. Everything else looked intact and nothing was wrong. So we booted up the program to check temps and it made a difference by 20 degrees celcius (lower than before). When he went to load up a game it didnt make noise at first so we thought t he problem was fixed, until about an hour later when the comp started making the noise again and then shutdown on him.
So I open up his power supply box and clean the dirt there. Then I notice something

That yellow glue looking stuff in that picture, its everywhere!!! but, it doesnt look like that glue thing you see in the picture. its brighter, and more yellowish/opaque.  it looks like it leaked out of the red coil part ( D in the picture) and spread everywhere. Its all over where I drew those gay arrows.

Now I'm just wondering, do you think those symptoms sound like its the power supply?

Also, his power supply said 250W for output. Can he get any W power supply? How does it work? suppose he found a cheap one that was not 250W but like 350W....would that still be okay or is it unsafe to get a power supply higher than 250W?

If you need more info to help me ill try to get it. Thanks!
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I have a 53' Panasonic hdtv. The specs>> http://www4.shopping.com/xPO-Panasonic-PT-53WX54

the tv being a bit outdated, doesn't have an hdmi port. Instead, it has a dvi port.
The port looks like this

We bought a samsung blue ray player a lil while ago which has an hdmi port so we were using component cables (blue green red) for the video. But recently my dad bought a hdmi-dvi cable off the internet and told me to hook it up. He bought a Hdmi-dvi-d cable

well... this exact one >>

So I hook it up, go through the settings on my bdplayer, turn on hdmi and so on, but nothing works; the 'digital in' screen is blank regardless. The resolution on the bdplayer was set to 1080i so I played around with it and somehow it started working on 480p. Even on 480p though, the whole screen shakes from time to time. If I change the resolution to anything higher (720p 1080i 1080p are my options) on my bdplayer, the 'digital in' screen on my tv goes blank and I have to revert to "video 1" just to see what im doing again (yellow red white).

After this all happened I started reading both electronics' manuals to figure out if I was doing anything wrong. It didn't give me a clue. So I researched a little and found out that there are different types of DVI's, such as I, D,A.

Also I found out that there are 2 different types of DVI-D's. the single link and dual links. Judging by the pins I would say that I have the single link. So I figured that was the problem, and started to look online for a HDMI-DVI-D dual link cable, and turns out it either doesn't exist or is very hard to find.

The specs for the cable I bought says "Supports the following resolutions: 720i, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 1280x1024, and beyond (WITHOUT the need of a booster)"

My tv, well on the far right corner it says 1080i , BBE. So I should at least be able to go to 720 right? I dont know what that BBE is. When I go into the setup of the tv, theres no sign of HD settings. Theres video, audio, parental lock, settings. The video is all about the picture, colour etc, even the advanced settings show nothing about hd. Settings has random crap like cc off/on etc.

I made sure too that both ends of the cable were securely placed. I've been at it trying to fix this problem for a couple of hours now  :fogetcry:

Do I have the wrong cable? Wrong DVI format? Is there some setting im missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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so uhh, I was out last night. We were taking shots. and an idiot friend of mine was spilling way more than i thought. at the time I had my phone out in my hand cus I was in the middle of a text. Surely some dripped onto my phone. I grabbed some napkins and started wiping/sponging my phone. Today I wake up and my keys are kind of sticky/harder than usual to press  :shady:​. Is there some way of cleaning out alcohol out of a phone? I'm a little scared of using water because of water damage etc. I know this sounds dumb lol but it's worrying me :/ . For reference I have a pic >>

My last option is to disassemble it but thats going to take some google tutorials or whatnot, and if theres a way without going that extra step then I would love to hear some suggestions.
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I have a vista laptop and some of my icons on my desktop have the security shield logo attached to them. I know it seems like a little problem but its really annoying seeing this icon when im trying to take away everything from the desktop except the icons themselves.

If i'm not making myself clear then:

i googled it but can't seem to find a solution. Im sure someone here has had this same problem! Thanks in advance.
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Over the past few decades, we've seemed to have advanced in many aspects of gaming. Online functionality, Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, Systems. But one thing that I feel about us going backwards on is cooperative gaming. What I mean by that is 4 people playing splitscreen on one system. I usually have about 2-3 people over randomly for gaming nights, and playing MW2 or Halo3 over and over gets kinda boring. When I had xboxlive, we would be able to play 4 player online in halo. But that got boring for everyone because they wanted to level up their characters and they called me an asshole for being the only one able to  :welp: .

So today I went into Ebgames and looked to buy splitscreen games that would either be us facing each other or going through on missions [I usually dont buy games lol but they had a sale; 3 for 50, 2 for 30, buy one get 2nd half, buy 2 get 1 free etc etc.] . So I ask the lady at the counter if there are such games for the 360 that enable 4 player coop playability. She said that game companies dont make those kinds of games anymore because it would take away from the graphics. Not believing here, I searched through a lot of 360 games. Surprisingly, a lot of them DID have coop 2-4, but ONLY online through live. wtf wtf. You'd think as gaming progressed, more features would be added rather than taken out. Hell even MW2 will not let you system link splitscreen. You can only connect ONE person through ONE xbox in a lan, which is complete bullshit.

So I searched and searched, and found only sport games and one war game (GRAW2) that had coop 4 playability on the same system [or ][/or]. The only splitscreen games I found aside from that were random war games (Op Flashpoint, Brother in Arms etc). I dont want these when I have MW2 it would defeat the whole purpose of finding new games to play.

I walked out of Ebgames empty handed and kind of disappointed in gaming. What happened to Gauntlet? Fuzion Frenzy? Hunter The Reckoning? Black Steel? Those types of games on the older generation of systems that immersed four people simultaneously on the same system. It pisses me off more than it should.

And now I ask the people of GamingW. I doubt any of you will answer back with X360 titles, but now I ask, can you recommend me 4 player coop/party games that are out there? Or even splitscreen (good) games. I am willing to switch consoles to play them. Listing Original Xbox games is an asset but not necessarily the only thing. Also your opinion on this matter could be posted for further reading. Thank you. 

Games I already own/play/played
Gauntlet Legends
Hunter The Reckoning
Black Steel
Mario Party Series
Turok Series
Golden Eye
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark (the x360 one sucked balls split screen)
Smash Tv
Vigilante 8
Halo Series
Unreal Tournament/Championship
Power Stone Series
Cell Damage

Also minirant; left 4 dead, only 2 players offline. why the fuck would you call a game left 4 dead and have 4 playable characters and not have 4 fucking splitscreens. this game pissed me off a lot. Wasnt even that great online either.
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Oh man I'm so screwed. It is sort of my fault, okay well not sort of but more like all my fault. Last night I was trying to get Window Blinds pirated onto my computer. Well the instruction said that I would need to get NewSID v4.10 (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897418.aspx) and change my id to the one provided in the crack for Window Blinds. Well I do that, but it gets stuck on the processing screen for 3 hours. Meanwhile my laptop isn't making any kind of noise to indicate that its being used. So I got pissed at waiting so Ctrl+Alt+Deleted it and deleted NewSID. After that I gave up because it wasn't working and continued on to my daily activities (porn, gw etc). At the end of the night I turned off my computer and went to sleep. Now I wake up and turn it on and the first thing I notice is the login screen. Not only does it have the regular login screen,  but it has something called "switch user". Curiously I click on it and the other User is literally named "Other User". So I click on it and a blank username and password screen comes. Okay whatever fuck that so I go back, and login to my user. Right off the bat it says "Preparing Desktop". wtf. I wait 2 mins then EVERYTHING is resetted. My vista skin is changed to the original, the vista dock is up (even though I disabled it) and basically every tray icon that would appear if I hadn't disabled it from msconfig pops up.

Okay cool, so it reset my settings. Then, I go into my files, and they aren't there!!!! Fuckkk mee. I had so many things that were important (most importantly all my flstudio projects). Panicking, I start browsing through my hardrive. It STILL says 12.8 gb remaining out of 134 gb, so that means my files must be still there right? I goto "My Documents" and it only has one folder "Blue Tooth Exchange". I go to the "downloads" folder (the mother load of treasure on my laptop) and its EMPTY!!!! OMG. I opened up FireFox and it says "do you want to import settings from internet explorer".

I opened up jdiskreport to check out where my files would be and it doesn't help, it gives me a different comparison of myfiles and file sizes then I would imagine.

Is there any way for me to revert back to my original settings where I can see my 1000+ files? I learned my lesson I won't try to pirate Window Blinds again  :fogetcry:​. Any help would be extremely appreciated! Thanks in advance.
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Quote from: wiki
Fairy Tail (フェアリーテイル, Fearī Teiru?) is a Japanese manga series by Hiro Mashima. It has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine since August 23, 2006 where it is still on-going. The individual chapters are being collected and published in tankōbon volumes by Kodansha, with 16 released as of August 2009. An anime produced by A-1 Pictures and Satelight was released in Japan on October 12, 2009.[1] The series follows the adventures of the sorceress Lucy Heartfilia after she joins the Fairy Tail Guild and partners with Natsu Dragneel, who is searching for the dragon Igneel.

The series was licensed for an English language release in North America by Del Rey Manga, which began releasing the individual volumes on March 25, 2008.

Well I've been reading the manga for quite some time now. Its on Chapter 155 now. Does Anyone else read it?

The reason for this topic, well. On October 12 the Anime was released. Episode One is subbed by now for sure.

The manga has so much potential. It has a very One Piece-esque feel to it. Theres comedy, action, ridiculous super powers, and a lot of pervyness.
I just finished watching the first episode. This is my first time reading a manga piece which was turned into anime right before my eyes. It feels weird cus I have mixed feelings over the anime. Well first, they really really fucked up the voice overs. Natsu sounds like some old guy. Second, they added random bullshit that wasnt supposed to be there (for example, a dragon appearing while Natsu does his move). Usually I love watching new anime, but after manga, the anime really doesnt do justice to the story and what you envision in your head.

Ah well. Has anyone else read the manga / seen the first episode?

EDIT Oh yeah and pics::>>>

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Ive read tutorials to fix the problem, but no matter what, I can't seem to run rpg xp on vista. It just says rpgmakexp stopped working, check online for solution blah blah then just closes. I even changed up compatibility as well as permission issues. also something random called data execution prevention.
nothing works  :mad: . I hate rpg maker vx cus of the tileset problem (can only have like 5 tilesets wtf) and 2003 is ...meh. ive tried regular rpgxp + postality knights edition and both give me the same shit. has anyone found a proper solution to this problem yet ? :hmm:
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i recently bought a new laptop from dell. Well my brother decided to fuck it up by downloading a microsoft points generator which was obviously a trojan or something. Now after booting up the comp it shows me the blue screen of death. It has also disabled my usb ports as well ethernet adapter. Safemode works and doesnt give me the blue screen of death. But even withsafemode networking prompt my ethsrnet adapted is disabled (i tried reinstalling). I went to msconfig and disabled the pointsgenerator.exe and still blue screen. Went to registry tolacate it but it wasnt there. Sorry for vocab and typos im doing this thru an ipod. Can anyone help :(
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hey guys. This is my first time actually being stuck in this game. I'm at the end of disc 2. The boss fight against Silent Ku, Turbulent Mai, Heatwave Sai and Ragin Kesu . This is like an impossible fight for me. my peeps are lvl'd 35-39. I was reading a few walkthroughs and they all recommended to be lvl 42+. As soon as the battle begins all those fuckers get to attack first, and they paralyze at least one of my chars. I can't even go level up my characters before the battle cus there's a timer before Klukes necklace blows her to bits so I can't be lagging behind. Any suggestions?  :blarg: :blarg: :blarg:
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hey guys I have a really slow laptop. its an acer aspire 3500
the battery died a while back and it can only run while plugged in to an outlet
it has a celeron m processor 1.4 ghz and the gfx chip is a SIS M661MX. its very bad.
I only have 256 mb of ram, but it says i have 224.
its loads fast whenever I need to open up an application or so
BUT my biggest pet peeve is the fact that I cannot run games on it. even old games.
When I run a game the ingame videos always lag. it stutters and stutters and stutters. But if I use a media player to play a movie or a video, it runs perfectly. why is that?
Also ingame play lags too. but its not network lag. its where the whole game halts for 1-2 seconds then continues then repeats the halt process.
I have noticed that when I close useless programs (like utility trays, msn etc) prior to running a game I get better performance. it lags less, BUT IT STILL LAGS. Even games like Half Life and planescape. The only thing that runs perfect is the snes emulator.

As I lack funds to either upgrade or get a new laptop, what do you guys suggest I do (if anything)?
Also can you tell me from the picture below whether I can close certain programs? I dont know what they do except for the svchost.exes . oh and ignore firefox.exe i know I have to close it (and tskmgr.exe and daemon.exe)

Why does system Idle process take 99 CPU power. WHY? its always 99 or sometimes 98

even my old pentium III 700 mhz 256mbram desktop computer could run half life flawlessly, not to mention ingame videos.
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Im going crazy trying to sync stuff to my Mp3 player. the stupid thing about WMP is that even though it lets you create a "Sync List" which will be synced to the mp3 player it STILL syncs EVERYTHING EVER in my library. Ive looked for an option/ setting to try and disable it but WMP just does that. So does anybody know how I could fix this? also I wanted to know whether WinAmp and Foobar have sync capabilities so I could just use that. windows media player is a good player but the syncing sucks balls. Plus a lot of the album art doesnt even transfer (this is not a major problem but it still looks pretty  :fogetshifty:​)
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Its shocking there isn't a topic on this movie (well i only checked the first 2 pages to be honest). But yeah I went and watched it today. Surprisingly it was REALLY good imo. I loved it from the beginning to the end. It did have its stupid moments such as

The movie didn't really feel much like a sequel per say, more like a different adventure with the same setting and characters. It did however

I didn't really like the antagonist in this movie. Don't get me wrong, Ed Harris (Enemy at the gates, The Rock, truman show, A beautiful mind, Apollo 13 etc) is a great actor and he is an awesome villian, but the character in this movie he played didn't appeal to me much. It was kinda sad

What I didn't like a lot was the fact that they were able to infiltrate all these high security places so easily. I mean when there was like....no security whatsoever. its as if there were no cameras in the building.

All in all, I liked this movie. It was fast paced and didn't get boring much.

ALSO This was filled with satire and i loved it  :laugh:

so has anyone else seen it? howd you like it?