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2 weeks ago, I had to replace my router. Ever since then, I have had an odd connection problem. When the main computer is connected to the net, both it and my computer have internet connection problems, but when the main computer is not connected, the internet runs flawlessly on mine. These include sites not totally loading up, online games either disconnecting after connecting or being laggy as hell, then disconnecting.

I don't know the exact model of it as the box got misplaced, but I do know the router is a Linksys and I am on cable internet. I've done the requisite virus and spyware scans and am pretty sure its not my firewall.

EDIT: I manage to get a service rep. According to them, the router I got was defective. I guess this can be closed or deleted.

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I am gonna get a graphics card soon, but I don't know which one to get. My machine is kind of old. It only has PCI(NOT PCI Express) slots and a single AGP 1x/2x/4x slot. From what I read though, most 8x cards will work in a 4x slot though(they say they are 4x as well on the box). The thing is that I don't know squat about which one to get. I was considering getting a Geforce 6800, as while it isn't the latest and greatest, it appears it should work on my set up(I say appears as some places say it has PCI Express support). For a non PCI Express system, is the geforce 6800 decent or is there something better?

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  • Avatar of The_Emugator
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Barring something more important coming up, next month I am going to get some much needed RAM. Is there anything I need to know? I've never bought RAM or anything like that before and need to know if I either need to pinpoint a particular kind for my system or can just use any kind. I don't mean like if I need DDR or DDR2. To put it perspective, I was looking up prices on a site and while it had some decent deals, after putting in what kind of motherboard I have, it listed RAM chips they say were 100% guaranteed to be compatible, but were double the price of the other stuff.

In english, is there really such a thing as RAM that is meant to be used  with a particular motherboard, or are they trying to gouge me?

STILL Good For A Laugh Now And Then
My TF2 Backpack