I've been bored with the topics and threads on the site lately.. Can we do something proactive and review something, anything!
G4me5, m0vie5, la5t s4ndwich y0u ate, a Y0utube video, this t0pic, a new purch4se.
I would start it off but I'm lazy as shit. Could we get creative. A picture, a sound effect, a disgusting metaphor, a vid, a one man p0dcast.. anything that will entertain or brake the monotony of the current state of things.
At this point Ill watch, listen, feel anything you leave here.
Reading back on this I realized I potentially opened the flood gates to shit like news report reviews like politics and African voting scandals. Please for the love off god, not that bullshit.
Also a picture of your last dump and a review on the subject probably wouldn't be the best idea.. but then again I'm pretty desperate for something to happen, so any contributions would deserve my gratitude.
Actually... come up with some stuff to vito if you want. I vito pictures of dog/human/cat shit.
G4me5, m0vie5, la5t s4ndwich y0u ate, a Y0utube video, this t0pic, a new purch4se.
I would start it off but I'm lazy as shit. Could we get creative. A picture, a sound effect, a disgusting metaphor, a vid, a one man p0dcast.. anything that will entertain or brake the monotony of the current state of things.
At this point Ill watch, listen, feel anything you leave here.
Reading back on this I realized I potentially opened the flood gates to shit like news report reviews like politics and African voting scandals. Please for the love off god, not that bullshit.
Also a picture of your last dump and a review on the subject probably wouldn't be the best idea.. but then again I'm pretty desperate for something to happen, so any contributions would deserve my gratitude.
Actually... come up with some stuff to vito if you want. I vito pictures of dog/human/cat shit.