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thing made for twine game jam

started out ok, but it ended up pretty poorly. too contrived and sloppy.

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[topicinfo topic=12182]Move target[/topic]
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basically i'm looking for some help in organisation, layout and just general tips. i'm making an rm2k game and need help with basically laying things out on a chipset and also how to fit things nicely so it can be a usable chipset. any help and even resources/tutorials would be greatly appreciated!
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spotify is a free music streaming service with millions of tracks available for streaming. you can combine the tracks on your computer with those available on spotify to make some sort of sentient musical being. or use it to play all of *NSYNC's albums (including the christmas one). there's also a social aspect too so you can send songs to other users and create collaborative playlists and so on. it's pretty cool.

countries spotify is available in: Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, the US, France, Spain and the Netherlands.
here's the link to my profile (you need to activate spotify social to see this):

if you want to get your profile link, click your name in the top right corner, click "profile" and then right-click your name and "Copy HTTP link"

i've also got some invites if anyone wants some.
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hey, i'm looking for cool articles/blogs on games. be it game uh PHILOSOPHY, game design/narrative, just cool ideas in games, anything similar to like spacechat and that, you know, interesting look at games. i'd like anything like this please!
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because i'm late with this. subject is LATE. you have until next tuesday, and i'll post the next artistry on MONDAY, to get back on track. if that makes sense. go!
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sorry for the late post.
thats the one with sand not whipped cream
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alright, i'm back and ready to go. i'll be able to put more effort in this week. lets see those work's!
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hi folks! i will be busy next week, and probably won't have internet access, and i also want to try something out, so i am making this weeks subject open for TWO WEEKS. if this works better than a weekly thing then i might consider a format change, but we'll see. anyway:
as always i'll leave the previous subject open for any late submissions (and as always, a high quality of work throughout), so have fun and i'll get to work on the PDF files!
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fight the cliché


great contributions as always. i've started making the PDFs, you can find them in the master topic. let's see some more work!
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sorry for a difficult topic last week, hopefully this one might be a bit better! still, some great contributions.
lets see them works!
(thanks to jamie for the subject this week)
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in keeping with the current protests going on in egypt, and the student protests going on across the world, i thought the topic this week could reflect that a little bit.
post your work, i've been seriously impressed with the contributions so far, keep up the great work.
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hi pals. send in your creative writing, artwork, music, videos, photography, whatever you like. this week the subject will be:
be sure to post them in this topic! but if you like, you can send them to me by PM and at [email protected]

i'll produce a PDF for the week afterwards as well. there were some great contributions last week, especially since it was only the first week, so i am pretty excited about this! you have until Monday, 31st January, so happy writings, and keep it up!
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i'll update this as the weeks go on, with links to threads and PDF files and whatnot.
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hi there pals.

this is a little thing i wanted to do here. i know that there are a lot of creative and talented members here at salt world, and i wanted to try and get those creative juices flowing a little bit.

the idea is, each week i'll choose a word, and that word will be the subject for the week. how you interpret that is completely up to you, and what i'd like is for people to contribute pieces of creative writing based on that subject. this can be a short story, a poem, whatever you want. i'm asking that each piece of writing is no more than say, 1,000 words, but this isn't strict, it's just a guideline. of course, you can go under that too.
this is based on what a pal of mine started which i think i linked to before: http://www.wifws.co.uk/ combined with a short lived project of mine that i want to revive some day: http://iftherearewords.tumblr.com/ which i might revive some day.

if you want to contribute a piece of music or some original art based on the subject, a photograph or even a short film or animation, that's fine!

oh, and if you want to contribute more than once, that's fine too.
you can either post your work in this thread, PM it to me, or send it to my email address at [email protected]
note that it is encouraged to post your stuff in this thread anyway so people can see it!

i think that this could work really well, and i hope you do too. you have until Monday, 24th January to submit your stuff, and then i'll pick a new subject. if you have any ideas for a word to be used as a subject, don't hesitate to suggest it!
a poem by aer
the sad swordsman - dr. ears
small - faust
small talk - biggles

feel free to discuss ideas and whatnot below too!
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hey gang!

art is something i've never been good at. but i would very much like to be! and i know i am not alone in thinking this way. so i was wondering if you guys could help. i know there are some flipping great artists here on salt world, and even though the internet is littered with tutorials and whatnot, i think it would be cool if you guys could share your own words of wisdom and personal approach to art!

if you guys have any tips, links to good tutorials, anything like that, that would be really cool.
i'm talking about all of it. basic drawings skills and techniques, colour and composition, that sort of thing, and even creating high quality graphics for games. any info about like rendering and retaining image quality would be fantastic too.
and this isn't limited to pixel art either! although pixel art tips would be obviously fantastic, if you have anything regarding, say, creating cool landscapes in photoshop or something, that is cool too!

i realise this is a very BROAD spectrum of things, so if you would like some focus i guess what i personally am interested in most is colour, and use of colour, as i am very bad at identifying what colours to use and how to use them. i know a lot of people tend to say uh JUST LOOK AT EXAMPLES so if you have any good examples, post them here too!
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hi all! i was just checking in to see if we had any conquer club players lying around here, and also a bid to try and get some new ones!
conquer club is essentially a browser version of the classic board game risk. there are a ton of maps available to play on, the game is free to play and doesn't require you to be up all night to play!
if you don't know, risk is a warfare strategy game in which players must try and take over the world, depending on the roll of the dice. it's a really fun game and this iteration of it is very enjoyable!
http://www.conquerclub.com - here's the link, any takers?
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so basically i'm working on a game at the moment in which you must commute around towns using public transport. you start each, uh, "mission" with a certain amount of money, and have to meet objectives along the way.

also, the maps look very much like the london underground map: http://mappery.com/maps/London-Underground-Tube-Map-2.gif

but obviously on a much smaller scale. also, while you're sat on the train, you can have RANDOM ENCOUNTERS (like a grandma talking to you, or bumping into a drunk) and certain EVENTS can happen (train is delayed, someone jumping in front of train etc) and sometimes these will be part of your objectives (you have to do certain things in order to ensure the encounter happens, and this would be part of the "mission").

i'm working out some cool missions at the moment, with the ones so far being pretty menial (GO TO WORK, BUY PRESENT FOR FRIEND etc) so if you have any ideas for missions or anything to say at all please feel free. i'm making this in game maker at the moment but this is a pretty cool idea for iphone/ipad so maybe i'll have a go developing it for those platforms sometime in the future. when i get some skills. 
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hi there everyone. i'm going to make a game. and it's going to be based on dream experience.

now, this obviously opens up a whole world of WACKY and SURREAL adventures, but i want it to be much more then that. i want to fully explore the human psyche, and portray a full personality and character through THEMES and IDEAS i guess. it's all very much pipe dreams at the minute and i haven't worked out fully what i want to do with this, but i definitely want to do this. the psychology and whatnot behind dreams intrigues me to no end.

so here's where you come in. tell me about some of the strange things from your dreams. send me reads/vids/artwork that you think would suit anything i've said so far (lets try and keep salvador dali out of it though eh). yes i am going to watch the science of sleep as RESEARCH (i've never actually seen it). anything you can throw out there would be entirely great and helpful! i know i am being very vague at the minute but i will clamp down on that when i work out what i fully want to do.
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okay, so the idea is is that you make a team consisting of players from the world cup, and depending on their performance each match, are ranked and then your team gets points. and whoever gets the most points wins! it's a lot of fun, doesn't take that long at all, and is great to play along with the actual world cup.

once you've made your team, register to the GW WORLD CUP league (click "private league" and then enter the pin 56471 and then join. simple!) and then the fun begins.

me and dada have already made ours! here's my team: http://worldfantasyfootball.skysports.com/Team.aspx?p=323645

edit by dada: renamed topic since it's a general WC2010 discussion topic now too.