[MMO Games v2 by DarkNecrid]This will be divided into 3 parts, each part getting added over time. The three parts are F2P (Free to Play), B2P-F2P (Buy to Play, Free to Play), and P2P (Pay to Play).
Before this gets started, I must define MMO since a lot of people don't know what makes an MMO and what doesn't. An MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) can be anything from people being in a persistant world (see: World of Warcraft), to being a non-RPG with channels / areas that people log into and then join player hosted games (see: Gunbound) to browser based MMOs (see: Nexus War).
If a game has more than one translation I will post the US one, unless there is different names and both are popular. (see: Granado Espada in Singapore, Sword of the New World in the US)
I am omitting all Closed Beta MMOs. Open Beta ones are fine however.
[Free To Play]#1
Maple Storyhttp://www.mapleglobal.com/A 2D platformer based MMORPG that has somewhat heavy grind, espically at the higher levels where you gain like 0.1% XP from like every 5 monsters you slay.
Knight Onlinewww.knightonlineworld.comA 3D MMORPG set in a world where two rival nations fight. It's alright but its very generic and the company who runs it has an F from the BBB.
Supreme Destinyhttp://www.supremedestiny.com.my/A 3D MMORPG kinda like Diablo imo.
RAN Onlinehttp://ranonline.e-games.com.my/index_eng.aspA 3D MMORPG about schools or something. Never really played it for long.
Laghaimhttp://www.laghaim.co.th/A foreign MMORPG.
Tibiahttp://www.tibia.com/"In my eyes, a lesser version of Ultima Online. Only gave this a quick spin, the people on my server didn't think too highly of my pink clothes and pink hair. Oh and i killed a rabbit." - Esh
MU Onlinehttp://www.muonline.com/A Diablo MMO, its pretty ok but its very...boring.
THANG Onlinehttp://thang.ongameport.com/What the hell is up with the name?
XIAHhttp://www.gamescampus.com/xiah/Hot babe on the front of the site, good graphics, kinda fun.
Screens:http://www.gamescampus.com/xiah/download/imageview.asp?image=sum06_b.jpghttp://www.gamescampus.com/xiah/download/imageview.asp?image=sum15_b.jpg <- Maybe NSFW.
KAL Onlinehttp://www.kalonline.com/A popular MMO in Korea, its kinda boring however.
GUNZ The Duelhttp://gunz.ijji.com/A 3rd Person shooter action based MMO.
Eternal Landshttp://www.eternal-lands.com/A low graphics 3D MMO.
Rubies of Eventidehttp://www.cyberwar.com/A low graphics 3D MMO which has some interesting features. Tons of character classes.
Gunboundhttp://gunbound.ijji.com/A turn based MMO, kinda like Worms. Requires lots of strategy.
Rakionhttp://rakion.softnyx.net/A 3D MMO where your character fights others in DM, TDM, or a Golem Fight. I quite like it.
Screens:None right now.
Conquer Onlinehttp://www.conqueronline.com/Its pretty bleh, but average.
Runescapewww.runescape.comA popular psuedo-3D MMO.
Battle Positionhttp://battleposition.e-games.com.my/Think MMO Metal Slug that sucks.
Illutiahttp://www.illutia.com/A 2D MMORPG.
Blade Mistresshttp://www.blademistress.com/A 3D MMORPG.
Gekkeiju Online http://www.coolhouse.fi/gekkeiju/A 3D MMORPG.
Monster & Mehttp://www.monsterandme.com/Think Pokemon with more RPG.
Shot Onlinehttp://www.shot-online.com/A golf MMO.
Legend of Mir 3http://www.legendofmir3.co.kr/A popular korean MMORPG.
Kingdom of Drakkarhttp://www.kingdomofdrakkar.com/Don't know much about this.
Endless Onlinehttp://www.endless-online.com/An MMORPG.
Project Entropiahttp://www.project-entropia.com/F2P, but you will pretty much need to pay to get somewhere.
RYLhttp://www.ryl.com.my/A fun PvP based MMO.
Albatross 18http://www.albatross18.com/new/new_index.aspAnother golf MMO.
Space Cowboyshttp://www.spacecowboy.net/A space shooter MMO, kinda ok but hella grindy and boring PvP.
Screens:http://wwa.urirang.com/store/cowboy/upimages/atm000181.bmp[The ][/The]
FlyFFhttp://english.flyff.com/A super grindy MMORPG that like brags because you can FLY!
9Dragonshttp://9dragons.acclaim.comA martial arts MMORPG, where your skills improve as you use them.
Screens:None at the moment.
Audition Dance Battlehttp://au.bugsgames.net A DDR like MMO, but it lags and is boring.
Dofus Arenahttp://www.dofus-arena.com/A versus FFT styled MMO.
Screens:None avaible at this time.
Kwon Ho: Fist of Heroeshttp://kwonho.ijji.com/A Virtua Fighter styled MMO where you build your own characters. Very VERY awesome.
Screens:None avaible at this time.
Silkroad Onlinehttp://www.silkroadonline.net A Silk Road inspired MMO. Grindy at the end, but very fun...if you can get into the game.
Tricksterhttp://www.tricksteronline.com/ A fun anime styled MMO.
Screens:Not avaible at this time.
Ultimate Baseball Onlinehttp://www.ultimatebaseballonline.com MMO baseball...
WarRockhttp://www.warrock.net/An MMO FPS kinda like Battlefield 2.
Rappelzhttp://rappelz.gpotato.com/A 3D MMORPG by gpotato.
Screens:Not avaible at this time.
Corum Onlinehttp://corum.gpotato.comA 3D MMORPG by gpotato.
Screens:Not avaible at this time.
Last Chaoshttp://lastchaos.aeriagames.com/front_pageA Lineage 2 rip off. Decent.
Screens:Not avaible at this time.
Nexus Warwww.nexuswar.comA browser based MMORPG, low graphics but its very fun as you can kill anyone, and if a guy logs off his character stays in the game, unable to defend itself. Log off in a safe place, mates.
Screens:None avaible at this time.
2Moons http://2moons.acclaim.com/An awesome MMORPG based on awesome PvP by Acclaim. Great stuff.
Screens:None avaible at this time.
BOTShttp://bots.acclaim.com/A weird robot combat game.
Screens:None avaible at this time.
Scions of Fatehttp://fate.netgame.com/A cartoony 3D MMORPG which is hosted by NetGame.
Hero Onlinehttp://hero.netgame.com/A MMO which has a reward system that rewards you based on how many things you killed between log in and log out, can fly over buildings and walk / run on water. Interesting
Legend of Areshttp://ares.netgame.com/An MMO which seems to be super focused on PvP.
Anarchy Onlinehttp://www.anarchyonline.com/F2P, but all expansions are P2P. This game started the Instance idea. Its pretty sci-fi too.
Screens:None available at this time.
MixMasterhttp://mixmaster.com.au/A game which seems kind of like Jade Cacoon only MMORPG.
ShadowBanehttp://chronicle.ubi.com/An MMO that used to be P2P. Tons of classes, and charatcer choices, but very very hardcore. If you are a noob, you will be hated. Build cities, destroy other cities, the PvP is very hardcore and not friendly, but very fun.
Achaeahttp://www.achaea.com/main.htmlA F2P MUD that lets you pay for currency.
Screens:It's a MUD.
Tales of Pirateswww.talesofpirates.comA game about pirates. Woo!
Screens:None at this moment.
DOFUS Onlinehttp://www.dofus.com/A flash based MMORPG that has recently gone completely free.
Screens:None at this time.
RUMBLE Fighterhttp://www.ogplanet.com/rf/This game just made a full release a couple of days ago, so yeah, it's very new. The official website describes it as a "casual action game." It plays somewhat like Power Stone (3d arena fighting game), except matches can be played up to 8 players. Team battle is also available along with free-for-all. There are currently four classes to choose from, and a fair amount of avatar items to customize your character's appearance with. Anyway, without further ado, here are some screenshots:
Record of Lunia War: Lunia Onlinehttp://global.lunia.com/main.aspThis is a top down arcade like MMORPG where its more about clearing stages, reading the Engrish story, and doing combos. Its fun, not very grindy at all, and is VERY MUCH SO based on the Dreamcast game Record of Londoss War, gameplay wise.
Screens: NOTE: These are korean screenshots, the above link IS the English version
Dungeon Runnershttp://www.dungeonrunners.com/Think Diablo II but online and completely about dungeons. It has a cool skill system where you can take skills from any three classes and the classes are more there just to determine your looks.
Sword of the New Worldhttp://www.swordofthenewworld.com/This is GE only for North America, not Singapore and you have to Pay2Play after buying the game. It has some changed features and doesn't feature a Cash Shop like GE does.
Granado Espada.
[Pay to Play]#1
World of Warcraftwww.worldofwarcraft.comYeah, it's that MMORPG that you heard of, lost all your friends to, saw that witty South Park episode on, hear acronyms all the time that originated from WoW, and then heard a horde of 8 year old boy's screaming YOU ARE NOT PREPARED in your ears every morning for the past 6 months. Wait, was that just me?
Screens:http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ssotd/screenshot.aspx?ImageIndex=995&Set=0http://www.gamingw.net/forums/index.php?topic=86.0 <-- Screenshot Thread
Anarchy Online's Expansionswww.anarchyonline.comYeah, the stock game of AO is free, however any expanion you want afterwards you must buy and then pay. Kinda worth it cause they add loads of content, but still.
Anarchy Online.
EVE Onlinehttp://www.eve-online.com/A space MMORPG where you can be a pirate, or get pirated. Tons of skills to learn, and you can scam people and NOT GET IN TROUBLE FOR IT. YESYESYES. :P
EverQuest IIhttp://everquest2.station.sony.com/A full 3D MMO that continues the legacy set forth by its legendary predecessor. EQ2 has gone through tons of revisions/updates since it first began, and I've honestly never seen a game go through so many changes (and still end up better because of them). Lots of race/class combinations, tons of content (more than I can explain here) and refreshing gameplay (especially if you're getting tired of WoW's simplicity like I was). They even let you download a 7-day free trial before you even buy/start paying monthly for the game. So try it out if you've got a decent computer :P
Ragnarok Onlinehttp://iro.ragnarokonline.com/An isometric anime MMO that is really popular...in Korea. There is a lot of areas, classes, monsters, items, etc, to keep people busy. The game has a ton of private servers though.
Screens:None at this time. (coming soon!)#6
Final Fantasy XIhttp://www.playonline.com/ff11us/index.shtmlA pretty cool game that gets a lot of undeserved flak, it has really gotten much more interesting over the years, espically since the last expansion with the introduction of Blue mage(best job ever!), chocobo raising and racing, besieged(Al Zahbi has been attacked by evil beastmen, are you a bad enough due to stop them) and soon pankration, where you make copies of monsters, customize them and then have them battle other player's monsters(Gotta catch 'em!!).
Tabula Rasahttp://www.rgtr.com/index.htmlIn a nutshell, the earth has been invaded by an ancient race and those who managed to escape are attempting to form an alliance among the alien races of the galaxy. You take on the role of a receptive, a human who is capable of interfacing with ancient technology and using it to gain "magical" abilities. The majority of the weapons in the game are firearms, so the combat has the feel of a 3rd-person shooter; the action-oriented fights do a good job of distracting you from the grind.
High Points & Low Points (Click to reveal)High Points:
Capture Points: Several towns within each zone are able to be captured by enemy NPC forces. Throughout the day mobs will assault the town, attempting to destroy the forcefield protecting the entrance, and finally capturing the control point located within the base, shutting down all the shops and removing all the friendly NPCs, replacing them with enemy mobs. PCs are encouraged to defend and recapture towns from the enemy.
Staying the in the action: Tabula Rasa has no penalty for death aside from Resurrection Sickness. The emphasis is on getting back into combat and helping NPCs and PCs complete quests and assault enemy positions. Every instance (so far at least) has some form of friendly presence within it; whether it's a small village, or a strike team waiting for your assistance. This allows you to purchase supplies (most notably ammunition) and respawn within the instance when things go sour. Zones have several waypoints scattered around the map that once unlocked, allow you to travel between them.
Moderately instanced: Each zone has anywhere from 3-9 instances of itself; by default players placed into the first instance of the zones and are also dumped back into the first one when they leave instance-dungeons. When you access a waypoint you can choose to switch over to another instance of the zone, this helps quite a bit with lag sometimes, or if everybody is trying to do the same quest as you in a particular area.
Low Points
No Economy: Aside from a trade channel, there's no real way to get access to things other than what you get in the field. This can be a little frustrating when you have an abundance of equipment your particular class cannot use.
Screens:http://www.gamingw.net/pubaccess/24455/TR-1.jpghttp://www.gamingw.net/pubaccess/24455/TR-2.jpghttp://www.gamingw.net/pubaccess/24455/TR-3.jpg[Buy To Play then Free to Play]#1
Granado Espada :
http://ge.iahgames.com/en/Simply put the most amazing MMORPG I've ever played. You control 3 people at once, although you can set 1-3 of them to AI (yes thats right, you can not play at all for farming / XP) and gain NPC's as allies which have classes you can't create, do PvP, crafting, and is in a time period not touched on by MMOs ever. Like 17th century Europe.
Screens:http://ge.iahgames.com/media/downloads/6/54/ss_barrack1024x768.jpg <-- a guys family.
http://ge.iahgames.com/media/downloads/6/54/ss_wizard1024x768.jpg <--- One of the characters
http://ge.iahgames.com/media/downloads/6/54/ss_3_musks1024x768.jpg <--- 3 Musketeers. Get it? Hahaha.
http://ge.iahgames.com/media/downloads/6/54/ss_boss1024x768.jpg <--- Best. Enemy. Ever
Guild Warswww.guildwars.comTechnically, this is a CORPG, but Guild Wars relies on short times to get maxed out equipment, minimal grind, and furious PvP. Anything that takes grind is optional! Features 6 classes in the original, Factions adds 2 new ones, and Nightfall adds 2 new ones. Each chapter is stand alone and does not require the previous Chapter. The first expansion for Guild Wars, called Guild Wars: Eye of the North shall arrive this year.
Screens:http://www.guildwars.com/gallery/screenshots/nightfall/gwn-scr066.php[Submitting MMO's]I would like it to make this an easier process, if you included an HTML link to the MMO, a short description, and at least 1 picture if possible to help.
Also include if its F2P, P2P, or B2P-F2P. Thanks.
[Credits]Esh: For making v1 and trying to keep it updated, also for having info that greatly aided in the speeding up of this.
Those who submit MMO's: Without you, this topic wouldn't need to be here!
Grunthor: For submitting Scions of Fate, Hero Online, and Legend of Ares.
Keldar: Anarchy Online, ShadowBane, Dungeon Runners
unpleasant predator: MixMaster
Tri-Tail: Achaea
Cray: Tales of Pirates
Lamont: DOFUS
Indalecio: Everquest II
Tatsujinken: Rumble Fighter
DeadPhoenix: Final Fantasy XI info
darkjak951: RO and FFXI.