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Hey everyone. I know a lot of you are from the U.S. Anyone here from Kentucky, or been there before? Just trying to get the skinny on the place. What's it all about, etc? I'm from England y'see, and until a few days ago couldn't even place the state on a map, so I'm interested in finding out more. And is it true they have their own brand of fried chicken and bourbon?

Cheers fellas.
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Evening everyone!

I recently returned home to England after spending 5 months travelling around South America with my pal Steve. We flew to Quito, Ecuador in July, spent 5 days in the Amazon rainforest, then began slowly moving south through the continent, spending time in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, before reaching the southern-most city in the world at Argentina's tip, just 500 miles from Antartica. From then on, it was north all the way up Argentina's Atlantic coast to Buenos Aires, where we stayed with Shepperd's family, before moving into Uruguay, Paraguay, and finally Brasil, flying home from Rio de Janeiro just before Christmas. We travelled almost exclusively by bus (the exceptions to this were 2 time-saving plane journeys and 4 days we spent on a cargo ship navigating the fjords of southern Chile).

We did an awful lot of stuff on this trip and there are a load of stories to tell. We met a lot of great (and not-so-great) people, visited some incredible places, walked for days, climbed mountains, slid down a volcano on our ass, too much stuff to list... I thought I'd share this stuff with you, but really to just go "here's 5 months of stuff!!" isn't so digestible, and afterall, I don't know if you guys are interested at all. So basically, here are a few photos (from the thousands I've still got to go through and organise) and if you want to know more about my trip I'd love to tell you all about it in detail (as you can guess it's like my favourite thing to talk about), or post more pictures or videos, whatever!

So there are a few photos I quite like. I haven't gone through my photos of Ecuador and the Amazon yet, nor the majority of anything after Argentina. There are no photos of Rio either, because I got mugged by a couple of motherfuckers with knives. Anyway... :)

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hey friends, i'm going backpacking tomorrow. i don't post much anymore, but I still love to read GW most days, so i figured i'd say bye and hope you all have a good rest of the year.

All the best! See ya in december!

love from me
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 :woop: Presenting a new mini series: GUYS WITHOUT GIRLFRIENDS

dont tell my friends i actually uploaded this shit to the internet

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So this is what happens when you make a film up as you go along, improvising lines and putting little thought into such cinematic staples as acting, story, character, cinematography, effort, or sexiness. Ladies and gentleman I present to you Uncertain Destruction (the spiritual successor to last years' A Change of Scenery). It's not big or clever or even very good. If inane rambling bollocks is not your thing, persevere and there's a fun chase and fight scene towards the end. 

um...enjoy? :shrug:
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francis made me post this i made it it's no good really
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Hi fellas. I was wondering if someone smarter than I could shed some light on this weird problem I've encountered.

Basically, a bunch of files have just been disappearing from my computer. I first noticed it last night when I was looking for a word document and couldn't find it. I was certain I'd saved it in a sub-folder in My Documents, but the sub-folder seemed to be missing too. A search proved unfruitful. This morning, I noticed another sub-folder, this one containing music files, was missing. Then, in My Pictures, I noticed a folder containing about 3 or 4 years worth of photos was gone too. So I started to get a bit panicky. I ran a virus check twice and nothing came up. I googled "disappearing files" and stuff, nothing of any help came up. So I downloaded a program called Free Undelete, and upon scanning my C Drive, found a whole bunch of files that had been removed. Some of them, I had deleted myself ages ago. Others I had not noticed were gone, but definitely had not deleted them. Upon searching round a bit more, I found loads and loads of folders with names like "$$folder_7909" containing all my photos and the word documents I'd originally been looking for, plus my entire folder of university work and other shit I hadn't realised was gone. So I've recovered all that, though not all of it works now.

Basically, what the fuck? Like I said I ran 2 virus checks that came up with nothing. All the files were deleted on 01.01.1601 at 1:00...which is odd. I did remove a few programs yesterday, but only some ones that I'd never ever really used, nothing major. That's all I can think of.

Anyone know why my files have been disappearing or how I can remedy this? Cause it sucks a bit. :(


(ps. i'm thick at computers i think you'll find)
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This requires an explanation. As a child I used to make films. Lots of films. From the age of 6 onwards, I'd steal my dad's video camera and get the neighbourhood kids together and order them about and, for some reason, they went along with this. I must have made about 30 little films around this time with my friends and my friends' friends. When I was 11 or 12 they stopped listening to me and went away and played football or something. So I figured out stop motion animation and did that in my room by myself until I was 14 and realised it was easier to channel any creativity through playing guitar and shouting.


about a month ago, I randomly bought a bunch of plastercine and my housemate Steve and I set about making an epic (sort of) stop motion film about aliens. This is not that film. Of course I first had to re-cut my teeth on the deal, so we threw something else together. It's not great, and certainly rougher than it should be in places (the beginning, the dolly round the can), but people who have seen it seem to quite like it, so I figured I'd share it. Hooray!


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Alright, motherfuckers. This is in general because who cares, really? I've seen plenty of other folks post their shit here, so here's my shit, and besides, I'd like to think enough people around these parts are at least a little familiar with my stuff so I reckon it's warranted. This topic is about my third full length record of songs that I have written by myself. It is called Faces and is by Untitled Head. The majority of the record was recorded by Adam Houghton, who lends his voice to one song and his guitar playing skills to 2 others. The rest of the record was recorded and performed by myself.

Faces by Untitled Head

Original photograph by Francis Guini

1. Camera
2. Half My Life
3. Safe
4. North
5. Will It Snow?
6. Settle Down
7. Chocolate Milk
8. Ice Cream
9. Other People's Friends

Download link: http://download.yousendit.com/AB7B514F3FB3F097

Your Pussy's Glued to a Building on Fire

"We're gonna live like kings! Damn hell assed kings!"