It's an MMORPG based on the Warhammer Universe, made by Mythic Entertainment, the creators of one of the greatest PvP games of all time: Dark Age of Camelot.
Not so fast! Beyond having the word "War" in their name, and having similar controls, the two are far apart!
Alright, this list is pretty damn long, I'm not gonna lie.
It's War is the pretty obvious thing. Unlike WoW which right now seems to be World of Disagreement-and-play-in-weird-instanced-things-with-poor-lore-reasons-and-mutually-fight-in-arenasCraft, there's an actual WAR between Order and Destruction going on here. The instant you load up the game, you're going to see burning houses, monsters killing allied NPCs, wounded soldiers, cannons going off in the distance destroying crap. It's war!
No mana bars. This is the most obvious thing you'll notice in-game first off. Instead you have
Action Points, and everyone has 250 of them. They work like a Rogue's energy bar, but recharge faster and has more room for abilities. That being said
both AP and HP recharge faster than the fastest food & drink items in WoW right now out of combat. No down times!
Customizable UI. However, the devs have locked out certain functionality. There is also no enemy cast bars. They locked out functionality because they don't want one mod to be so good EVERYONE must have it to do well, and they removed enemy cast bars because they want people to learn the animations.
Crafting is in btw, you have Apothecary (Alchemy) and Talisman Making (Jewelcrafting). To get stuff you use like 4-5 collection tradeskills.
Most of these work on players too.2 types of levels! Ranks (Levels, max is 40) is gotten through XP, and Renown Ranks (RR, max is 80) is gained through PvP.
Lack of real grind. What makes the game rule, you can do anything. You can get to Level 40 through PvE, or
straight PvP. You don't have to do any PvE if you don't want to! People who do both will have a lot less grind, due to stuff below. BTW, you get XP for everything. No joke.
Amazing guild support. Supports calendars, alliances, improved guild look (you get a cloak, a banner, etc.), and you get your own guild hide out too.
Dyes. Can be bought, or found off of rare bosses. Customize your look to look different!
Trophies are items you can find for doing rare, hard to do stuff. Kill a king? You get his crown! Kill a dragon? Get a dragon's tooth! Trophies can be equipped to a trophy slot (you get 5) in your inventory, don't provide you any bonuses, and can be equipped in many spots on your physical character. You can show off all your cool trophies, be it an anvil, a crown, or a severed head to give you your own unique look.
The Tome of Knowledge (ToK) is your one stop place in-game. It's a quest log, with in-game lore, a tracker of all your achievements (be they killed 10 elves to clicked on yourself 1,000 times.), and actually gives you XP & Rewards for filling it up. There's so much stuff in this, it's really really amazing and crazy.
Influence is like reputation in WoW. You get it for killing things, killing players, winning scenarios, capturing keeps, etc. You can use it to get rewards. (there's 3 levels of awards)
Tactics: Are passive bonuses that are learnt, bought, or earned. You can know any # of tactics per your race and level and faction, but you can only have 5 equipped at once. You can make sets of tactics and swap them on the fly! There is a wide variety of these and really make your character special.
Mastery: Looks like WoW's talent system at first glance, but isn't. Yes, you get 3 paths, and points earned by leveling + gaining RR. Each point you put into a path (say a Bright Wizard's Incineration) improves the rank of each and every skill in that path by 1 level. Each path can have 15 points in it, so that's a whole +15 ranks to all your Incineration spells. But on top of this, at every few points, there is a tactic or talent or a Morale ability (more on this below). You don't instantly know them, you have to spend a point to learn it. However, you can choose not to learn the bottom most one and learn the later ones (once you have enough points). So for the most part WoW's X-Y-Z system doesn't work too well here.
Renown Abilities: Passive bonuses to stats that you buy with points gained by earning Renown Ranks. Stuff like +10 toughness, etc.
Morale Abilities: As you take damage or deal it, a Morale meter fills up. It has 4 ranks. You can slot 1 Morale ability (1 of each rank) into each rank, and then use them as your bar reaches that point. Morale abilities are powerful abilities, that can change the tide of a fight. AoE 5 second stuns, insane knockback projectiles, AoE instant resurrections, massive heals, and such are all to be found here.
PvP is worth it. You get
Experience, Renown, Loot, and Influence, plus Victory Points for killing players. This makes World PvP, and every other type of PvP, WORTH IT.
WOWZERS THATS A LOT OF STUFF BUT WHAT SUPER AWESOME GAMEPLAY (RAIDS ETC??) IS THERE? (how can i be more elite than that other guy basically.
Each area in the game uses a concept called
Zone Control. Your faction (Order/Destruction) gains
Victory Points for doing quests, killing players, controlling points, taking a keep, and winning scenarios. Control a zone, and you get many bonuses.
Public Quests is this game's innovation to quest design. PQ's are quests that are in a huge series, think WoW's linked quests for raids, but in public. These are epic, ~30m, multiple stage quests that make a difference in the world and provide loot. For an in-depth video on Public Quest's, watch this:
Scenarios are battlegrounds, with better lore reasons for happening and actually MAKE SENSE with the Warhammer lore (which is important to Mythic). These are XvX instanced fights. If a side is uneven, AI bots will join to help you until they become even. The game is going to ship with
33 scenarios. Best part? You can queue for a scenario from anywhere, which means you can queue for a scenario, get 3 quests, complete 2, enter a scenario, win and get XP, Loot, and Renown, and you reappear
right where you left, ready to finish the last quest, requeue, turn all 3 in, go back into another scenario, and continue. You can easily gain 2-3 levels this way, highly recommended.
Open Groups, each group is open by default, meaning you can join any party without needing to ask. The game emphasizes doing this. Party leader's can disable it though.
Dungeons: Are dungeons. With quests. Nothing TOO SPECIAL. Think Raids except with less prep. This is a really short vid, but it should give you an idea. They all drop rare stuff, and are hidden somewhere in the world.
There are "raid-esque" 6 man dungeons that give AMAZING loot for the end-game however, these are in the capital cities, which means to get ALL of the best loot, you must take the enemy's capital city.
Here's a vid of a really basic one:
Open World PvP: Is one of this games big focuses. Just open world PvP. In Core servers there are areas in each zone designated for it. These are huge areas too. You get XP, Loot, Renown, and Influence for it. It's fun as hell, even if the odds are against you. In Open servers, you can PvP anywhere in an area, but the game doesn't really work too well this way actually.
Siege: Is this game's main focus, the ultimate end game, and the best part of the game easily. As a warband (parties grouped together), you either defend your Keep (or capital) with catapults and oil (which you use), or you, the invaders, break through their walls and keep to kill their king, use battering rams, catapults, ballistas, and then kill all their civilians and guards, and then get to loot and ransack it, then kill the king to get amazing loot. Doing this not only gives you amazing amounts o XP, Renown, and loot and influence to capture an entire zone, but it gives you access to the best loot in the game and the hardest dungeons. This video gives you a good example of what this can be like, though it can be WAY more hectic too:
As a witch hunter:As a Swordmaster:Class Info (HOW CAN I BE SEPHIROTH/LEGOLAS???):
There are 20(!!) careers (Classes) in WAR, and in the Preview Weekend this shit was more balanced than WoW ever was.
Each race has 3-4 careers, and there are 4 types of classes:
Tanks: Tanks generally have high health, high armor, don't do great damage, and oh yeah, they can taunt and have a ton of defensive abilities.
Taunts work in Warhammer's PvP on other players. They won't be forced to attack you, except the debuff taunts give them, WILL force them to attack you.
MDPS (Melee DPS): Your Rogue-ish type classes are here. Do big damage.
RDPS (Ranged DPS): Ranged DPS. Your Hunter-ish classes or Magical DPS's are here.
Support: Your Healers.
The Factions:OrderEmpire
High Elf
Dark Elf
The Classes:
Dwarf Ironbreaker:Ironbreakers are VERY strong tanks. They get many abilities which target an Oathfriend (a defensive target you set with an ability called Oathfriend) and abilities that will proc effects on whoever your current defensive target is, making them good healer buddies too.
To add to it, they have a mechanic similar to Rage, called Grudge. You build Grudge, similar to Rage.
However, not all attacks they have will remove Grudge. Some attacks will cost Action Points, but scale in power with your amount of Grudge. For example, one attack does damage and ignores some armor, but with 100 Grudge, it completely ignores
ALL their armor. Another attack will give the enemy a debuff, but give them a stronger debuff with 100 Grudge. Almost all their attacks raise some of their stats and give their oathfriend that buff as well. Ironbreakers need to use Taunt, Guard, and Hold the Line effectively in PvP. (more on these later.)
Dwarf Engineer:Getting changed for Open Beta. I got nothing. They summon turrets though.
Dwarf Rune Priest:Uses runes to support and heal the party the party, can place runes on the ground that provide an AoE benefit to allies within their circle, and have runes that provides buffs to the party and can be activated to deal an effect to a foe. They are strong healers, I find.
Empire Witch Hunter (Males Only):Have you ever wanted to be a Rogue, who had a sword AND a pistol at the same time, the sexiest hat ever, and wears the coolest clothes? No? What the hell kind of human being are you!
Witch Hunter's use Accusations (Combo Points), and then use Executions (Finishers) which scale in power with the Accusations on the target. To mix it up, Witch Hunter's also have abilities which trigger procs on targets you use Executions on, providing a bonus effect.
Empire Bright Wizard:Ever wanted to out DPS every other magical class like the manual says you should as a Mage in World of Warcraft? Yes? But can't because Warlocks own you at it because Blizzard sucks dick at balancing?Well, Bright Wizards are Mages who got rid of their vending machine ability, and decided they should actually kill stuff (how crazy is that?). And kill stuff they do, by god do they. Bright Wizard's held 60% of the Order population in the Preview Weekend, and were slightly overpowered with their Immolation spec. Their DoTs were all instant cast spells providing amazing damage with the freedom of movement.
However, most of your spells build Aqshy/Combustion. The higher your combustion, the more likely casting a spell will cause a "Backlash" which hurts you.
But, while in high combustion you get improved criticals (up to +50% chance to critical and +100% critical damage at max combust) but have a higher chance to backlash (to a max of a 50% chance to backlash). You must be careful with this, and use a skill to release your combustion when needed for big damage!
Empire Warrior Priest:Ever wanted to support your party but still kill stuff? Well now you can! Warrior Priest's gain "Divine Fury" much like Rage, but spend it on healing over time spells (mostly). So if you want to help your party, start attacking stuff. You don't do AMAZING GREAT DPS, but you can do a little bit of both. This is basically a Paladin except Mythic isn't dumb and decided that using a resource that can go out pretty quickly to do damage AND heal is pretty dumb.
High Elf Swordmaster:Are tanks with another unique mechanic. These guys get to chain attacks by "Balance". You start out in Normal Balance, and can only use Normal Balance skills. A Normal Balance skill will put you in "Improved Balance" which when you use a skill of that type, puts you in "Perfect Balance" which puts you in NB.
High Elf White Lion:Do big DPS and have a White Lion. Not much else to say, was a class ruined by AI issues in PW (that are now fixed.). Don't know much else.
High Elf Shadow Warrior:I didn't play these guys. Don't know a lot about them. They kinda play like a Rogue & Hunter together from what I saw.
High Elf Archmage:Stronggg healers, strongest on the Order side. What makes these guys unique, is they have a mechanic called Force & Tranquility. How it works is, for every Tranquility spell (Healing spell) you cast, you build Tranquility (up to like 5 times.), but you will lose Force. Each time you cast a Force Spell (damage spell), you build Force & lose Tranquility. It's a balancing act. However, Tranquility spells get reduced casting time if you have a lot of Force, and Force spells get reduced casting time if you have a lot of Tranquility, so using this to your advantage is needed.
Greenskin Black Orc:Is the analog (near copy, they are different but use a similar mechanic and have some similar skills) of the Swordmaster. So see that one.
Greenskin Squig Herder:Was also broken by AI, but summons a pet instead of turrets like the Engineer.
Greenskin Shaman:Plays like the Archmage.
Chaos Chosen:Think tank Warriors with paladin auras. Except they have Aura Twisting. When you change Auras, the previous Aura stays in effect for 12s. You can keep 3 Auras up at a time for
big benefits.
Chaos Marauder:Supposedly a very strong DPSer, didn't play much. These guys mutate and change to fit the situation.
Chaos Magus:Summons totems basically, except they are creatures that can't move (bound in an area). Very underplayed, getting reworked a ton for Open Beta.
Chaos Zealot:Plays like a more evil Rune Priest.
Dark Elf Witch Elf (females only):See Witch Hunter.
NOTE: This was one of the least played classes and it is the only female class in the game that is near naked and doesn't actually wear armor that covers them. And it was the least played. Wooow.
Dark Elf Sorcerer:See Bright Wizard.
Dark Elf Disciple:See Warrior Priest.
The analog classes are similar, but they have enough differences to not be equal. One analog may be stronger at direct heals but weaker at HoT's, or weaker in HoT's but stronger in direct heals, or weak in X but stronger at damage, etc.Useful PvP skills
Taunts: Basically, taunts in PvE do a debuff and force the monster to attack you. In PvP, they just do the debuff, which causes the target to do - a ton of damage (like 50%) for X seconds or if they hit you 3 times. Very very useful. Each class has a similar ability, but tanks have the stronger ones.
Guard: Is a tanking ability. You apply it to a person, and they take 50% less damage because you take 1/2th the damage they take. Great if your healer is getting spiked. Use carefully, in big fights this CAN kill you.
Hold the Line: Is also a tanking ability. It does the following:
You focus your defenses against enemy fire,increasing your chances to dodge and disrupt by 45% for 12 seconds. You will also defend all allies behind you, up to 40 feet away, increasingt heir chances to dodge and disrupt by 15% as long as they remain at your back. Allies may have this effect stacked on them up to 3 times.
This effect will end if you break your concentration, or run out of action points.
Kiting: It costs nothing and means a lot. CC's are in the game but not an overabundance. Kiting is important, learn to do it ok.
System Requirements
For Windows XP
* 2.5 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
* 1 Gigabyte RAM
* A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
* At least 15 GB of hard drive space
For Windows Vista
* 2.5 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
* 2 Gigabyte RAM
* A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
* At least 15 GB of hard drive space
Make sure to max your volume out cause the bg music works gr8 with this.
(if you want to download that in High Quality 1280x800 resolution, right click -> save as the following link:
http://media.curse.com/dl2/WHATrailer-1280x800.wmv, it's only 68mb.)
Screenshots (thanks NightBlade)
(NOTE: not in max quality, cause CB didn't allow that.)

To get into open beta you either need to pre-order, or you can buy a pre-order deal at Target for 1$.The Open Beta starts the 7th, lemme know if any GWs are coming and we will meet up. I'm only playing on Core servers though, cause seriously, Open servers were balls. Picture WoW's PvP servers except with like 70x the amount of people ganking you.
Also all the vids in this thread are from CB or the PW, and feature a work in progress. Combat is actually faster now going into the Open Beta (they updated it), and it was already pretty fast. They
admitted every single flaw in the CB and PW, and said how they were going to fix it, and they have. The patch notes for the incomplete open beta notes is literally over 56,000 characters...it's really really long.
This game was really bad a long time ago, but after playing the PW, I have to say, a miracle has happened and this is just a really fun and visceral experience. The game is damn good. And it wasn't even as polished as the OB will be.
US Release GW:Server: ?
Faction: Destruction
EU Release GW:Server: Axe Bite Pass
Faction: Destruction