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These games had a pile of stamps to communicate with and they got you to feel something anyway. I recognize that and respond to it the same way I respond to any work where the artifice is so evident that I feel the humanity & see the human trace. The tile grid can't conceal the seams in the world.
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Mainly I just want to do a thread for dumping stuff that's either old or a new release or something that someone is currently making

Maybe we can help each other discover stuff or remember stuff we forgot we discovered

I assume that everyone reads tigsource and the indiegames.com blog
also Play This Thing and Pixel Prospector and more sites that I'm forgetting at the moment (will remember when next I look at Google Reader)

I want to play The Real Texas

by Calvin French

Described as a mix of western and Japanese ideas. Has a chunky, cube-y look that I dig.
  • Avatar of J Chastain
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1BwUuZp0XA&t=1m15s DARK, FRIGHTENING, NOTHING TO EAT BUT TOXIC FILTH
  • Avatar of J Chastain
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They've been releasing one of these character videos every day. Jack, the chainsaw dude from MadWorld, is in it, too. No one in the press has played it yet. From Platinum's description, it sounds like a deathmatch-focused beat 'em up game. I have not been intensely immersed in the current generation of games, but I can't really think of many recent Japanese beat 'em ups that are multiplayer at all, besides the Dynasty Warriors series.
Does the MadWorld character indicate that this game is part of the P.N. 03 -> Resident Evil 4 -> God Hand -> MadWorld lineage, or is it considerably different from those? We do not know the answer.
I want to play a demo.

"Max Anarchy" is the better of the two titles.