• The Dude With The Gun Glasses
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I was looking up the new Two-Face teaser trailer when I discovered just how much work this Viral Marketing Campaign has to it's name, for those who don't know, what that is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viral_marketing. In short, it uses commonly used mediums or in other words the internet to advertise for a movie, product or similar.

Heres a bunch of sites I've found -

http://www.thegothamtimes.com/ - Looks to be a newspaper of some sort, so far two issues and I've read some things on it and then I found the following sites from those little articles.

http://www.citizensforbatman.org/ - Vote Yes! on proposition D!. This even has it's own forum with posts from "Gotham Citizens".

http://www.wearetheanswer.org/ - Looks like more about the Dent Campaign.

http://maidenavenuereport.com/- Website mentioned on the Gotham times in an article.

http://www.gothampolice.com/ - Obviously the Police department website.

http://gothamnationalbank.com/ - Bank website, I'm guessing Joker robs this in the film.

http://www.danaworthington.com/ - Another candidate for the DA, it seems.

http://www.rent-a-clown.com- Disturbing.

http://www.rememberinggina.org/ - A site about the article concerning a murder of a 16-year old girl, from the gotham times.

http://thehahahatimes.com/ - Gotham Times, Jokerized.

"Real-Life" Version of the Gotham Times.

An example of the "Rent-A-Clown", seems people are expecting calls from "The Joker." This is getting crazy.

There is likley many, many more around. Post any here, man, this movie better be good!
  • The Dude With The Gun Glasses
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In case your filthy eyes haven't looked over to the soft, edged sexiness of my name. It's Acid.

I was active a while ago..but then I had to fight off a horde of zombies guy things after causing the apocalypse (yet again). So, now that thats all done with and my new movie is out, I'm gonna post here more often.

Anyone who liked my labyrinth game post here and I'll cyber you all up another in a few weeks. Oh and people who remembered my concepts of fanboy gayness such as - Ninja Academy, The Crow, Pirate game thingy and to a lesser extent The Creepy Creations of Boy George then expect their return and eventual completion over the summer ((Winter to you yanks)).

Any questions students? I can be a baad teacher.  :gwa:
  • The Dude With The Gun Glasses
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I'm Not There is a biographical film reflecting the life of musician Bob Dylan. It depicts the iconic singer-songwriter through seven distinct stages of his life by using six different actors (Marcus Carl Franklin, Ben Whishaw, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Richard Gere, and Cate Blanchett).[1] It was co-written and directed by Todd Haynes and also features David Cross, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams, and Richie Havens.

The film has received much press for telling its story using non-traditional techniques, similar to the poetic narrative style of Dylan's songwriting. "The film is going to be inspired by Dylan's music and his ability to re-create and re-imagine himself time and time again," according to key producer, Christine Vachon. It was rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America for language, some sexuality and drug use.

I'm just gonna have to say this has all my favourite actors, mainly Ledger and Bale and...wow..Blanchett as a guy. It was bound to happen.   :fogetmmh:

So this was set as limited release in the states, set to be released in Australia on boxing day and well, as a Dylan fan, what do you yanks who've seen it think about this movie as a whole? I'm quite interested in some comments on this one.
  • The Dude With The Gun Glasses
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For all you Star Wars fans out there, heres a free, non-graphically intensive online multiplayer game just for you!


Taken from the "About"Page:

The Star Wars Combine is a game set in the Star Wars Universe. The game has been online since 1998 and although it is technically a browser game, it sees itself rather as an MMORPG. It is programmed and run entirely by volunteers, so playing is free. There are no monthly charges and no premium features that are restricted to players who register a paid account.

The game is player driven, all roles - from the emperor or commander of the Rebel Alliance to the fighter pilots - are open for player characters. Combat is not implemented yet, but the player driven economy offers many options to mine, trade or build cities, facilities and stations.

Any new player can create their individual character selecting from various skills and more than 50 different races from Star Wars (Wookies, Twi'leks etc). They can then join an existing group - from the infamous Empire to less famous smaller production, trading or even pirate groups - and later found their own company.

There are more than 5,000 planets that can be explored and colonised. Player characters can own their own ships, vehicles, buildings, cities or even companies. Also player groups ("factions") can be owners of anything, setting the Star Wars Combine apart from alliances and guilds in many other similar games.

The Star Wars Combine offers many roles to choose from and thus allows the player to not only live their own dream of being whatever they wants in the Star Wars universe, but also to adapt the game to their favoured style of play, playing the game as more of an adventure, a strategy game, a business sim, or just enjoying the lively community of like minded gamers and Star Wars fans.

Despite the current lack of combat the Star Wars Combine offers a complexity and variety rather unusual for free browser games. If you like Star Wars, you should really give it a go.

entirely player driven. hell, even the dark lord of the sith is a player.

I've been at this for about a year and a half now guys, the games aiming for COMBAT within 2008, it now accepts FREE EMAIL addresses so many of you who had trouble signing up shouldn't anymore. IF your all into RPG and want an interactive way of rping thats NOT a forum but an actual pretty snazy web game then join up!

Oh and join the New Anzat Order :)
  • The Dude With The Gun Glasses
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Ok so I got this new motherboard and I install it and everything but a couple of things are wrong when I went to boot it. -

There are no beeps, the monitor light is amber/orange, the fan works, the screen is black.

any ideaS?