Hi, saltw, long time no see! It's been a while since I logged in but I swear I always lurked on here time to time. Will try to participate more often. You guys are so cool.
Me and denzquix made a point n click then slapped it onto Steam. Here she is! It's about celebrity conspiracies and we call it "Maggie's Apartment"

Here is a link to it's steam page.
I hope that if you buy it and give it a play you will have fun! It has voice acting and music and things you can click. The interface can be tricky to some but there is an F.A.Q. in the steam discussions board that will help you with any problems.

Thanks! Bye!
Me and denzquix made a point n click then slapped it onto Steam. Here she is! It's about celebrity conspiracies and we call it "Maggie's Apartment"

I hope that if you buy it and give it a play you will have fun! It has voice acting and music and things you can click. The interface can be tricky to some but there is an F.A.Q. in the steam discussions board that will help you with any problems.