hi there pals.
this is a little thing i wanted to do here. i know that there are a lot of creative and talented members here at salt world, and i wanted to try and get those creative juices flowing a little bit.
the idea is, each week i'll choose a word, and that word will be the subject for the week. how you interpret that is completely up to you, and what i'd like is for people to contribute pieces of creative writing based on that subject. this can be a short story, a poem, whatever you want. i'm asking that each piece of writing is no more than say, 1,000 words, but this isn't strict, it's just a guideline. of course, you can go under that too.
this is based on what a pal of mine started which i think i linked to before:
http://www.wifws.co.uk/ combined with a short lived project of mine that i want to revive some day:
http://iftherearewords.tumblr.com/ which i might revive some day.
if you want to contribute a piece of music or some original art based on the subject, a photograph or even a short film or animation, that's fine!
oh, and if you want to contribute more than once, that's fine too.
THE SUBJECT THIS WEEK: SMALLyou can either post your work in this thread, PM it to me, or send it to my email address at
[email protected]note that it is encouraged to post your stuff in this thread anyway so people can see it!
i think that this could work really well, and i hope you do too. you have until
Monday, 24th January to submit your stuff, and then i'll pick a new subject. if you have any ideas for a word to be used as a subject, don't hesitate to suggest it!
CONTRIBUTIONS:a poem by aerthe sad swordsman - dr. earssmall - faustsmall talk - bigglesfeel free to discuss ideas and whatnot below too!