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2 years ago, Konami released "Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin". While the game was well regarded by chritics, the fans shunned it due to its non-memorable characters(dracula in a beach shirt :P) and its crappy diologue. Not to mention that Jonathan was like his father, a belmont wannabe. However, Jonny's father was acually cool while this young guy was a whiny emo kid. This game made us wonder, why can't Konami release another CV game as big as Symphony of the Night? Will there be any more CV outings on the DS? Will they lose the crappy anime art style(not that i hated Dawn of Sorrows, Portrait of Ruin's was just bad and didn't fit the atmosphere). All our questions will possibly be answered in the upcoming Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia!

Old style CV character art=greatness

I don't know what it is, but the environments seem to bring some graphical flare.

The bosses for the most part will be brand new. I like this one, it reminds me of the last boss from "Super C". I love nastolgia!  

Item crashes return in this installment. Its not everyday you see a character weilding a screen-filling sword in CV!

Story: This game will take place a couple of years after the events of SotN. The Belmonts have temporaroly dissapeared and Dracula has returned to unleash hell upon the world. A rebel group called "The Order Of Ecclesia" steps up to defeat the count using one of their most powerful weapons. A vampire hunter named Shanoa is that weapon, and she must travel all around transilvania to stop the count once and for all.  

-World Map system that can take you to over 20 locales in transilvania, much like Simon's Quest but with more depth. Konami also boasts that the game will be as big as SotN, I wonder if they can pull that off!
-Old and new enemies will appear.
-The new "Glyph" system allows Shanoa to use magical items called "Glyphs" and transform them into weapons to be used in either her left hand or right hand bringing back the dual weapon system from SotN.
-All new bosses in the game, bigger than ever before(so konami claims).  
-Awesome soundtrack.
-No more anime style characters!
-3rd time in castlevania history that a female is a main protagonist.
-Wi-fi will be used with online shops and an entirely new feature too. The new feature is the ability to do combat with others, much like a death match.

Its odvious that Konami is really putting their all on this title and it will be released this fall, but i wouldn't be suprised if they delayed it.
Interview with Iga: http://youtube.com/watch?v=YJ2JI203Uxw

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Is George Lucus on crack or somthing? This looks like some sort of freaking digitally animaited children's cartoon! What are they thinking?!

Anyway, this movie will basically fill the gap between episode 2 and 3 and seems to be based on the "Clone Wars" cartoon, which was a pretty decent addition to the starwars universe. However, I just don't like where Lucus is going with this movie. Why not use the real actors? Oh well, most(maybe all) of the voices come from the Episode 3 cast, and that was my favorite of all starwars movies. There seems to be some new characters as well as some suprisingly awesome saber fighting. Despite the fact that this movie LOOKS like shit, i will still see it. This is mainly because the Clone Wars cartoon didn't answer all of my questions and it just seemed so mute most of the time. Expect to see some more big screen lightsaber action(and milking :P) this Summer.
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Now, I don't know if this is allowed and if it is not please don't lock it. I really need help with this:
I just downloaded an emulator called "NO$GBA" and it plays nintendo DS games and GBA games. However, when I play a game such as Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow i don't know how to save. I save my game, then i exit the emulator, then i restart the game to find my file to be deleted. Could someone tell me how to save with the emulator?
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This is so stupid: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ixNkEXOSU90
Now i find it funny but his logic is so stupid it makes me want to.....

If you like stuff that is so stupid that its funny, watch it. If you want to see what true fanboyism is, then watch it. I just find it appauling that this kid who thinks he is black, bashes wii(or "system with a controller that looks like a dildo" in his case) and 360(or xbox circle in his case) without truley telling why the ps3(or "Pee Es Tripol" in his case) is better than any of them. I just felt like sharing a true example of stupid fanboyism to you guys, this is the real deal. This is Chad Fucking Wardenn!
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Starting to get bored of 2005's dissapointing yet online-addictive metroid prime hunters? Want a new online FPS experience on the dual screened handheld? Look no further than a game in the making called "C.O.R.E.". This game boasts impressive online multiplayer as well as a good engine.
Website: http://www.corethegame.com

The game will be a FPS, as you would expect from the descripton much like games such as Quake.

Character and decently impressive and the guns look nice.

Not only will there be an awesome online/local multiplayer mode....

....but the campaign boasts to be good, however the true focus of the game seems to be put into the multiplayer.

Creators: NoWay Studios

Now as I said above, the multiplayer will be the prime focus of the game(even though the story stated on the website is nice) and NoWay Studios is giving it their all with this feature. Here are the details picked up from the website:
"C.O.R.E multiplayer mode is designed with clear and simple goal: fun and
best interactive experience possible for all players around the world. We
believe that fans of the "old school" shooters will be pleased with our quality.
Finally, after a long time of waiting for a classic multiplayer FPS we can
proudly announce it has arrived

-Enjoy three different multiplayer modes,

* Death match
* Team arena
* Capture the flag

-Choose best weapon among 8 accessible guns
-Enjoy the game with 3 other friends using only one card!
-Play according to the classic FPS rules: entire arsenal of weapons plus power-ups will be available
Have access to the player's statistics for the best competition elements"

We will be able to kick some online ass on our DS when it releases soon this year :)
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My activity here has been absent for one reason or another, but thats not to say i dissapeared. I am back bringing the goods on 2 new tales games, one being the sequal to one of my favorite Tales games "Tales of Symphonia" and another being a unique next gen Tales game of it's own called "Tales of Vespira". I am making this topic to honor both of these 2 games as they will be releasing soon this year.
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
The much anticipaited sequal is finally coming here but this time on the wii system. Now most of you are probably going to have your "Gimmicky Alert Siren" turned on, but be content as it looks good and introduces lots of new features.

Two new main characters are introduced in this game, sadly their names are currently uknown. If anyone knows them, please PM them to me and i will modify this post.

The battle system is faithful to previous Tales games but will possibly add in a couple of motion controls to the mix.

It seems that Lloyd and the new protagonist have a rivalry in this game.

Movement will oddly be done with pointing and clicking with the wiimote, but hopefully they will add a nunchuck use of movement.

Not only will you use characters in battle, but you can also use monsters that you breed and take care of in a farm.

In-game cutscenes also are improved. Unlike tales of the abyss, the characters have alot less clipping and distortion in movement.

There is little detail on this game, but more on the story should be revealed later this year. As far as I am informed the game takes 2 years after the events of tales of symphonia and the game will revolve around 2 new protagonists as well as the returning characters. What I REALLY want to know is that has lloyd turned to the dark side? Hopefully they will reveal more later this year.

Tales of Vespira[/size
This game is an Xbox 360 exclusive, which like the wii is a first in the Tales series. There is already an english trailer lingering around the internet meaning that this game will possibly come out before ToS2.

The cel shaded graphics and lighting are eye candy to anime lovers.

The battle system is inspired by Tales of Innocence's battle system allowing you to move freely in battle.

English diologue for the most part is decent.

The world map has improved textures, much better than previous titles.

Now, even though this game might come out before ToS2 there is even less details on this game. However, we can only hope that we can experience a great next gen Tales game.

Overall, it looks like Namco-Bandai is really pushing their limits with both of these games. I will update this topic whenever I get more info on both games, so stay tuned :)
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Devil May Cry has been revered for it's Ballsy/Stylish combat and crazy characters since 2001. Alot has happened to the series since then(exept for camera :P) for better or for worse. Devil May Cry started the trilogy(not chronologically, but you get the picture) in the year 2001. You had your protagonist, Dante who was half demon and the antagonist Mundus. Dante had to hack n slash his way through 20 missions all inside a huge mansion. This game had awesome graphics but seemed a bit resident evil-ish(with exeption of RE4) with the camera consistantly changing as well as the pre rendered backrounds. The over-hyped sequal, Devil May Cry 2 came out in 2003, two years after the first one released. This game strived to add a darker look on the story and characters as Dante is much more mature and shows little emotion in the face of a demon. This game was a mixed bag because it was not the best the series had to offer and it really was not the devil may cry people knew and loved. The areas were open and there were alot more enemies, but the atmosphere just seemed absent. Two more years passed and the godly Devil May Cry 3 released. This told the story of Dante before the events of DMC1 as he is younger. This game also introduces alot of interesting characters such as Lady or the infamous Jester. The combat is said to be the best in the game's history as well as the crazy weapons(Dante can even weild a gutiar that shoots magical bats when played or can transform into a scythe). It also took DMC1's difficulty and skyrocketed it so you started off on normal mode, you had to earn easy mode by completing a few missions or by dying too much. By far one of the most anticipaited Devil May Cry games was Devil May Cry 4, and it almost lived up to that hype too. The combat was taken from DMC3 but you didn't play as Dante the entire time. You got to control Nero, a Dante look-alike with a possesed arm that can slam demons faces with great force. The arm(devil bringer) opened new ways to kill enemies and it allowed Nero to reach places that he cannot normally acess with a jump. However this game was probably the most repetitive in the series because, when you got control over Dante you had to go through the places Nero visited but backwards. This really pissed off the fans but it was still saved by an improved combat system and Dante's ability to eventually weild pandora, one of the greatest weapons I have ever seen in gaming history.

The series has had much ups and downs in each of the games for better or worse. This raises a question, which Devil May Cry game was the best in your eyes? Personally I enjoyed Devil May Cry 3 because of its major depth and addictive gameplay.
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Me and my buddies on halo wanted to make a video portraying(in a comical way) an assult on a terrorist camp by a delta force squadron.
The vid is here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=SIQ-PKaHPfg

OnEsHoTkIlL794(me): Terrorist Commander(the one who accually sounds like a middle eastern)
Omega 5934: Terrorist Grunt(the one with a british accent O.o)
CAPTAINPSYCHO: Delta Force Leader
XxDeathxX725: Delta Force Soldier
Sj Bibko: Delta Force Soldier
Mini GSP: Filmer

My opinions: Me and Omega were studdering alot and our acting was for comical reasons. Why you ask? We are not REALLY terrorists, we are american so all we know about terrorists is that the bomb shit and are consistantly trying to kill america. We took that concept and made it sort of comical. Also we say alot of shit about bush but rest assure, we don't mean it. As for those who acted the delta force, they did a great job! Could have been a bit better but i liked it, it was sure as hell better than me and omega's acting. Mini GSP filmed the whole thing as an oracle so sorry that the hud is not invisible and that the quality is bad, he will try to fix those and upload a better quality version. Mini GSP was responsible for other halo films like halo 2 randomness and all have been good. This is the first of his videos I starred in and i had fun doing it. I hope you enjoy and again i am sorry for the lackluster acting, camera, and quality.
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I just bought an xbox arcade game called "Marathon"(along with halo 3 legendary map pack). I love marathon, it was awesome for it's time and still is on the 360 arcade version. However, it is lonely and nobody is ever online :(​. If anyone has this game, contact me(gamertag: oneshotkill794) cause i would like to engage in it's multiplayer fragging :)
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Ok, the first 4 episodes of DMC are in english and are up on youtube. All fans of the game debated that the anime might be lackluster....well they are wrong....sort of.

Story: The anime takes place between DMC1 and 4 where Dante is as usual sitting in his shop in a clusterfuck of dept. He does numerous demon slaying missions through the course of the show such as slaying an abyssal beast known as "Belphegor". Its nice to see what kind of missions Dante does, however some just seem far too easy and combat is somewhat slim, but when it happens expect his adversaries to be pouring fountains and rivers of blood!


Dante(image above): The main protagonist. He is one of the two sons of sparda and is only half demon like his brother, Vergil(who as far as i can tell does not appear in the anime). He owns a demon slaying buisness known as "Devil May Cry" but is in extreme dept to many people. He is in charge of taking care of a bitchy girl named "Patty Lowell"(get to her later). His attitude is somewhat more pissed off and tired, however he does pull of some jokes in front of the demons which doesn't entirely make him just like himself in DMC2. Some of his jokes are corny like when this big demon grabs him in episode 3 he says "Thats quite a handshake you got there" while pointing his gun at the beast's pulse. His weapons are the same as in DMC3, his sword rebellion and his 2 handguns named ebony and ivory. Thankfully his voice is Reuben Langdon, the man behind his voice in DMC 3 and 4 and unlike most animes, his voice acting is acually good and for the most part faithful to the game.

Lady : Another demon hunter who made her appearence in episode 2: Highway Star. Dante is constantly in dept to her and finds dantes attitude most of the time unbearable. She is happy most of the time but is easily annoyed however. She weilds many handguns and a big ass rocket launcher that functions like a "Nakita Missile"(remote controlled missile) in metal gear as she can control it. Her voice is played by Melissa Davis, another returning voice actor from DMC 3 and 4.

Trish : Dante's former partner in demon slaying. She appears in the episode 4: Rolling Thunder. Her attitude in the anime is a bit more naggy and commanding when talking to dante. For example, she says to dante in ep.4 "Remember what I said about eating too much pizza? Its bad for you!". He nagging just means she cares for him, but it is not like her too much. She is voiced by Luci Christan, who has not voiced for her in any of the games. I personally like this voice better than the game's (especially DMC4).

Patty Lowell : A young girl who Dante met after she supposedly came into a large inheritance. This turned out to be a sham, and she has since been spending a lot of time with Dante, whether he likes it or not. She appeared in episode 1: Devil May Cry and has been hanging around with Dante ever since due to the fact that she has no more home. She is probably the most annoying character in the series and I question why she is even there, she is a huge bratty bitch who does nothing but complain. Her voice actor is Hilary Hagg, her voice is worse than tails's 4kids voice in sonic x.

Morrison : Dante's Tight Fisted liaison. He finds Dante jobs and sometimes helps out with repairs around the office. He is always pissed off at dante due to the fact that he is in major dept. As far as i know, he only appears in the anime and is voiced by Rob Mungle who fits his character quite nicely.

Sid : A weak demon grunt who appears in episode 1: Devil May Cry. He is easily defeated but research tells me that he later becomes a much bigger antagonist than i expected. More info will be had as soon as i watch more english episodes. His voice actor is Chris Ayres who does a bit of a sloppy job at it mostly.

English Episode List:
1: Devil May Cry
2: Highway Star
3: Not Love
4: Rolling thunder

more updates will come when the next 4 episodes release this april.

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Okami was released for the PS2 about...2 years ago and boy was it awesome. On april 15th however Okami will be treading to unexpected turf, the wii. Now with the wii you are probably thinking "This is probably a bad port of a good game", if thats what you are thinking you are dead wrong. This game, according to IGN is far better than the ps2 version. The game is like twilight princess but it does alot of things better such as the art style and the MASSIVE overworld map. If you hated twilight princess, dont play this you will not like it either. Loved twilight princess? You will love this game just the same. Good job capcom!

-Motion controls that make fans of okami feel like it should have been released on the wii in the first place
-Graphics got a slight tweak
-Art style is still beautiful
-Very long game
-Epic boss battles
-Brush strokes with wiimote is extremely responsive and fluid
-Big open world

Now here are some minor downfalls of the game:
-Framerate can slow down sometimes, hardly noticable
-10 second load time, while not bad can be tedious at times

Even if you played/have okami on the ps2, pick this up when it releases april 15th. Not convinced, rent it and if you love it, THEN buy it.

IGN Review: http://wii.ign.com/articles/865/865958p1.html
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Any castlevania fan recodnizes 2003's GBA game, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. I for one loved it, it was one of my favs right next to castlevania: CotM.
If you guys liked it, then you get another chance to play it...on your phone!
Now i know what you are thinking: "Was konami's previous attempt to bring castlevania to mobile phones complete shit? Will this one be the same, watered down crap like the previous one?" Answer is, No O.O! This game is completely in-tact, the full Aria is here and it is awesome on the phone.

Story: Its 2035, and Soma Cruz was going to visit his friend, Mina Hyakuba until they get sucked into the lunar eclipse. Inside, lies the legendary castle of darkness, castlevania. In order to escape the castle in the eclipse, Soma must find out the origins of his dark powers and travel deeper into the bowels of castlevania.

Gameplay Clips:


Minotaur! :O

Zombie Soldier! :O

Menu! :O
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Ever hear of Digital Ph33r? If you have seen "Masterchief Sucks at Halo" or "Arby and the Chief" then you probably know him for his comedic take to the halo series. But not all of his movies are all comedy, there is one series that he has made that stood out above the rest. This is a halo 3 action/drama known as "Deus Ex Machina", one of the greatest series of youtube movies using halo 3 i have ever seen. There are currently 8 episodes(episode 8 is 2 parts, only one of the two came out) and they are awesome.
Story: Salvation City(Last Resort), the city that was apropriately dubbed "The Asshole of the world". This is a city full of crime and is also the biggest distributer of power-enhancing drugs in the entire world. John Brent is your average person, until him and his friend Michael Jacobs started somthing that would change their lives forever. They wanted to "Clean up" salvation city by protecting the helpless. Mike built John a set of armor that allowed him to do incredible things such as lift things up to 1 metric ton. It is not easy however, as the town is littered with people who modified their armor in the name of evil.
Review: These movies are amazing. It is a very compelling machinima that reminds me of movies like bourne identity. I was also suprised how they used halo 3 for this, as we all know halo 3 has limits but in Dues Ex Machina, they try their hardest to make it like an action movie and it works. All combat scenes are awesome and at the end of each one will leave you begging for more, just to find out what happens next. I do hate the fact that the series is only 8 episodes long, making it undeniably short but later episodes somewhat fix that due to the fact that they can last for over 20 minutes sometimes. All in all, great series, i give it an 9/10. check em' out:
Episode 1: http://youtube.com/watch?v=vg_ZkoUteLM
Episode 2-Decapitator: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ec8-KLsaFyc
Episode 3-Corrupt: http://youtube.com/watch?v=se3gL5yKzw4
Episode 4-The End(not the last episode): http://youtube.com/watch?v=MrWIl8e_w6o
Episode 5-Execution: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0p3N7-091kI
Episode 6-Parasite: http://youtube.com/watch?v=HkuGaMtzeCM
Episode 7-Symbosis: http://youtube.com/watch?v=MM9Ug-9bLT4
Episode 8-Doomsday(part 1): http://youtube.com/watch?v=RTNXfv5zNss
Episode 8-Doomsday(part 2): coming soon...

Digital Ph33r's Website(check it out to see all his movies): http://digitalph33r.blogspot.com/
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Before flaming me about "not being able to make a poll about this shit without adding EVERY game in the catagory" thing, hear me out.
The nintendo DS only had 4 rated M DS titles, and each are pretty decent :o
From the good port of Resident Evil, to the bloody horrors of Dementium the Ward.
Which M rated game however, is the best in your opinion?
2005's Resident Evil Deadly Silence?

First person knife combat was pretty cool
Touch The Dead?

Nothin like ol' fasion rail shooting eh?
Dementium: The Ward?

Most think it is impossible to run a 60 fps game on a DS, they are "dead" wrong! XD(just had to, could not resist :P) 
or Mortal Combat DS?

acually its a port of the classic mortal combat 3, but with some gimmicks and wifi play!

pick your poison >:3
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i saw this movie called drillbit taylor yesterday, it was funny!
naturally movies previewed on nickalodian suck 60% of the time, but i question why the fuck they even advertised it on a kids channel. SO many things in that movie are EXTREMELY innapropriate to kids, kind of makes me think nick is getting less kid friendly....

at any rate, see this movie, its pretty good :)
edit: sorry i was so caught up in a rant i 4got to tell wat its about xD

its about 2 nerds(eventually 3) who are being picked on in their first year of highschool by 2 bullies(one who is played by josh peck, who never really acted like a good bully). their solution: professinal bodyguard, but due to insufficient funds could not afford most of them....but one. A hobo named drillbit taylor offers to be their bodyguard. I will not spoil anything, just see the movie its hilarious
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Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword has just released on the DS. I do not know if there is a topic or not, but i felt that there should be a release topic
The game supposedly takes place before the upcoming ninja gaiden 2 and it looks fantastic.Ryu Hayabusa is the main character but there is also a female character that is playable as well. Graphics look REALLY good for a DS(nintendo-haters can argue with that tough) and it utalizes the touchscreen flawlessly. Here are some screenies!:

combat looks smooth and bosses promise to be big!

Ninpo is also included, Ryu can unleash spells such as big fireballs or bolts of lightning.

Here is one of the many ninpos of Ryu! Shineeeey!

like i said, bosses are big! 

GTTV review: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/31798.html
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Yea i am near beating metal gear solid 2 and i just saw a handful of creepy codec moments. Here are some examples:
-General's skull like face in one of them
-Rose claiming that she is pregnant in that demonic voice

what is this all about? O.O could anybody explain please, it would be much appriciated :3
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Tales of Innocence as released in japan on the nintendo a couple of months ago and it looks great. It has some awsome graphics, on par with tales of the world radient mytholigy on the psp. The game's battle system looks familiar, but its far diffrent. Getting the idea from Tales of the Abyss, This is a Free roaming motion battle system. Now you can run freely anytime in battle which could make it easier to manuver around the feild and dodge the enemies. Another useful thing is the hp bars over enemies heads, which could help if you just wanna know when the hell that monster is dead! I for one am getting this when it comes out for america....if it comes out though. The previous DS tales game, Tales of the Tempest only came out in Japan so it could leavle some to think wether it will come here or not. :shrug:

Gameplay Screenies:
Battle system is looking good! The enemies, though recycled from Tales of the Abyss are looking great on the DS.

Another highlight is combat in the air, which seems pretty sweet. Using demon fang in the air FTW :3

Giant monsters in a tales game? DUH!

Overlimit will be involved, but my only complaint is how the character looks when in overlimit. Squiggly lines around the character make me wanna throw up :blarg:

Lloyd ripoff anyone?? X3

IGN: http://ds.ign.com/objects/951/951709.html
Youtube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tmIaKeTta_0
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I am leaving the forum for a long time, i will be back soon....maybe. It is odvious that i am not welcome, due to the fact that some people/mods are being extremely mean and rude..... for no hard feelings i am not mentioning their names.
ok now that i got that out of my system, i hope most of u ppl are happy that you made another person leave due to your rudeness. I might return sometime.....hell i might even post now and then on posts that i have already made.
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ok i got my laptop so its time to make a meaningful topic this time!

This is an interusting game, it is supposed to be an on the rails RPG with a ton of hack n slash thrown in for good measure. Your main character as a dragon quest tradition is a nameless hero on a quest to unravel the mystery of the monster's strange appearences and the Queen's behavior and why she hides under a mask! You will hack and slash your way never before seen in a dragon quest game which seems extremely fun and hopefully will not be gimmicky. Although i do not see how moving freely through a single town will work while the game is clearly on the rails.


Killing slimes is always fun as hell and will for sure never bore for hard core DQ fans

party members get their ownn equips including weapons but they cannot melee, they use magic instead which i dont get...

You can freeroam the town with just the wiimote which seems like a bit of a last minute thing

Graphics are very impressive on the wii and the boss fights promise to be awsome

This game includes:
-On the rails rpg action
-a single town where you can free roam and choose your next on the rails path
-familiar and new monsters galore
-stunning graphics for a wii game
-a pretty good story
-about an 10 hour game, but with a couple of sidequests thrown in to make it longer
-monsters can come in specific patterns providing some strategy
Dont eat my tater chipz or u will be sowwy! =D