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bleh i guess it's been a while but i figured i would show what i've been working on! it's called Magic Wand

it was sort of made with intention of getting at a certain mood i like in old rpgs, all the dinky little people in frilly hats walking around a cave saying things like "verily", like a kind of dreamy fustiness. i do not know how valuable an ambition this is but it was mine.. the game is released now anyway.
it's another commercial one but if anyone wants to try it just lemme know and i can send on a key. it works best with mouse rather than trackpad!! there are mac and linux versions as well.
vlah.. vlah!! hope all is... well!!
- stephen
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New game release
MOUSE CORP http://thecatamites.itch.io/mouse-corp
Windows, Macintosh, Linux
3d exploration/simulation with mice? Music by Tom Whalen/ NEW VADERS of Goblet Grotto OST.
"Pay what thou wilt is the whole of the law"

- Stephen...
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Hey all,
Made a bunch of short games for the makega.me forum gamejam thing. It was based on making games around songs, so I made a bunch of games for different songs and compiled them together.
They are HTML5 games playable thru web browser and very short.
- Stephen
edit: actually, screens:

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How are you? I am well.
10 days ago I complete first commerce videogame for PC Engine. It is 50 short games each made in 24 hours from Sept-Dec 2013 and still available individually free on glorioustrainwrecks.com. Package combines them into a dandy multicart loader for ease of access. There is also a note document containing info about the games, context, etc.


Cost is €4+ on friend Happy HELLoween's excellent itch.io platform.
Well, this is my advertisement topic................
You can find the game and more details at::


Thank you, god bless
- Stephen
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top mystery simulacra for you. Mask Of Death takes forever to load so beware!!!!!!! :ghoul:

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I've been kind of fascinated by what I've seen of PC-88 games / aesthetic for a while now and felt like making a topic just to stockpile knowledge and resources of the subject.
I guess what I like most is the colour palette and strange crisp graphic style but some other features that should be noted are the strange sloppy lineart usage in the adventure games and also the weird mixture of japanese writing with english titles / company names (emerald moon by ponysoft etc).

resource dump:
http://oldavg.blog.shinobi.jp/ no. 1 site for old adventure game screens
http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Oasis/1081/koryak.htm multiple rpg things?? cool monster lists eg http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Oasis/1081/axiom/monster.htm http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Oasis/1081/suiryu2/monster.htm
http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Oasis/1081/marvelous/syoukai.htm WOLF EYES
http://www.geocities.jp/rip_gamer/screamer/screamer.html old but good

http://www.geocities.jp/kitahei88/index_kouryaku.html rpgs, some nice maps
http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~oyajinogamechousa/shoukai.html some screenshots from various games
http://www.uvlist.net/jp/platforms/games-list/101 uv list contains v good amount of images

Well, so much from me.... pc 88 games excite me for some reason so i wanted to make a topic archiving links in case anyone feels the same way or has extra things to show!

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Made in <7 days for the Fishing Jam http://jam.legendaryfisher.com . Truly deploreable! Awful! Get it out!

download: http://harmonyzone.org/Games/LakeOfRoaches_v1.zip
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"A mysterious cavern...
Filled with goblets...
Valuable goblets...
Wonderful goblets...
Retrieve the goblets...
Don't get eaten...
Don't get bludgeoned...
Don't get tired...
Don't get caught...
Collect the goblets..."
http://harmonyzone.org/GobletGrotto.html window
http://gamejolt.com/games/rpg/goblet-grotto/10253/ mirror

Freeware videogame & mystery pak by Stephen Gillmurphy and J Chastain
Wonderful music provided by NEW VADERS.
Instructions provided within package.
Mac version coming soon - you cannot change this.
Well, thanks for looking at our game.
Over 'n' out........................
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What the title says - post your pics and snaps here!

Backpacking in India with a friend - couldn't believe some of the sights! It gave me a lot to think about and I'd like to visit again.

A couple from Delaware that we met on the plane -- "Parting is such sweet sorrow!" One of the things I enjoy most about travelling is the opportunity to meet other people.

just hanging out lol

Doing an interview with NPR. The presenter was very gracious and I enjoyed having the opportunity to talk about my work. "No rest for the wicked."

And who did I meet in backstage? None other than Mr. America, Tom Hanks! We shook hands and he presented me with a gift from his home country.

Err.... Well.... "Boys will be boys"! ;)

Spirituality continues to occupy an important space in my life. In this busy world, it can be important to take time out for what matters.
Whew! I'm bushed - hope I didn't bore you too bad ha ha! Thanks for reading!
- thecatamites
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piss, retch, groan, puke, retch, piss, piss.

download for "windows" http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/pleasuredromes-of-kubla-khan/files/pleasuredromesofkublakhanv1win/download/9598/11667/
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this is out! you might remember it being posted here in beta one or two years ago. i've only played a little of it but i like it a lot so far, music + looks are great but i also like how loose it feels. i've just been bouncing around and falling down holes and that's been fun in itself. there are some cool superfluous interaction bits involving a text parser slash inventory screen that probably has a ton of neat stuff locked away in it. I misread it at first and ended up putting all my clothes in a rental car. you can find a book of poems by beautiful aged walt whitman. the story is interesting or at least i like the mixture of some kind of bizarre cowboy pastiche with peaceful jrpg village and also wizards etc, i haven't gotten far into it but there are a few touches that make me think it's gonna be something goood. this is on sale this weekend apparantly. can't get over how good the music is. i'll play more & keep posting. but will you. . . . ?
edit: probably bad or misleading choice of image since there hasnt been much combat so far, i just like how the bushes look.
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Collab w/ J Chastain, music by Tom Whalen aka rappindad aka New Vaders. made in 7 days for the 7dfps thing!! it is an fps :)

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Pal J Chastain wrote a blog about adventure games!! http://mu-foundation.blogspot.com/2011/11/maniac-mansion.html It's a good read!!
 I wrote a comment which I will paste below because im too lazy to rewrite my thoughts. It doesn't make sense unless you've read the original piece, though, and it's also pretty long.
Quote from: meee
I'd say that the shift from a list of specialised verb commands to having the specialised interactions embodied in inventory items was accompanied by a simultaneous movement in these games away from focusing on "player agency" taking place within a gameworld and more towards focusing on abstract representations of those gameworlds themselves.

I don't think I've played a Myst game in the last ten years (myst...) but I kind of remember the structure of it being: find these isolated reactive elements spread out over some location. Observe how you can engage with them and look for patterns, similarities, possible connections between these reactive spots. From these connections, build up a picture of the world you're in. Extrapolate these fragments of reactivity and information into a wider cohesive whole, typically one with an embedded narrative inside. Most of the later adventure games I've played follow pretty much this structure. I'm actually not sure how important it is that this cohesive whole being hinting at does not actually exist outside of rigidly constructed simulations. It still seems to me an approach with some potential as a sort of compromise between implementing Hard Reactivity (text roguelikes 4 life) and just click-to-unlock-new-content-bloc. Get around the problem of trying to >PULL STEREO without having to implement new content by making it clear from the outset that you're dealing with abstracted exploratory gestures more so than actions with a real-world equivalent, that you're poking at these things from outside rather than in.

More traditional later adventure games kind of go the same route by having all the structural relationships of a gameworld cached inside inventory puzzles. I'd say part of the frustration of this comes from the fact that it's still kind of masquerading as actual events and narrative that you can take part in, when really it's so formalised as to bear only the vaguest resemblance to anything resembling life. These people will wait forever inside their isolated rooms, waiting for you to provoke or terrorize them into activity with some arbitrarily "signficant" collectible items so that you can progress into the next location and repeat the process. I haven't played any of the Myst games in a long time (myst...) so I might be giving them too much credit but I guess I would see a potential in the idea of adventure games which push even further towards abstraction and externality (did they even have "usable" inventory items in that series, the last remnants of the curated verb list?) rather than narratives of even a flexible, multiheaded kind. I'd say that the primary thing seperating even superlinear adventure games from just being content-delivery-systems is the sense of actively probing the limits of the world in order to gradually build up a picture of the whole which is more than the sum of its parts.

Anyway, I am rambling wildly by this point but would definitely agree that even this approach would tend more towards the Maniac Mansion mode of a relatively smaller selection of objects with widespread and multifaceted uses and responses rather than rigidly specific, prescribed uses and ways of progression.

So paraphrasing / extrapolating from this I guess part of what I find interesting about adventure games is the movement away from "player agency" in the form of controlling characters in a narrative and towards a more abstract exploration of a gameworld which just happens to have a narrative embedded in it. In a way I think something similar even happened if you look at the development of the Player Character in adventure games, from a straightforward "you" in text adventures and the likes of Mystery House to sort of blank, vagely-defined surrogate characters like Roger Wilco to characters with more developed motives and personalities. There's a shift here from the idea of playing as someone, with the ensuing parser and verb representations of what "you" want to do, to a more vague and abstract representation of what you're doing as you try to guide these wilful, self-contained little computer people through the gameworld as you test the limits of your agency and get a sense of some wider structure from that. So while there's definitely a lot of room to move in the direction of more reactive and manipulable worlds, there are still some things which I think could be valuable about the way adventure games sort of look at narratives and worlds from the outside rather than trying to let you Live The Game or whatever.
idk this is a long post.
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Enter the Crime Zone. Move it, Move it. Catch the perps. You are drawn to a mysterious hotel. You are repeatedly drawn to this mysterious hotel. Protect And Serve. It's just another day in the Crime Zone.

Ludum Dare 21 entry made in 48 hours

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just a barfy AGS game made in less than two weeks. part 4 of the murder dog saga


Murder Dog is on trial in the Hague for crimes against humanity. Get involved in the proceedings. Six brutal endings.
controls: mouse clix
DOWNLOAD: http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/murder-dog-iv-trial-of-the-murder-dog/files/murder-dog-v1-0/download/5807/7654/
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whoa what an indulgent topic!! but i always like seeing weird old kiddrawings [kinderzeichnungen] and i found an old notebook full of old cartoons from when i was around four(?? it's dated 1993 anyway) so post em if u got em

power ranger

i remember drawing lots of people on skateboards. also baseball caps and tshirts that said RAP on them. i have no idea why.


a batman and a bat

i think the left one is the power rangers t-rex mecha (driven by red ranger). the left is an early version of MONSTER RAP i guess.

power ranger fight scene and uh idk maybe some kind of religious thing



portrait of the artist as a young mummy

i think the one on the left is a GHOSTBUSTERS reference. i remember filling copybooks with pictures of ghostbusters trapping monsters in a triangular beam from that little box thing they used to capture the ghosts. there is also what looks like a dick sprouting from the ground. idk whats with the head.
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i'm trying to get into some lowpoly 3D modelling and texturing in Wings 3D. come with me on my journey into the stars.

You can see from the blurry car hood that I haven't really got the hang of textures yet! also the shading is entirely arbitrary right now since i haven't got the hang of thinking in 3d yet. i think the lil driver dude came out okay though.
Anyway feel free to post your own 3d stuff or any "tips & tricks" you might have in the subject!!
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 I rewatched Blue Velvet a while back. What I really liked about it was how familiar it all seemed, not just because I'd seen it before but because it reminded me so much of being a little kid watching soap operas on tv. The thing about those shows were that I was so young watching them that I was never able to make them coherent or to grasp the idea that there was some single storyline going on underneath it. It all just seemed like this constant flow of disconnected and sometimes grotesque images: a man talking on the phone in bed, a fat man laughing while synthesized "villainous" music played, snatches of dialogue, etc. And with Blue Velvet I got the sense that it was deliberately dredging up that sense of smoothly-flowing incoherence: characters and plot points drifted in and out, scenes were oddly paced and seemed disconnected but not enough to be jarring. And I think the point was to try to trace out a sort of television subconscious, to try to map out the secret currents of strangeness and desire and voyeurism which lies under the surface of those old soaps or thrillers or what have you. I think it's worth mentioning as well that in a very real sense television / cinema really is just a set of constantly flickering disconnected images and that looking at it that way is in a sense seeing it more honestly than as an actual storyline or whatever.
The reason I bring that up is because I have been wondering recently what a videogame subconscious would look like. When you think about it games are kind of bizarre, gaudy mixes of reflex-action and arbitrary symbols and spatial experiences all mashed together and pushed into your brain, and I kind of wonder how much of that is really "digested" and assimilated and understood and how much is just this set of strange and slightly incoherent experiences jammed together in your head and bleeding into each other. I think the Hyrule Field section in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is a good example of what I mean in the sense that it's the videogame equivalent of those barely-processed old soap operas, except on a more advanced level and cutting up / breaking down a sense of space in the same way the shows broke down a sense of time. And it isn't limited to early childhood: even quite recently when I had the same experience.

There is never any real sense of "being somewhere" in Hyrule Field, never a point where you can really place yourself in relation to everything else, which is interesting when you realise it isn't that big and is filled with landmarks (the ranch, the river entrance, the castle, the canyon etc). I guess part of this is because the map is basically just a big blue blog in the corner of the screen and the only way to find a place with it is by trying to figure out which of the contours on the edge correspond to what you actually see. But basically the effect is always the same: there's no real sense of being or going anywhere and everything that happens on the screen is just kind of calmly absorbed into the overall experience. This is interesting because most of the stuff that is in Hyrule Field is kind of disconnected from the rest of the game: there are different enemy types, which follow patterns of day/night which have no bearing on the rest of the game enemies and which only exist in this area. They're also kind of bizarre as a rule (special mention to those giant helicopter plant things as a kid which occasionally split up into smaller self-destructing helicopter plant things). There are also many invisible secret holes in the ground, which drop you into some reconfguration of the same cavern area each time: there is always a fish pond, always some bugs under a bush, sometimes and completely arbitrarily a treasure chest. When you're a grown-up you sometimes get attacked by special ghosts popping of of thin air in particular locations. Basically the point I'm making is that this stuff should be kind of disorienting or just notable even by the patterns established by the rest of the game but it's not at all! It all just gets smoothly accepted: you ride a horse, a ghost appears, maybe you chase the ghost or don't, now you're in a canyon, now you slash some bushes, now you're falling down a hole.

I think it's important to note as well that there is very little of "value" in Hyrule Field, in the sense of value established by the rest of the game: items, subquests, heart pieces, people to talk to, problems to overcome. There are some gold skulltulas and the special ghosts, as well as that runner guy I guess, but that's about it! And I think what this does is kind of cut you loose from the contexts that give your actions any appearance of weight or meaning.

Basically I guess what makes Hyrule Field so interesting to me is that firstly I guess it's as good an example of the pure "flow" of game experience as you can find in that it actually dispenses with most of the things associated with gameplay (progress, challenge, goals etc) in favour of pure space / movement and still manages to be weirdly absorbing. Secondly, for something which consists almost entirely of moving through space it manages to completely avoid any real sense of spatial relationships: you're always moving but rarely to anywhere in particular. Thirdly it's hard to either see it or experience it in terms of an overarching context: maybe this is partly diue to engine limitations, the disconnect between towns and field areas etc but it still means it's hard to reduce it to what it actually means (or... "means" lol) in terms of the game itself. It stays as undigested experience, weightless and contentless but all the better for it. I think earlchip posted about Link's Awakening a while back saying that while parts of it were cool the whole thing never really did anything for him, it was still kind of a chore to play through. I feel pretty much the same way and I think what's going on in Hyrule Field is a good place to look at what was missing!

So yeah gulp just felt like sharing i guess @__@ post any good experiences or thoughts you had about ideas of space in videogames or just talk about cool shit in ocarina of time (those fucking caverns ahahaha)
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So I've had a HANKERING to mess around in 3D for a while now but even with the simplest programs I've tried (like Platinum Arts Sandbox which is supposedly aimed at 8-year-olds and even Ray Game Designer 2 which must be like a decade old and seems p crude / simple) there is some kind of basic skill level required in modelling and so on before you can do even the simplest things. Also it's uh pretty forbidding to ignorant layman like me in terms of a ridiculous amount of software like Blender, Autocad, Milkshake or whatever it's called, which may or may not overlap or even work (are 3D0 files standard or DXM files or what??) not to mention things like shaders, meshes, skeletons. I have no idea which things are actually necessary and which are just to polish up the end result. Basically I am not completely averse to learning something new or expending effort but it'd help if I even had some kind of vague direction to go in so that it's not just "spend five years figuring out blender and another five trying to do something with it".

I realise this is a dumb request and I'm not asking HEY TELL ME HOW TOP MAKE 3D LIKE MARIO (although all advice on how top make 3d like mario will be taken to heart) but if there's any 3D guys out there I'm just wondering if there's any overviews / programs / tips you'd recommend, or even just to tell me whether 3D is something you can pick up without dedicating all free time to blasting through it. If it helps I have no ambitions as to quality beyond like this level of detail or modelling. Basically is there such thing as 3D for babbys?? get me from crib  :fogetsad:
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So it turns out Jay Reatard died this wednesday. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/theampersand/archive/2010/01/14/record-label-confirms-garage-rock-musician-jay-reatard-has-died.aspx. Apparantly he died in his sleep although some police are investigating it as a homicide?? I am not sure if this is due to evidence stuff or that he was known for being uh pretty hostile and fighting with audience members etc and they just kind of extrapolated from that. The article mentions some kind of big punchup at a concert and some sort of fallout from that but idk.

This is probably the first time the death of a musician or just celebrity(?) in general has actually hit me as opposed to just seeming vaguely sad in some far-off, disconnected way. I didn't know as much of his music as I'd have liked, and he was insanely profilic besides, but I really liked what I heard. He was one of the very very few of the garage revival crowd that I respected and liked, a lot, because instead of just reproducing some bullshit dead genre a lot of his stuff seemed to have a lot more uh soul to it, some kind of passion and ferocity in his voice especially and a surprisingly sharp ear for melody that made the music feel alive and actually relevent, like it wasnt so much a revival piece but just excellent raw punk rock that happened to share a few chromosomes with a mostly wothless creative dead-end of a genre. I am kind of emphasising how awful the garage revival scene is because it made me appreciate him a lot more that in something defined by smugness and recycled forms he was able to put together something which was not particularly new or original stylistically but sort of felt that way just because of that undefineable sense of... inhabiting the music there was, where instead of standing ironically off to one side there was a genuine undercurrent of hurt and pain embedded in the worn-out garage record grooves.
His album 'Blood Visions' was a really good example of this and I sorta wanted to bring it up for a while just to see if anyone else felt the same way about it: that the album as well as being excellent fucking punk rock was a kind of reworking of those tired garagerock musical forms and lyrical subject matter (murder, alienation, etc) to make them something other than stale cartoons. Songs like "Not A Substitute" were so musically simple that it constantly kind of surprised me and blew me away that they felt so important and alive and meaningful, not in the sense of dilettentish artschool symbolism horseshit but in the way the best pop music can take these really simple emotions and phrases and everyday moments and turn them into something like myth. It seemed to have an extra emotional dimension that just didnt seem possible given the constraints of the music and lyrics and genre.

I had the chance to see him earlier this year, and I didn't go, because I'd heard his latest album was powerpop and was a little putoff by the vastness of his discography, and it was cold and I wasn't in the mood and so on. I guess it goes without saying that I really regret this now. I think part of what shook me about reading of his death today is not only the fact that he was so young (29) but also that I was kind of, uh. I'm not particularly interested in as many bands and musicians of THIS ERA as I probably should be, but when I am they mean a lot more, like Future Of The Left and Lightning Bolt and The Hospitals and whoever else, because they feel MINE in some weird way, not like I'm grasping at some relic from a culture I never knew but because they almost helped me define myself and my culture. Like you picture uh guys from the sixties growing up with Bob Dylan or eighties kids and the Clash and that's sort of how I feel about these guys in many ways. I want to see how Andy Falkous's music develops and follow along in real time, not just read about it. I guess I felt this way about Jay Reatard, as well, that although I didn't know his music as well as the others I've listed there was a sense that he was one of the guys that MATTERED, that would be worth following outside of some stupid NME music trend or hit album.
I'm not sure that many other people would feel this way about his music; he was something of a JOKE to the indie kids, more well-known for his onstage brawls than his music, and to the repulsively insular and, as far as I'm concerned, creatively worthless garagerock scene he was too 'mainstream' to be taken seriously. I don't think this means anything because I don't particularly respect indie kids or garage kids, or their taste in music or art, so fuck these people. But this is also maybe why I feel the need to write this huge fucking thing about a kind of minor musical figure, because I'm not sure if anyone else will.

I included a song from his band The Reatards on a mixtape I made a few days ago on the Tomatoland forums. It was a mixtape of my TOP TEN, my favorite songs. I put on his song "You Fucked Up My Dreams" for reasons I can't particularly explain, as in many ways it's just PUNK 101 stuff, but theres something about it that GETS ME. The lyrics and music are standard issue but there's something about the vocals and the squalls of guitar distortion that make it something else. Tons of garage bands sing about you know hurt, betrayal, anger, pain all that jazz but Jay Reatard was one of the few people who could SELL IT like a motherfucker and make it seem like something other than some tired 'punk' pose. I listen to it on headphones a lot, with the volume cranked up as far as it can go, and listen to the rawness of the vocals and nervous tooth-rattling energy of the music and it blows me away every time I hear it, makes the hair on my neck stand on end. And everytime I do this I have to stop listening to music for a while and do something else because after it everything else sounds anticlimactic. It loses something in youtube, when you're sitting in front of the computer instead of pacing up and down pushing the headphones against your ears to make it seem louder, but here it is anyway. RIP Jay Reatard.
