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I haven't been active here in a long ass time, when I was young i always came here everyday, I even made jokes about how I couldn't spend a day without coming here at least 4 times a day, hell I even use to automatically type gamingw.net when opened a browser without realizing it.

I had a lot of great memories here and heard a lot of opinions, and met a lot of cool people here who made some great stuff. I came here as a little kid who discovered rpg maker and fell in love with it. I never released anything, or did anything with games after I left here, I always wanted to be a graphic designer to be honest.

so I was wondering where did all the people I knew from back then end up? how are you guys doing? so I thought I made a topic to see if anyone from back then was still around and if you could just state where you were in life when you got here, and where you are now.

when I got here....
I was a sophomore in high school
I didn't work, I was a lazy artist who had big dreams but procrastinated on everything.
Ran track....
and my goal was to be a graphic designer.

Right now ....
entering my 5th year in college going for my BFA concentration graphic design/webdesign.
I work a job as website designer par-time and I do freelance work in both areas of design, including flash work.
I've changed a lot from my lazy ways, but I think it's because I enjoy my job, hell it's not even a to me.
Oh...I stopped being a player I guess and settled down with a nice girl. I never thought I'd ever do that but hey, it's life.

What about you guys?
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1.) Is it reasonable to complain about free stuff? (The quality and what not.) Not food or anything like that but free shit that fits into the category of entertainment.

2.) Why do people say that you shouldn't complain about little shit? Because someone else has a worse situation than me I shouldn't feel angry or complain about it? Do you agree with that?

"Man, I wish I had a bigger house"
"Some people don't even have houses, jackass...so how about you stop bitching."

My answers:

1.) naw not really, its free why the hell would I invest my emotions into it to the point where I spend my time bitchin and moaning about it.

2.) You can moan about your own problems, if you followed that logic that you shouldn't  complain because their are people who have it worse then the only people in the world who could complain would be African children. Just don't blow it out of proportion like


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Yeah I was gone for a while and I've been kind of getting back into my normal life and posting more on GW. Why did I disappear in the first place? (if you even noticed!)

Well, my grandmother died ...I flew into Haiti along with my 100+ relatives for the funeral, I loved my grandmother  so much that it sent me into a very depressed state for a couple of months. I didn't even talk to girls or make friends when school started nor did I have the will to go to work.

I really regretted a lot of things...I never got to introduce my grandmother to a girl I really liked, she never got to see me succeed, hell she never even got to see my art work. She never got to see me become an independent man. I mean... I felt horrible.

Only recently did I start thinking long and hard about my life and how I really want to work hard and be on my own so I can give back to my family. So here I am back in action with a smile on my face. I just really wish it I didn't need my grandmother to die to get my focused on life again.

Oh yeah, droppin' rm2k3; gay. Focusing on Graphic Design.

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For those of you have given one piece is  chance, did you like it? And did it fall under "generic anime" for you, also why did it fall under generic anime for you?
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updated: Sun February 3, 2008


We are doing a project in Graphic Design II , where we pick a human rights issue to make a poster for, this girl chose this topic...she was told it wasn't a human rights issue, OK, but that's not what this is about. How come I never saw this (something you would think is important) on the Television, or used in the Democratic Campaign?

She told me that they would never put something like this on TV, it would kill any momentum the war had going for it and that the news is really "staged" ( I rolled my eyes on the news is staged, but she does have a point.)

for 2007 the average was 5 attempted suicides a day.

My questions to you guys:

Do you think its wrong to hide these kind of things from people?

What do you think about soldiers trying to kill themselves? What do you think they signed up out of desperation and realised their mistake?
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I heard a theory in class that like the human body, the brain has evolved (of course.) but that wasn’t the main focus of the theory. It went deeper into trying to discover what exactly the brain evolved from and what functions are 100% gone, what functions are still dormant, and what functions are still active but serve to no use.

So I wanted to see if we could have a discussion and see what people thought.

My personal opinion:

I believe that the brain has other functions, perhaps other emotions unknown to us that are gone, instincts that are no longer used (dormant) And even the large mass of our brains that scientist label as “spare parts” could have been used for something else.

Since we don’t live in a “live or die” world anymore (jungle, wildlife.) emotions that drive us to do certain things are really useless in society. Perhaps emotions like jealousy were there to preserve humans dominance over his or her mates in retrospect to other candidates.

Perhaps fear and anger never come from each other, but through evolution our brain has come to merge them into one. I also think that many emotions are evolving from one to another we are perhaps in still in transition too. Like the urge to surpass someone better than you, doesn’t that stem for jealousy in a sense?