Hey guys! So I just double checked when I posted the last face of GW and it seems its been a little more than over a year ago since I've posted it. Its been mentioned on IRC to me that I should get a new one started! So here's your advanced warning topic. If you don't know about or don't remember much about it:
http://www.gamingw.net/forums/index.php?topic=2982.0 I composited faces collected from GW people to make a kind of child. Now some picture taking guidelines:
Winter is coming upon us but I'm asking everyone to try to get some fresh pictures outdoors.
Do NOT take photos in direct sunlight, rather, try to find whatever side of your house has good amount of ambient light.
Find some time to spot a day where there's good cloud cover
Make a wall/tent of white cloth (bedspread etc) which will diffuse light coming through <= hardcore option
Just make the best of your lighting as you can, I can do some photoshop tricks but shadows are problematic
Keep hair out of your face, this is VERY important. Depending on how much, I will not be accepting your photo if you have a swatch of hair on your forehead.
Plain backgrounds would be good, not completely necessary though.
**New Rule: No grinning! Smiles/frowns are okay but no teeth!!
Please do everything in your power to make sure the photo is a full frontal image. We should be able to see both ears, and your eyes should line up with the tops of your ears (don't be tilting your head back) here's a template:

*Please note that template is the minimum size of your head, you may submit larger pictures (not needlessly large, maybe x3 at max)
I'll be collecting images until I think I have a suitable number of acceptable images. I think the last time I used 8 images but I really want a much larger sample size this time.