I recently bought a set of parts in hopes of building a new PC. I have everything connected properly, except I can't figure out how to connect my front panel of my case (2 usb ports, speaker, mic, and firewire ports) to my motherboard.
I was under the impression that they plugged in here:

but I can't figure out how.
Here is the mobo, just for reference:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128376The case (
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119068) has the following front panel cables:
NOTE: When I mention two colors, it means that there are two wires sort of wrapped around each other, both going to the same plug
- A green/white cable that splits into 2 single pin connectors. The green goes to the pin with a + and the white goes to the pin with a -.
- An orange/white cable that says HDD light on it. (2 pin)
- A gray cable that says Reset SW on it. (2 pin)
- A blue/white cable that says Power Sw on it. (2 pin)
- A black cable, but at the end it has wires and it has a yellow 9 pin connector that says HD audio. This also has another 9 pin connector branching off of it that says AC 97.
- A yellow/black cable that says Speaker on it.
I know what all of these cables are meant to do (except the AC 97 one), I'm not stupid. I just have no idea where on the motherboard to put them.
Also, there is a USB cable, but I know where that goes :P.
I really hope that these are compatible with my motherboard.
Can anyone help, hopefully with a picture ;D?
Thank you very much.