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That guy who posted in the Mock Trial thread, is my friend irl, and unfortunately he got really drunk and revealed my closely guarded secret. LordTyphoon, Man-O-War, and I, are the exact same person. I've stolen the identities of two other people online, including their pictures etc, to make up two other personas for myself.

"But why would you do this?" you ask. Why? I'm a 19 year old guy who can't drive, has massive asthma, is thin as a fucking rail, and has terrible eye sight. I want to be accepted and not treated like garbage like I am every day, so I came up with the ideas of LordTyphoon and Man-O-War, these other personas I created, and fabricated, in the intent of learning what this community was like before I came here, so that I could fit in, and be loved.

I'm sorry if I've hurt anybody by revealing this. All I've ever wanted is to be accepted and loved. I hope you guys will forgive me.
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all i have to say is wow.

are you for serious.

Mortal Kombat 8 is going to be Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, it was just announced. First Darth Vader in SC, now DC in Mortal Kombat. Great.

THis is so dumb and makes no sense at all, since...grr....Flash is going to rule evberyone its true.

Basically, the worst fighting game series, just paired up with like, a comic book team. WOO. At least Marvel vs Capcom made sense to some degree (big name comic book guy, big name fighting game guy).

Sub-Zero vs Batman.

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OK I hope this is okay here in this forum, basically open up your music player or whatever, and make sure its on shuffle, and on a huge playlist of songs, and press play, and then for every next deal, skip to the next song and write in what you had. (Make sure to be trueful!)

Opening Credits: Twisted Sister "I Wanna Rock"

Waking up: 3 Doors Down "Kryptonite"

First Day of High School: A-Ha "Take On Me"

Falling in Love: Kamelot "Serenade"

Fight Song: (This is fucking random as I seriously have like every mp3 i have on this PC in this playlist but...) Markus Meurman "The Adventures of Dr. Zoidberg"

Breaking Up: Haddaway "What is Love" (omg)

Prom: Queen "Killer Queen"

Life: Iron Maiden "Fear of the Dark"

Mental Breakdown: Kamelot "March of Mephisto"

Driving: Scorpions "Rock You Like a Hurricane"

Flashback: Kamelot "This Pain"

Getting Back Together: A Flock of Seagulls "I Ran"

Wedding: Eric Clapton "Layla"

Birth of Child: Iron Maiden "Remember Tomorrow"

Final Battle: SNK Playmore - Garou: Mark of the Wolves OST: Spread the Wings (Rock Howard theme song)

Death Song: Franz Ferdinand "Take Me Out"

Funeral Song: Blue Oyster Cult "Don't Fear the Reaper"

End Credits: Blind Guardian "And the Story Ends"

my fight song sucks

and by sucks I mean is f'ing awesome...
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Welcome to Issue #3 of the Saikyo Dojo, your #1 stop for everything FIGHTING GAME NEWS.

Netplay Forums

Post in em. Especially the fighting game topics, cause they rule.

GamingW Brawl Tournament is Over!!
After a long and hard set of matches, Tatsujinken is the victor.

You can watch vids of the final match here:

Oh fgod...Bison's back...m-my...precious canons
Dictator is back, after dying. He's probably come back from the future, or living off of a Psycho Power, or managed to clean his soul before Akuma Shun Goku Satsu'd him or became a Zombie Cyborg Yak or something equally retarded but who fuckingggg cares. Bison. Hell yeah.

Claw has also been confirmed for people who like metrosexual men in luchador outfits with a claw. All 2 of you.

A new character, Rufus, has also been confirmed, and he's a fat joke character. You can watch a vid of him, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ljf8DK2gP4

What do you think about Bison being back? (ps: if its anything besides FUCK YEAH you're wrong)

Garou - Mark of the Wolves: Howard Arena 1v1 Casuals

Jesus fuck look at how close that first round is. The rest of the fight is even better too!

You can watch the rest of the matches here: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F390073758DA1E65

Street Fighter 4: El Fuerte vs Zangief


El Fuerte has the best ultra ever.

Street Fighter Alpha 3: A/XISM Tournament 3v3 (Charlie/Ryu/Akuma vs Blanka/Dan/Guy)
Great Saikyo Master Dan Hibiki wins again.....foolish mortals....

Marvel vs Capcom 2: Evolution 2007 Justin Wong vs Yipes, the JWong Comeback


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So as of today, #capcom is no longer officially using MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator), instead we are using nFBA.

-It runs 5000000% better than MAME.
-It also runs CPS-3....MAME32k doesn't.
-It also runs CPS-3 WAY BETTER than MAME++ does.
-It's netplay is EVEN BETTER than MAME's is since there is VERY LITTLE frame loss.

Well, first, you need to download it:

Download this, and install.

Next, you need to download this:

And put it in your nFBA folder and overwrite.

Next, load nFBA and if you still have MAME (NOTE: I recommend you keep MAME + the kailleraclient we used for ranbats just in case if you can't connect to someone) go to File - Load game, and tell it your roms are in your MAME's ROM folder, and hit scan ROMs.


Next, choose a game, and go to File - Map Inputs, to set controls.

It really couldn't be easier!

For Garou - Mark of the Wolves, you will need a special BIOS file to do the following steps, which you can ask me or other people in the channel for the link to. Or PM me. ETC.

To set Garou to Home:
Step 1: Stroke your chin.
Step 2: Download the file I link you to, and put the file in its zip inside your garou.zip file.
Step 3: Load garou in nFBA, and go to File - Set Dipswitches. Where you see MVS, click on it and change it to AES. Next, change the region to USA. Make sure it is USA. Now exit out of the window, and hit F3. WOOT!

I'll be posting other shit here later for other games, configuration option explanations, and such.
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Hello I will be your mod for the day (Valve Time), and as such you should follow this:

What this forum is:
A forum for posting about netplay games. Note that all topics in this forum should be strictly focused on the multiplayer aspects of the game, and as such anything discussing the single player aspects will be moved to the Videogames forum. General topics (like the Super Smash Bros. Brawl topic in the Videogame forum) will go to the videogames forum as well. Anything that has to do with netplaying with GamingW people will go here.

A place to maybe start up occasional gathers to get games going etc. Netplay stuff, obviously.

What this forum isn't:
A place to post 5,000 games no one cares about to clutter the forum with. A place to talk about single player stuff. It's kinda obvious, ok?

Here are the rules of the forum:
1 - All normal GamingW rules apply:
I'm lazy. All of the rules in this topic apply to this forum:

2 - I got nothing.
There really isn't anything else. Don't be retarded, don't make bad topics, and this will work out just fine. If this forum becomes really bad clutter wise, we might start an inactivity timer and remove inactive/old topics, but I don't see this as a problem yet, so...

Here is the channel info:
#netplay is on the irc.whahay.net network, and is a channel dedicated to talking about netplay in general. Talk about old games, new games you got, games you want to play, look for people to play with, etc.

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I think anyone who has played an RPG knows what to expect from the healer:
-So-so/low defense
-So-so/low HP
-High Intelligence (or related stat)
-Low Strength (or related stat)
-Healing Spell
-Slightly Stronger Healing Spell
-Even Stronger Healing Spell
-Very weak all party healing spell
-Slightly stronger weak all party healing spell
-Even stronger weak all party healing spell
-Remove status ailments spell
-Possibly holy damage spell
-+Defense Spell
-+Magic Defense Spell
-+Both of the above spell

WOW SO BORING. This pretty much covers every healer in the history of videogame RPGs. EVER.

Hell, even in MMORPG's your healer looks like this:
-same stats as above
-weak instant cast heal
-slightly stronger longer cast heal
-big ass long cast heal
-HUGE heal instant cast but long recharge time (oh shit button)
-debuff removers
-a spell to make someone invincible

this is basically a Priest in World of Warcraft, the most subscribed MMORPG.


Why do videogame RPGs constantly subscribe us to this boring archaic template? Must I be forced to play Dungeons & Dragons just for the opportunity to play a non-boring healing class? Why can no one find a way to make this archetype different after nearly 30 yrs?

Guild Wars, personally, has the best healing class I've seen in a game ever, since they have various skills that allows for various playtypes. I still say the Boonprot in that game is probably the best healing class I've ever seen. Basically, they use a buff on all their allies that reduces the damage they take by 1/2, and redirects that damage to the monk (and lowers it by a bit), and they use a skill that gives them Energy (Mana) whenever they take damage (including from the previous skill.) So now whenever your allies get hit the monk gets fueled with energy. To add to this, the Monk uses a skill which makes all his healing spells cost more, but they heal more, and then a few abilities to protect/lightly heal his allies. Then there's Blessed Signet, the skill that makes this build really cool to play imho. Basically, with it you gain a bunch of energy, but it has a long cast time so you have to be very careful with it or you might get interrupted. It's a very very strong if frail healing template, but it's unique in that it relies on your allies getting hit to some degree.

So, let's discuss! Do you think videogame RPGs are forever doomed to the likes of Cure1, Cure2, and Cure3? If you're making a game in RPG Maker and looking at this: are you doing anything differently to mix this up? What would you like to see done (if anything) to healers, or are you ok with this repetitive healing system? Talk about an RPG you played that didn't follow this system (I'd love to play them).
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SO YEAH basically I have like 50 email accounts (I......am not joking......) and it has (after all this time for sure) grown tedious to check them all at once, so I have my own schedule for checking them periodically. Instead, I was wondering if there was some REALLY AWESOME (free) program or site that lets you enter a ton of email information, and forwards all emails from that email to this 1 account. I know Gmail can forward all emails it receives to other accounts, but I have other email accounts as well.

IDK if this exists but I figure since it makes perfect sense it probably exists.
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Some choice favorites:

Freeman in Garou:
"What'a the meaning of a hollow life"

SamSho4 (I am pretty sure its 4.....)'s KO screen:

SNK vs Capcom's announcer:
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Here's some choice ones for Illinois:
*The English language is not to be spoken.
*In Champaign, One may not pee in his neighbor’s mouth.
*In Chicago, It is legal to protest naked in front of city hall as long as you are under seventeen years of age together with have legal permits.
*In Normal, It is against the law to make faces at dogs.

in what manner or way about youuuur place?
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March 20, 2008 4:00 AM PDT

FBI posts fake hyperlinks to snare child porn suspects

Posted by Declan McCullagh | 188 comments

The FBI has recently adopted a novel investigative technique: posting hyperlinks that purport to be illegal videos of minors having sex, together with then raiding the homes of anyone willing to click on them.

Undercover FBI agents used this hyperlink-enticement technique, which directed Internet users to a clandestine government server, to stage armed raids of homes in Pennsylvania, New York, together with Nevada last year. The supposed video files actually were gibberish together with contained no illegal images.

A CNET News.com review of legal documents shows that courts have approved of this technique, even though it raises questions about entrapment, the problems of identifying who's using an open wireless connection--together with whether anyone who clicks on a FBI link that contains no child pornography should be automatically subject to a dawn raid by federal police.

Roderick Vosburgh, a doctoral student at Temple University who in addition taught history at La Salle University, was raided at home in February 2007 after he allegedly clicked on the FBI's hyperlink. Federal agents knocked on the door around 7 a.m., falsely claiming they wanted to talk to Vosburgh about his car. Once he opened the door, they threw him to the ground outside his house together with handcuffed him.

This is very very alarming, especially if some guy finds out the link location together with makes a virus or spyware or some excrement to automatically click it for you? What?

Makes me wonder what the signal of angry dismissal those courts are smoking.
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Welcome to Issue #2 of the Saikyo Dojo, a series of articles dedicated to exploring what is currently going on in the fighting game genre, and just talking about fighting games in general, their history, the best fights...the Saikyo Dojo is the #1 stop on GamingW for fighting games!!

This issue will explore the happenings of late February and March in the fighting game genre.

Saikyo Dojo Forums
A forum for all your fighting game needs...

Post in em:

So for anyone who has been living under a rock: Super Smash Bros. Brawl is released in America. Fuck yeah.

You can sign up for the tournament here.

This game owns, I can't wait til I can get my own Wii for this shit.

Street Fighter 4's graphics evolve into Notsuckymon
Street Fighter 4's graphics have evolved and they are like 5000% better.


Left is new, right is old.

So much fucking better, it looks like its kind of painted on, really.

King of Fighters XII Screens
New King of Fighter's screens were released just recently.



Ash is gay.





Arcana Heart USA PS2 release
Arcana Heart is coming to the PS2 in the USA 4/08/08. AWESOME.

You can look for vids of it below!

Videos of the Month
Quite a few this time around!

Arcana Heart: Keits vs orca at Seasons Beatings 2
Yeah, this is a all girl character fighting game. I guess that's cool if you're into that...

BBHood vs Amir Marvel versus Capcom 2, 5 vids.
These vids have the best 2 announcers you will ever see in a fighting game match ever. Not only is the fighting intense, but the announcers make these 5 vids fucking rock.

Garou - Mark of the Wolves, Dong + Kevin vs Gato + Gato
This is a Howard Arena (big tournament in Japan) match, 2v2. It's a pretty kickass match too! Very close.

Street Fighter 3 - Third Strike, Justing Wong vs Daigo Umehara "Moment 37"
This is where my avatar comes from, and if you're reading this you've probably already seen it. If not: watch it. If so: watch it again.

It's awesome.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - DEHF (Pit) vs. Psycho Midget (Snake)
Let's watch Snake beat up on little kids, alright!

Virtua Fighter 5 - Tag Team Finals - Fuudo(Lion) vs Virtua Genkai(Kage)

That's all for that week, I was gonna do a Player of the Week here, but the person I wanted to do, I couldn't get into contact with, and I'm too lazy to do it with anyone else. Maybe next time....
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Story Link:



At least he called her bluff, I guess?

Damn I wouldn't of had the guts to do that when I was 13, I just would of went in my damn pants.
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What is it:
The Spoils is a Tournament Card Game, meant for people 18+. It's pretty simple, in fact the rule "book" is more like a rule "page" coming in at 1 page front and back in length. No complicated 64 page booklet here! It's pretty easy to learn, but definitely leaves room to master the game. Since the game is advertised for 18 and up, the card images contain sexual overtones, gore, and what not.

You can play online for free with us....

Gimme some pics of these cards:

The game instead of having 5 colors like Magic, has 5 trades. They are:
Banker (Resource: Greed, Color: Yellow) Bankers are well...bankers. They also include some assassins, judges, lawyers, and the like. These are the dudes who like money money money. As a trade, bankers rely on gaining/losing Influence (life).

Rogue (Resource: Deception, Color: Red) Rogues are awesome. These guys basically try to make your opponent's discard pile big, and use it against them. They have lots of tricks up their sleeves as well. These guys generally have high speed characters, so they attack first in battle usually.

Warlord (Resource: Rage, Color: Blue) Warlords are your beatdown guys. They do damage, and they do it fast. They have dragons and soldiers on their side.

Gearsmith (Resource: Elitism, Color: Grey) Uhg. Gearsmiths suck. These guys summon lots of dudes, have tons of equipment, and 95% of their cards are in 1337 speak.

Arcanist (Resource: Obsession, Color: Violet) Arcanists are your true control guys. These guys are wizards, infuated armchairs, and mansions that are Solid Snake. They control your opponent, slowly making him crumble and unable to do anything.

What you need to play:
First, you need to know the rules. The rule page can be read at:

Second, you need to download Magic Workstation:

Third, install it.

Fourth, download all the following and place them in your Magic Workstation folder, overwriting everything:

Choose one of the following themes:
http://thespoilschest.googlepages.com/Seedspecial.rar (Preview:here)

http://thespoilschest.googlepages.com/Spoilsmulti.rar (Preview:here)

http://thespoilschest.googlepages.com/SpoilsThemedark.rar (Preview:here)

http://thespoilschest.googlepages.com/SpoilsThemelight.rar (Preview:here)

Now, with MWS open, click "Tools", "Preferences", "Interface", "Graphic Theme" and select the appropriate theme, after installing the files into your Themes folder.

Now....in Magic Workstation, rechoose your Master Base in your Magic Workstation folder thru the program, and build a deck following the rules on the rule page.

It's pretty easy!

And from there, find players on IRC and ask us to play...;)

Also post here about the game too ^_^

It's currently just DeadPhoenix & I, but we could always use more players...
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WICHITA, Kan. — Deputies say a woman in western Kansas became stuck on her boyfriend's toilet after sitting on it for two years.

Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said it appeared the 35-year-old Ness City woman's skin had grown around the seat. She initially refused emergency medical services but was finally convinced by responders and her boyfriend that she needed to be checked out at a hospital.

"We pried the toilet seat off with a pry bar and the seat went with her to the hospital," Whipple said. "The hospital removed it."

Whipple said investigators planned to present their report Wednesday to the county attorney, who will determine whether any charges should be filed against the woman's 36-year-old boyfriend.

"She was not glued. She was not tied. She was just physically stuck by her body," Whipple said. "It is hard to imagine. ... I still have a hard time imagining it myself."

He told investigators he brought his girlfriend food and water, and asked her every day to come out of the bathroom.

"And her reply would be, `Maybe tomorrow,"' Whipple said. "According to him, she did not want to leave the bathroom."

The boyfriend called police on Feb. 27 to report that "there was something wrong with his girlfriend," Whipple said, adding that he never explained why it took him two years to call.

Police found the clothed woman sitting on the toilet, her sweat pants down to her mid-thigh. She was "somewhat disoriented," and her legs looked like they had atrophied, Whipple said.

"She said that she didn't need any help, that she was OK and did not want to leave," he said.

She was taken to a hospital in Wichita, about 150 miles southeast of Ness City. Whipple said she has refused to cooperate with medical providers or law enforcement investigators.

Authorities said they did not know if she was mentally or physically disabled.

Police have declined to release the couple's names, but the house where authorities say the incident happened is listed in public records as the residence of Kory McFarren. No one answered his home phone number.

The case has been the buzz Ness City, said James Ellis, a neighbor.

"I don't think anybody can make any sense out of it," he said.

Ellis said he had known the woman since she was a child but that he had not seen her for at least six years.

He said she had a tough childhood after her mother died at a young age and apparently was usually kept inside the house as she grew up. At one time the woman worked for a long-term care facility, he said, but he did not know what kind of work she did there.

"It really doesn't surprise me," Ellis said of the bathroom incident. "What surprises me is somebody wasn't called in a bit earlier."




I'm not even going to start with this, I'm going to bed and I don't think I'm going to be having any pleasant dreams here.



 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Post screenshots of you or whatever during netplay, or videos! Whether it's funny or serious, post 'em.

Here's one from long ago:
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OK, well this is pretty simple:

I am currently the board mod for the netplay sub-forum, and as some of you may or may not know, this sub-forum replaced The Saikyo Dojo (the #capcom board...) in mid-2007.

So what I would like from YOU DUDES is feedback/ideas on how we can improve/change this sub-forum for the better.

What are you thoughts basically? How can this be improved? Is there a way to get more people into it? Anything you got, post it up and we will discuss it. The idea of a netplay forum and channel is a good one, but I wonder what your dude's thoughts on it are. It didn't get much attention, and I don't know if that's because everyone skipped it, used to it being Saikyo Dojo, or what.

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I got the awesome chance to interview Perfect Run, makers of Mr. Blocko: Super Tournament Edition, Intercept, Goldeneye 2D, and the soon to be released Super Banana Nababa and Ninja Gunman.

I got the awesome chance to interview Perfect Run, makers of Mr. Blocko: Super Tournament Edition, Intercept, Goldeneye 2D, and the soon to be released Super Banana Nababa and Ninja Gunman.

Handsome lamb: Welcome, tell us who each of you are, what you do in the team, and who the other members are and what they do, who sadly couldn't join us today...

Phlog: Name's Eirik, but I'm known as Phlogiston on the interweb. I do music and sound fx. I also do testing and bring forth lots of ideas that are never put to use.

Bisse:Heya, well I am Bisse and I do all the coding pretty much, and other miscellaneous stuff that needs doing (such as the webpage). Grindie makes all the graphics, and can't join us because he's moving house!
Oh and there's HOi who does nothing at all ever.

PH:Yeah, throw HOi out, already

BI: : >

HL:Okay, well for those who don't know who you are, maybe a bit of history is in order? How did you guys become Perfect Run...

BI:I'll take this one

PH: yep

BI:Well I met Grindie on GW a few years back. We started chatting nonsense, and then I helped him out with some RM2k game he was making that never got anywhere. Then it went on from there. As I learned GM and Grindie got better at pixelling, we started taking on more serious projects, and we got a lot of people to help us out, and eventually HOi and Phlog joined up as well.

PH: I joined up when I saw some screens from their/our game Run n Gun, and asked if they needed music for it. I was THRILLED to be part of something not RPG Maker

HL: How did you guys get the ideas for Mr. Blocko + Intercept going? Did it just "come" to you, or...?

PH: We stole 'em

BI: Yes we are shameless theves.
No really: I'm the one who came with Blocko, I wanted to combine a puzzler and action game and it just came to me. Credit for it is ALL MINE! As for intercept, it was a school project inspired a bit by warning forever. Originally it was going to have a lot more features, for example you could pick up orbs that stuck to your ship and by making three in a row with them like in bubble bobble you got upgrades, but I just didn't have time to do it. Me and grindie made it less complicated to meet the deadline.

HL: OK, this one is to Phlog

PH: right

HL: What is your process when you're making music for these games? Do you actually play the game first, or what?

PH: I'd say it's a good combination of both doing stuff prehand, and then adjusting as I try the games out. Over the last few years I've written alot of music for alot of games, and the thing is, most of those games were never finished. So I usually won't bother with writing the music untill the game has gotten pretty far along.

HL: Ah, I see....any bands that inspire you?

PH: My favorite bands are Chromelodeon and Sigh. Two very different bands, but so, so good. But for my game music I'm mostly inspired by other game music. Alexander Brandon, Chris Huelsbeck, Jake Kaufman, Yoko Shimomura, Nobou Uematsu. Just a few names for ya', there. Lots and lots of NES and SNES music.

HL: Awesome! After the smash success that was Mr. Blocko: Super Tournament Edition link], is there any plans for a sequel somewhere down the road...?

PH: PSP version is in dev, as well as DS version

BI:Hahaha, no. Well honestly I could imagine bringing it to like XBLA or something but we don't have anything planned for it at all.

HL: Alright. In a follow-up question, I received an anonymous question, asking about an Intercept 2, as well. Possibly something with more enemy ship designs, etc? Also, are there any plans on expanding Goldeneye 2D?

BI: We are planning to expand GE2D with more levels, dunno when that will happen though. As for Intercept 2, we have lots of shooter ideas, but none of them are Intercept 2. We love making shooters so who knows what happens, but honestly I dont think Intercept 2 will ever happen.

HL: Alright.

PH: Maybe Lazrael will make Intercept 2 to pay us back.

HL: Haha!

BI: Naw hell jsut sue us over SBN.

HL: Speaking of Lazrael, you have Super Banana Nababa coming out soon [topic], which is a collaboration between Perfect Run [link], and The Poppenkast [link]. What is different between the original smash hit made by Lazrael, and your new SBN version?

BI: No one will beat SBN because it is the hardest game ever.

PH: Also, new music. Most important part

BI: Yeah, almost everything is new. Graphics, bosses and everything.

PH: On a related note, im9today of poppenkast is a wonder to work with. Yeah, he did not tell me to say that at all.

BI: Some of the bosses are based on the old ones in one way or two for cheap bonus points, but they all play completely different.

HL: That sounds really awesome.

BI: Also, we really want to make it extremely hard. There will be difficulty levels so everyone can playit of course.

HL: Is the hardest going to be on par with lazrael's Super Boink-o-Doink?

PH:I can totally beat some of the bosses on Weak! I've never played any Super Boink-o-Doink, but I assure you this game will be hard enough.

BI: Well.... it is going to be harder, but in a different way. That game is all about pixel precision control of your character. But for SBN we are trying to stay away from things like bullet patterns and boss patterns you need to learn. It's more about reflexes and tactics. It's a much different kind of difficulty. We're going to spend a lot of time on it to avoid cheap kills and unfair attacks. I also have to give a shoutout to im9today, HL, he is great to work with.

PH: Makes some pretty pixel-art as well

BI: So yeah SBN will be hard, but in a good way!

HL: Alright then! Does Lazrael have anything to do with SBN, besides trying to mass sue you?

PH: He made the game it's based on, that's all.

BI: Yeah. He's not involved other than making weird posts in our topics.

HL: DragonSlayer, an admin of GamingW, was wondering if there's anything you could comment about the music in SBN, Phlog

PH: Well yeah, that's an interesting question. Sure there's lots of things I can comment on. The tracks you heard in the teaser trailer are WIPs, for one. All the music is written in trackers, like the old times. Alot of the samples I'm using for the music in Nababa, as well as the other games I'm working on atm, are from SNES games. It takes alot of time to learn how to write with those samples, as....I'm used to using NES samples primarily. Also, soundtracks from all my games will be avaliable through www.iimusic.net eventually.

HL: Awesome. Your guy's games always have small file sizes, is this a design choice so that people on 56k can play too, or is it just the way it works out?

PH: With the music format at least, the files are primarily small to keep away from loading times

BI: Yeah, it kinda just happens. Only time I can remember decreasing filesize like that was removing a music file from Intercept because it was huge.

PH: Small games = small sizes

BI: = small penis. Graphics dont take a lot of space for lowres games and tracker music is super small so yeah.

HL: From images on your site

Ninja Gunman looks super awesome, what can you tell us about it?

BI: Well, not a lot at the moment. It's being made in OpenGL and will have all handdrawn graphics. We have a lot of great ideas for it but I can't really say anything right now other than that it's going to be awesome and me and Grindie are super hyped for it.

PH: Also, I'm doing the soundtrack (am I?)

BI: (i dunno are you?)

PH: (yeah)

BI: (You probably are!)

PH: Also, if anybody has a better name than Super Banana Nababa, feel free to ring the bell and let us know!


PH: Actually, calling it Dlork02 would be better than SNB.

BI: Stop insulting my game.....

HL: One last question, that I received via email: "Why do you guys have homophobic overtones in your games".

PH: Yeah, we despise homosexuals. PerfectRun is just an anagram for PreferCunt. You try it. It's the truth.

HL: Well guys, thanks for your time! Good luck with SBN and Ninja Gunman, they both look super cool.

PH: Sure, man. It was pleasureable for sure.

BI: Alright man, no problem, it was awesome.

External Links:
Perfect Run's Website: www.perfectrun.net
The Poppenkast's Website: www.thepoppenkast.com
Phlog's Music Space: http://iimusic.net/artist/phlogiston.php
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Stuff's come up.

Not going to talk about it.

Going away for 1 (hopefully), or 2+ (maybe) weeks.

Dunno when I'll be back though for sure.

Just like to give a shout out to Bisse, LordTyphoon, MaD, Raziel, Strangeluv, TFT, Medieve, Izekeal, and other people who probably know who they are. You guys are what keep me coming, and are super cool.

Anyways, assuming I'm still alive....I'll see you dudes later. I might be able to hop on at a library or something for like a minute or two, but probably not.


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Welcome to Issue #1 of the Saikyo Dojo, a series of articles dedicated to exploring what is currently going on in the fighting game genre, and just talking about fighting games in general, their history, the best fights...the Saikyo Dojo is the #1 stop on GamingW for fighting games!!

This issue will explore the happenings of January + February in the fighting game genre.

"Luke, I am your father...."
For those who didn't notice, early last month Namco released a new Soul Calibur 4 trailer, and this one kind of threw the internet in a rage. Star Wars fans everywhere either rejoiced, didn't care, or got their authentic lightsabers out and roamed the streets in a blazing fury, killing anything that stood in their way.

OK, not so much the last part, but it did piss a lot of people off.


As you can see, Namco is adding Yoda and Darth Vader to the Soul Calibur universe, and while this isn't a series first when it comes to inter-universal clashes (Spawn, Link, Heihachi in Soul Calibur 2), it is the first time that the characters in question have wielded science fiction weapons. Spawn uses weapons from the powers of Hell, Link uses medieval style weapons anyways, and Heihachi uses his bare fists, but Yoda and Darth Vader use The Force and Lightsabers, the latter being a weapon able to go through metal easily.

Personally, I see the characters themselves to be great additions to the series, and I'm sure that Yoda's fast style will be amazing fun, while directly contrasting Darth Vader's slower but stronger and sluggish style. I just question how they are going to explain why the lightsabers suddenly don't go through metal.

I can only hope this game turns out better then the last game Star Wars characters were in that was a fighting game, aka " Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi". That game pretty much sucked and didn't feel very Star Wars. It also had horrible visuals even for its time, with bad, unresponsive, controls. I am sure Soul Calibur will be ok though, it's a decent fighting game series.

Warning: New Challengers Approaching
This one sure shook up the Street Fighter community! Last month Famitsu released scans of a new character in Street Fighter IV, her name being "Crimson Viper". A lot of Street Fighter fans are upset over this character, as they feel she does not fit in with the rest of the cast. C. Viper doesn't really bug me though, why doesn't she fit in with the rest of the cast? That green beast dude sure does a good job of it!

Little is known about her at this time except for the fact she sports a crazy hair style and dresses weird.


This month another new character was shown. His name is Abel, and he looks a lot like Geese Howard in my eyes, but he plays very differently.


Blazblue blazblue blazblue...
Coming out of nowhere last month, last months issue of Famitsu revealed Blazblue, the newest 2D fighting game by Arc Systems, makers of the successful Guilty Gear franchise. It looks even better than Guilty Gear does, with sharper visuals. I didn't even think that would be possible, but they've somehow did it.

I mostly look forward to the new crazy characters and the rocking sound track, two things that Guilty Gear is popular for, and it looks like this will carry over to Blazblue as well. Details at the moment are very little, but the game isn't related to the GG universe at all, so this is a brand new series it seems!


King of Fighters...
Not to be outdone by their old rival, Capcom, SNK has released the first trailer of their new game, King of Fighters XII. Here it is:

It's still full 2D, and features high res sprites. Very very very sexy. I hope the gameplay stands up though.

Videos of the Month...
Finishing up each of these, I will post some awesome fighting game videos.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 - Justin Wong vs Santhrax
This happened in 2004 but this video pretty much shows how good Justin Wong is. For those not in the know, Justin Wong is considered by many to be one of the greatest fighting game players, winning hundreds of tournaments, earning tons of money, and kicking much ass. In this video, you can see Justin W. (Magneto, Storm, Psylocke) perfect Santhrax, a rarity in Marvel vs Capcom 2, seeing how in order to get a perfect all 3 of your characters must not get hit.

Garou - Mark of the Wolves: Gato versus Rock
This match is one of the best Garou matches ever. The fight involves Rock Howard who is a so-so character, versus Gato Futaba, a top tier character. This match up is normally very hard for Rock Howard, as Rock's best combos rely on a very hard to land grab. To add to that, Gato is a very mobile and agile character, making Rock's job just that much harder. The Rock player managed to rushdown and keep the pressure on Gato (or at least tries to) at all times, mixing up attacks so that he can keep Gato on the ground. Despite this, Gato perfects Rock in Round 3 with an awesome super combo. The final round is the most interesting one, with a shocking finish. Gato manages to interrupt Rock's super at the exact second needed to, for the kill.

The fight shows Garou at its highest level, and the wealth of strategy that occurs in the game can be seen there.  Both player's knew their characters inside and out, and it was a close call at the very end.

Street Fighter 4 Fights:
Ryu vs C. Viper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8_Gx3-_Xpk&
C. Viper vs Abel: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/17543 (excellent quality)
Ryu vs Edmond Honda: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/17544 (excellent quality)
Guile vs Zangief: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/17549 (excellent quality)
Edmond Honda vs Guile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFY8AluHgGc
Ryu vs Ryu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQPPpff0-8g

All awesome stuff right here! The first videos of Street Fighter IV action.