Soldat Master TopicThis topic contains all the information you need to know about our Soldat community. We have a fantastic bot to make playing as easy as possible and some simple rules to make #gwsoldat an enjoyable place to play and hang around.
#gwsoldat @ irc.whahay.netThe focus of our Soldat community is almost entirely on IRC. We are going to inform you about different events and competitions on forums but if you want to play with others regularly, you really should join #gwsoldat because that's where most of us hang out and organize games. If you aren't familiar with IRC, check rami's
IRC Master Post for easy to understand instructions.
LinksSoldat 1.4.2 (newest version)
Soldat 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 patch (patch 1.4.1)
Soldat PolyWorks 1.4 (mapmaker)
Soldat TauntEdit v2 (taunt editor)
Common taunts to use (Click to reveal)^Incoming Top
^Incoming Middle
^Incoming Low
^EFC Top
^EFC Middle
^EFC Low
^FFC Top
^FFC Middle
^FFC Low
^Free Flag Top
^Free Flag Middle
^Free Flag Low
^Base Is Under Attack!
^Incoming Roof
^ = teamchat
FFC = Friendly flag carrier
EFC = Enemy flag carrier
You can use the taunt editor for easy editing. You should use such a layout that you can easily use all of these taunts as they are all important, except incoming roof which isn't a necessity. For example, I use alt+1,2,3 for Incoming Top/Mid/Low, alt+q,w,e for EFC Top/Mid/Low, alt+a,s,d for FFC Top/Mid/Low, alt+z,x,c for Free Flag Top/Mid/Low, alt+4 for Base Is Under Attack! and alt+5 for Clear.
ServersNOTE: Our NA server is currently down, we will host one again if there is demand for it.
NOTE: The public isn't an official GW server, it's a public server hosted on our server. You can join this server whenever you feel like playing and #gwsoldat's rules do not apply to this server. Feel free to use our pub when we aren't playing on #gwsoldat!RulesJoining the serverWe often play organized CTF matches (more about this later) or duels and that's why it's important that you will not randomly join GW's server so that you won't disrupt the game. There are several commands you can use to check the status of our servers on IRC but more about that later as well. If you don't use or aren't on IRC, simply
join as spectator to see if the server is free or not, and if it is, then you can use it. If the server is in use, you should ask if you can join or not. If it's one of our organized CTF games (or any team based game on that matter) or duels, you most likely can't but in any other case, the people playing will most likely let you join the game.
Attitude and behaviourGWSoldat, more than anything, is about having fun. It's annoying if someone keeps complaining, blaming lag for everything and so on. What's even more important is how you treat other players. Our players greatly vary in their skill, some might be new to Soldat while some are among the best players in the world. It's important, and absolutely required, that you do not disrespect your teammates, you do not flame them, blame them or anything of the sort. Of course you can give tips to other players but when you do, you should make sure the other player wants your tips, and that you do it with a good attitude, wanting to help, instead of being bitter over losing a game of CTF. I think everyone is quite aware of their level of skill, and blaming others for losing a game doesn't help anyone and will just make our community less enjoyable than what it could and should be. This is one thing we will not tolerate and constantly breaking this rule will most definitely get you banned temporarily or permanently, depending on you, of course. While it's nice to be competitive try to remember that we play for fun and it should be fun for everyone, not just you.
Notes about playingThough I'm most definitely not qualified to tell others how to play, a few guidelines are in place. When we play organized matches (also known as gather and again, more about it later), that means we want to play a good match of Soldat where you can take your teammates and opponents seriously. Therefore, no playing around in games like these, please. Of course you are allowed to play with your own style. Old players will probably think this means no camping etc. but that's not what I mean, because this is a common tactic for new players for example. What I'm talking about is stuff like not taking the game seriously at all because you don't like your team or you are losing, or for any other reason. Choosing saw or minigun and doing nothing else than playing around with it is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. It's very easy to tell when someone isn't playing seriously so please don't do this as you will ruin the game for everyone. If you want to play around and have some random fun by not playing seriously, you can do that when we play more spontaneous games or on public servers. I also suggest using taunts (the taunt editor is very easy to use) because they make the game more interesting and more teamwork will be involved.
Try to not leave in middle of a gameIt's more fun for everyone if no one leaves in middle of a round. That's why you should always try to play until the end unless you absolutely need to leave. This obviously doesn't apply to deathmatch unless you are dueling someone.
Most Important CommandsI'll be covering gather related commands in the next section (barring one), but here are some of the most useful commands you might need!
IRC commands:!link / !link2 / !pub linkGives you a clicker link to a server. !link is EU server, !link2 is NA server and !pub link is public server.
!all / !all2 / !pub allShows general game information, teams and players. You can also use !info, !players, !teams or !specs in order to see that particular information.
!say text / !say2 textSends a message on the server with your nick. !say is only enabled for users and above (more about user levels in the bot section) and !pub say is only enabled for public admins.
In-game commands:!saySends a message to IRC with your in-game nick.
!tbShows the tiebreaker map if you are playing a gather.
!mapsShows a list of all the maps on the server (only current gamemode).
GatherGather's purpose is to easily organize games. It's mostly used for capture the flag but it can be used for all the other gamemodes as well, like infiltration, hold the flag, team deathmatch or even a rambo match. There are other options too, like captains, teams included, realistic, survival and advanced modes. While the bot might seem a bit complicated at first, it's very easy to use and gather is a good way to get a game going.
Gather format and rules:Gather is best of three rounds.
Alpha team picks the first map and
Bravo team picks the second map. If there are only two teams, the bot will randomize a third map which will be played as the tiebreaker if the match goes as far as that. You can only play each map once in a gather so you can't pick the tiebreaker. If there are more than two teams in the gather,
Charlie team will pick the third map. Also note that if the match can still end in a tie between two teams, third map will be played.
If the gamemode is infiltration, the team which picks the map will also choose whether to attack or defend in it. In the tiebreaker,
Alpha team will attack and
Bravo team will defend.
Every map on the server is pickable, both default and custom maps.
Before starting or adding in a gather, make sure you have read our rules though. The rules about behaviour, attitude, how to play and leaving server are the most important to know here. The leaving server thing is especially important here, as we tend to be more strict about it when it comes to gathers. Do not join gather if you are even fairly sure that you don't have time to play three maps. Do not add in gather if you aren't willing to play with any possible teams. Do not leave gather unless you really need to because by leaving it means that others can't finish the game unless they find a substitute.
Also, a few last things. First of all, before you do !on, make sure that there is a free server (EU or NA). If both servers are free and there are more EU players than NA players, then you will play on the EU server. And same thing vice versa. If both servers are free and there is a same amount of EU and NA players, then the one who started the gather decides which server to use. And if there is only one free server, it's obvious which one you will have to use.
Basic commands:I won't be covering all of the bot commands and their variations here because there is another section dedicated for the bot. However, I will cover the most useful and commonly used commands concerning gather.
!on [captains/random] [num] [mode] [gamemode] (you can use the [] commands in any order)
Starts a gather. If you haven't specified random, captains are on by default. If you haven't specified [num] (amount of players per team), it will be 3v3. If you don't specify a mode, it will be the normal mode. If you don't specify gamemode, it will be CTF. Therefore the most basic command !on simply starts a 3v3 CTF with captains on.
!addAdds you to a gather if one is currently on. If it's not on, by using !add you will start a default gather, same as typing !on.
!delDeletes you from a gather if you have added. You can also use !off if you are the only player remaining.
!statusShows the current status of gather. Note, it doesn't show if players are on the server, it simply shows if people are using bot to gather at the moment or not.
!eu setup / !us setupSets up the server with the settings you used for the gather. Only usable when the server is empty.
Basic Terms and Abbreviations:These terms and abbreviations will help you to use and understand the bot commands.
Captains / Random:If captains are enabled when a gather starts, the bot randomly picks two players who will pick their teammates in a private message with Boogie Man, our bot. Use !pick # to pick a player.
Alpha Captain will pick one player first, followed by
Bravo Captain who will pick two players and the last player will automatically go to
Alpha team.
Random means that when starting a gather, the bot will automatically randomizes teams.
Gamemodes:DM = Deathmatch
CTF = Capture the Flag
INF = Infiltration
HTF = Hold the Flag
TDM = Team deathmatch
PM = Pointmatch
Rambo = Rambo (no abbreviation)
NOTE: In Soldat, there are custom gamemodes such as racing, volleyball, trenchwars or challenge maps but gather uses none of them at the moment since challenge is the only one we have enabled on GWSoldat at the moment and you can't play a gather in challenge maps.Modes:R = Realistic
S = Survival
A = Advanced
Soldat Quick-Join ScriptIf you have this script, you can join any Soldat server by simply double clicking a Soldat link using mIRC.
First you have to download the script and put it in your mIRC main folder. After doing that, use /load -rs soldat_clicker.mrc to load the script.Here's how the link works:
soldat://servername:port/passwordIf there is no password, you can ignore the last part. If the port is default, you can also ignore the port part and only use the server name.
Events:As in the past, we are planning on making all kinds of different events to encourage activity and show the variety which Soldat has to offer! Weekly and monthly events, tournaments, custom gamemodes and maps or maybe even creating your own map! We have a lot of ideas and this section will be updated with the ongoing and past events.
Bot CommandsBEFORE USING THE BOT PLEASE READ THIS SECTIONNote that some of these commands are outdated like the ones concerning our stats, but we are keeping them in the file because the commands still exist but are disabled at the moment. It's possible we'll be using them in the future.
Boogie Man, Soldat Bot - Command ReferenceGroupsI am better off explaining the different user groups people are categorized in first.. The following groups exists at the moment:
Root Admins - ramirezA person with the ultimate power over the bot; The creator.
Super Admins - DragonSlayerA person with control over all the bot's essential commands. A person who is also in charge of watching over other admins and users to make sure they don't abuse the bot.
AdminsA person with control over all the bot's commands that are required to keep an order ingame, and fulfill players' request, such as changing gamemodes or maps. All admins (including Root & Super admins) see everything happening on the servers, so if you see a person that breaks the rules, report him/her to an admin so we can check it out and do the action we see is the best.
Users - Anyone who is voiced on #gwsoldat, regularsA person who is acknowledged to be a GWSoldat regular, has an access to all bot's non-admin commands such as !say
Abusive use of status, as for any group (other than root admin har har), leads into removal of it. This would include case such as spamming/flooding/harassing ingame players with !say
Non-users - Anyone who doesn't belong in the above groupsA person who has only access to !info !players !teams !specs & !all commands to view the server status. Abusive use of the listed commands results into a ban from the channel.
In-Game CommandsThese are accessible by all the players ingame, if you abuse the commands you will be banned from the server.
!say textMessages a line of text into #gwsoldat with your name.
!tiebreakerShows the tiebreaker for the last active gather.
Note. You can also use !tbNote about IRC commandsJust a couple of quick notes that everyone should be aware of:
All the commands are form of !command[n] where the n is a server ID, if you don't give the ID, it's assumed to be one. Each server has alternative trigger for commands, eg. !pub command where pub replaces the normal ID (27 in this case) and command is given after it.
Secondly, in the following reference the arguments/parameters for the commands are marked like this:
!command arg1 [arg2]Parameters without anything wrapping them around are
Parameters that are enclosed in
[] means that they are
optionalThirdly, the following terms have these meanings:
#/ID - The player's ID ingame.
Name - The player's name
Nick - The player's name
on IRC.
Non-restricted CommandsThese are the commands that
everyone have access to:
!add [nick]Adds you to a GWSoldat Gather if one is currently on. If
nick is given the specified person is added to the gather.
Note. Only admins can add other people, and the functionality to do that was only coded to test the bot, please do not abuse.!allShows all the information that
!teams and
!specs do.
!captains on/offTurns captains mode on or off. This only works when gather is already running.
Note. You can also use 0/1 for the parameter.!chanstatsGives link to the IRC channel stats.
!del [nick]Deletes you from a GWSoldat Gather if one is currently on and you are on it. If
nick is given the specified person is removed from the gather.
Note. Only admins can remove other people.!infoDisplays status of the server with the following information: Gamemode, Players (not the names, just how many), Spectators (same thing as players), Map, Time left, Limit (kill limit/cap limit/point limit, depending on gamemode).
!name nameSets your player name to
name. This works in conjuction with stats-specific commands, with this you can make the bot recognize your player name from your IRC nick.
!offStops a GWSoldat Gather if one is active. Admins can stop the gather even if there are people added, others can stop the gather if there are no added people, or the only person in the gather is the person himself.
!on [captains] [num]Starts a GWSoldat Gather unless there is already one active. If captains is specified then starts with captains mode on. If num is specified then starts with num players per team (default is 3).
!playersShows players ingame with their name, kills, deaths, ping and team if the gamemode is a teamgame. It also currently shows K/D ratio for non-team-based games (because in team games the caps etc. fuck it up), I will probably remove this because I find it useless.
Note. If you give a nick the bot will try to find out the nick's player name if specified.!rankShows your current rank on GWSoldat stats.
!specsDisplays the current spectators spectating the game with their name and ping.
Note. You can also use !spectators!stats [nick/name]Gives the link to the stats, if
name is given, a link to the player's personal stats is given.
Note. If you give a nick the bot will try to find out the nick's player name if specified.!statusShows the current status of GWSoldat Gather.
!teamsDisplays the teams in game, with the players they consist and with their current score.
!top numberShows the top
number players.
Note. Normal users can only show top 10 at maximum, admins have no limit.!updateUpdates the stats at Non-admins can only this command once per an hourUser-restricted CommandsThese are the commands that
users (and higher) have an access in:
!maplists [category]Displays the maplists that can be used on the server. If you don't specify the
category parameter, it lists the categories for maplists, otherwise it lists the maplists in the specified category. The
category parameter can be an ID of the category that is shown in
!maplists or its name.
!say textMessages a line to the server (with your nick).
!show category [maplist]Shows the maps in the specified maplist of a category. Both,
category and
!maplist parameters can either be an ID of the category or maplist shown in
!maplists or its name.
maplist parameter is not given, it is assumed to be '
Admin-restricted CommandsThese are the commands that
admins (and higher) have an access in:
!addbot [team] botnameIf the gamemode is not a teamgame (deathmatch, pointmatch, rambomatch), the team parameter is not required, and the command will add a bot of specified name.
If the gamemode is a teamgame (capture the flag, hold the flag, teammatch, infiltration), you need to give a team for the bot to join. This can either be numeric (1 for alpha, 2 for bravo, 3 for charlie, 4 for delta), or the actual team name as listed in the previous list.
!advance on/offTurns advance (weapons) mode on/off.
Note. This will automatically restart the server - You can also use 0/1 for the parameter!ban #/nameBans and kicks the specified player from game.
!banip IP/nickBans the specified IP from the server, if IRC nick is given, bans that person's IP.
!banlastBans and kicks the person who entered the game last.
!challenge mode [maplist]Changes the server to a challenge mode, the
mode parameter can either be numeric (2 for tm challenge, 3 for ctf challenge) or the actual name of the mode (either tm or ctf).
maplist parameter works exactly like in the
!maplist command, except that the category is automatically assumed to be challenge. If it is not given it uses the default maplist for the specified mode.
Note. This will automatically restart the server!combine category maplist1 maplist2 [random]Generates a maplist named 'Combined' to the specified category that consists maps that exist in both,
maplist1 and
maplist2. Both
category and
maplist parameters can either be an ID from
!maplists or the actual name. If you specify the optional
random paramater the generated maplist will have the maps in random order.
Note. This doesn't change the maplist it only generates it.!friendlyfire on/offTurns friendly fire on/off.
Note. You can also use !ff - You can also use 0/1 for the parameter!gamemode mode [maplist]Changes the gamemode to a specified mode, the
mode parameter can either be numeric (0 for deathmatch, 1 for pointmatch, 2 for teammatch, 3 for capturetheflag, 4 for rambomatch, 5 for infiltration or 6 for holdtheflag) or the actual name of the mode (from the previous list, or the short version: dm, pm, tm, ctf, rm, inf, htf).
maplist parameter works exactly like in the
!maplist command, except that the category is automatically assumed to be the gamemode. If it is not given it uses the default maplist for the specified mode.
Note. This will automatically restart the server!kick #/nameKicks the specified player from game.
!kicklastKicks the person who entered the game last.
!limit limitSets the kill/capture/point limit of the game.
!map mapnameChanges the map ingame to the specified map.
!maplist category [maplist]Changes the current maplist the game uses. Both
category and
maplist parameters can either be an ID from
!maplists or the actual name. If
maplist parameter is not given, it is assumed to be '
Note. ONLY use this if you want to change maplist of a gamemode currently on, otherwise use the !gamemode command.!nextmapChanges the map to the next map on the maplist.
!password [password]Sets the game password to the specified pass. If you don't give anything for the parameter, game password is removed.
Note. You can also use !pass!pausePauses/continues the game, only use this if you really really have the need to pause the game (eg. during tournament if a player disconnects for example).
!pm # textSends a private message to the player with the specified ID. Private messages can only been seen by the player in the game.
!random category [maplist]Generates a maplist named 'Random' to the specified category with the maps from the specified maplist in random order. Both
category and
maplist parameters can either be an ID from
!maplists or the actual name. If
maplist parameter is not given, it is assumed to be '
Note. This doesn't change the maplist it only generates it.!realistic on/offTurns realistic mode on/off.
Note. This will automatically restart the server - You can also use 0/1 for the parameter!restartRestarts the game.
!setspec nameForces an ingame player to be a spectator.
!setteam [team] nameIf the gamemode is not a teamgame (deathmatch, pointmatch, rambomatch), the team parameter is not required, and the command will make the player join the specified team.
If the gamemode is a teamgame (capture the flag, hold the flag, teammatch, infiltration), you need to give a team for the player to join. This can either be numeric (1 for alpha, 2 for bravo, 3 for charlie, 4 for delta), or the actual team name as listed in the previous list.
!survival on/offTurns survival mode on/off.
Note. This will automatically restart the server - You can also use 0/1 for the parameter!timelimit limitSets the time limit of the game.
!unban IP/nickUnbans the specified IP from the server, if IRC nick is given, unbans that person's IP.
Note. You can also use !unbanip!unbanlastUnbans the last person who was banned from the game.
Super Admin-restricted CommandsThese are the commands that
super admins (and higher) have an access in:
!adm nameAdds an IP of a specified ingame player to the admin list.
!admip IP/nickAdds a specified IP to the admin list. If IRC nick is given, adds the IP of the specified nick to the admin list.
!kill #/nameKills a player ingame of specified ID or name.
!logging on/offTurns logging on or off.
Note. This will automatically restart the server - You can also use 0/1 for the parameter!maxnades NSets the number of maximum grenades.
Note. You can also use !maxgrenades!unadm IP/nickRemoves a specified IP from the admin list. If IRC nick is given, removes the IP of the specified nick from the admin list.
Note. You can also use !unadmipRoot Admin-restricted CommandsThese are the commands that
root admins have an access in:
!merge name1 name2Merges
name1 and
name2 in stats. The name that is used in stats after merge is the
Note. If name has spaces in it, use quotes to wrap the name.!rawSends a RAW command to the server.