I remember back in 2004 when rpg2knet disappeared from my sights I had no place to go...and thus looked for another home during those years, and I found it in gamingworld. At the time it was at the peak of it's presance! The site was clean, simple and informated full of articles, games & resources. The staff were friendly...and thus peace went forth throughout the many years. Although I wasn't practically a member around here till around 2007, I still enjoyed being here and chatting with everyone here. But something in the last couple of weeks has changed my outlook on this once famous place.
The site, no Gaming World, that I knew has been dead for many years, and turning a blindeye to all this...I was to blind to see the changes and just accpet this place for what it was. But...now I see the light, and it's clear to me...it's time to leave this place and move on.
I used to think change was something that was hard and seemed unnatural to me. But I look at last year and see the improvements in making changes could do. I changed my style in game making and look where I am now! I'm almost done a project, after many years of hardship and headaches. I also left a old board that if it wasn't for them, I would never know what rm2k3 was. It was tough...but in the end it just had to be done. I was tired of that place, and tired of failure.
What has really helped me through these tough times is the love between one and another on this forum, and the strength inside my ownself. Knowing that if you just push through...you will achieve something better.
But...today I just reached my very limit with this place. And after much thinking and thought...I've decided after a long 5 years staying here on GW. To move on and become a member with rival RMN. It was a hard choice, as I cannot stay on two forums at a time. So it had to be one or another. And I think I made the best choice.
Here are my reasons:
1.) The Staff Members Although not everyone here I can blame, there are some who I do. Some of the people here are just terrible, they are just downright mean and seems like they have nothing better to do but attack people for sometimes no reason at all! The mods are even WORSE! You make one mistake and they are buzzing on you like flies on butter! And what worse is that if you managed to get banned, you have to wait like a week, month or 3 months to come back! Over stupid matters sometimes! It's just terrible, the mods have really destoryed this once fine place. Like I said...some people are okay with me, but this is just getting too radicious! Whatever happened to having fun and silly!?
2.) The Site Layout Now don't get me wrong, I do like the new layout! But I feel it's just a quick overhall of the blog page we had a couple of months ago, it's almost like that combined with Bart's gamecake.net! I look at RMN and the way they setup things are just great! It's so easy and clean! And their forum is also down to just a couple of simple threads, whereas we have like...double the size. Just clumsy and messy. And!!! To make the games list you need to have a near PERFECT GAME!!! I like sometimes playing something on RMN that isn't perfect! Why do we have like only 12 games on there!?
3.) The Bannings! I have been banned more times then I can count! Some of them looking back are for good reasons, but lately...they just seem just...retarded. You guys have basically ruined me posting in most of the topics by slapping on warning and say: DON'T POST IN THE SCREENSHOT TOPIC AGAIN!!! DON'T USE THAT FONT!!! BLAH BLAH BLAH! It's utterly nonsense. While RMN may have a pocliecy on what you can do or post. They have NEVER banned me or warned me for anything! And I post the same level I do here then I do there.
4.) No Creativity RMN has a lot of things going on that I look here and go like...huh!? Podcasts, Special Events, Game Discussions! The party is where it's at! Here? Well...if you do try and think outside the bloomin box they will just lock your topic or ban you. I've done plently of fun things that would of been accepted at RMN such as the Indie Cup.
5.) Too Much Bashing It just seems like I'm getting bashed, stepped on, rediculed. More here then anybody else. I'm just so tired of it!
I think a lot of things esclated today that made me make this post. The canucks losing 7 games in a row, the weight gain curse, still trying to finish Monopolo, bashing, more bashing. Just a lot of things...I look at RMN as a good escape and something that I think is for the best. There, they wanna talk making games! They wanna have fun! They just wanna play games and be what the old GW of 04 used to be about! Here. I just see a shambled site where only the nerd and angry hang out. Just not cool.
But S4D!? What about Monopolo!? Are you still going to make a thread here? Why can't you hang out on both forums?
I really only wanna make one thread and keep it on one site. If I still was on GW I would only really release it for GW and nobody else. It just...that I like keeping things in singles. No I won't post a thread here, only on my new home RMN now. Your welcome to swing by and play it when it's released. And no I can't hang out on both forums, it's one or the other. It's just too much work for me to hang out on mutliple places. I like to keep things small and simple.
Besides, GW will have Barkley, RMN will have Monopolo! It's a perfect match!
My final comments are to thank everyone here that made the last 5 years so great! This site was pretty much my safe haven from the earlier years and defined me on who I am today. I'm proud to be among such interesting people thoughout the many years here at GW. But now...it's time to move on, like I have with my own games...it's time for a fresh start! A new chapter in life! I bid you goodbye ladies and gentlemen! I will hopefully see some of you on RMN with me, but for the rest...keep on gaming!
I'm going to miss you GZ, Pip, S-Luv! You guys were the best!
~ S4D
Turning in his GW badge after 5 years of service