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Hey guys. It's been a really long time. I just have a quick favor to ask of you.

I carry Amark Patra's book, Breaking The System, with me in my backpack almost wherever I go. I didn't know Steel very well when he was here. I think I was too much of a kid back them. I miss him a lot.

Recently I have been wanting to revisit the message he left the world with, and the advice that went along with it. I'm sure many of you were as touched as I was when reading it. I only have a small segment of it, which I have saved in my online journal, so to speak.

"As for me; I'm not ready to die. I don't want to. I'll go into this surgery prepared to survive. I'll fight cancer with every last bit of strength I've got. You can shoot me and I'll keep going. But if I do, do not mourn me. I have had a decent life so far. I'm only 22 and I've already gotten so high I've felt the rhythm of the universe around me. I've gotten so drunk in a parking lot that I started singing for no reason. I've known pain, both emotional and physical, that most people don't know till much further in life. I've fallen in love and had my heart broken. I've seen the inside of a jail cell. I beat someone up once to protect a friend, even though I was outnumbered and about five years old. I have done both great and awful things in my life. I have cried tears for dead people I never knew, and I have broken doors in rage over people I cannot save. I have lived a life. I hope I get to keep on living. I hope I can fall in love again and this time make it work. I hope I can adopt a child. I hope I can see my friends get married. I hope I can make an album. I hope I can learn to write, and write well. I hope I can save an innocent man from dying. I hope I can live.
But if I don't, your life still goes on. There are innocent men who will still die if no one saves them. There are weddings and parties to attend that will be missing one guest. There's a beautiful girl reading a book somewhere or about to go to sleep who might suddenly shiver, and not understand why. There are still children who need families. Never stay content unless you've earned it. You have no greater purpose in life than to help others, no matter how small an effort you can exert.
And don't forget I love you."
Love you all. Hope you guys are doing well.

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so my brother, ether (landon), whom i think at least two of you might remember told me this dream he had, and it's genius. a month or so ago he had a dream that he made this game that made millions of dollars. the idea of the game was pretty morbid. you have this grandma that is very old and she is worth a lot of money and you are the primary benefactor of her will. the idea of the game is to do as much "damage" to your grandma without killing her, so that she dies and you get the money and you aren't prosecuted.

someone needs to do this.
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so, i got back from school earlier today and found that my internet was down. i tried everything to repair it but it wasn't working. called my ISP (qwest), and they let me know (after being on hold for like, four different people) that i was flagged for downloading copyrighted material! okay! they wouldn't let me know which ones, but the guy told me that he wouldn't turn back on my internet until i deleted all of the copyrighted material. so, actually, i deleted a couple torrents (not the files themselves, though he was telling me that, a) he wanted me to delete all of it off my harddrive and b) they could check my harddrive to see if i did delete it or not (which is obviously not true)).

so, i turned on my paranoia settings at waffles.fm (btw, anybody cool want an invite to waffles?), and other sites, but is there anything else i should do? is there a way to be completely anonymous all the time and not have to worry about stupid stuff like this?

also, THANKS taylor swift (probably) i thought we were buddies and now you're reporting me to my ISP?!?!
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telling women to "go back in the kitchen" or "do my dishes" sarcastically was funny when i was in 7th grade. i hear it all the time and it's not funny, it makes you look like a total moron.
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hey guys. i've always wanted to go in to medicine as a career, and i want to have a basic understanding of it before i really start studying it. anybody know of a good textbook/non-fiction book (or books) of an overview of medicine? biology/chemistry/biochemistry/pharmacology/anatomy etc. i guess i'm kind of looking for a "An Incomplete Education" but for the medical field. any direction would be helpful.
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wtf no topic yet

ramble about e3

new xbox 360. how much it cost? out THIS WEEK apparently. also fable 3 has a release date. and project natal is now kinect or something like that. :\ that's all i got so far. oh, and a new mgs which apparently looks cool , i didn't see anything of it though
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)why isn't there a topic about this already (or is there)?

I'm pretty sure most of you are about my age and grew up with a Nintendo 64 and playing Goldeneye and Perfect Dark with 3 of your buddies. Well, on March 17th Perfect Dark is gonna be on XBox LIVE. According to Ken Lobb (KLOBB LOL) it will play EXACTLY like the 64 game, but with updated character models, textures, sky boxes, etc.

I'm pretty excited for it. Also, 8 player multiplayer. All for 800 microsoft poitns.

I'm in.
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So, my brother showed this piece to me a couple weeks back, and I was completely floored. "Music For 18 Musicians" is a 56 minute long "orchestral" song written by Steve Reich that premiered in 1976. It is one of the craziest things I have ever heard. It SOUNDS electronic, but every instrument used is an "orchestral" instrument, or a human voice. I really don't know how to introduce this song, or describe it, but everyone needs to hear it.

I uploaded it to Mediafire for you guys, here.

tags: final fantasy angry video game nerd avgn semper games boobs justin bieber call of duty hacks stupid people getting hurt my moving vehicles sex why you shouldn't surprise black people
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There are multiple levels of Gay Music.  Some bands are what we like to call Gateway Bands.  They lure children in with Pop Grooves and Salacious Melodies leaving them wanting more.  They’ll move on to more dangerous bands and the next thing you know you’ve got a homosexual for a child.
We’ve taken the time to highlight the bands that are particularly Gay.  Please take the time and dissect your child’s CD / iTunes catalog. If you find 3 or more of these bands in their collection it is time to take action.
We Strongly recommend that you burn the CDs.  Make sure your child is watching.  Make sure they can feel the heat. It is crucial that the image remains emblazoned in their young minds. They need to know that if they continue to listen to these bands they may Burn eternally as well.


almost as good is their list of Safe Bands


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so, yeah, just saw the new south park episode ( http://www.southparkstudios.com/ ). it's about the word fag.

ever since i was little, growing up in the suburbs of denver (Littleton, just like matt and trey, actually.) the word fag meant "jerk" or "stupid head" and stuff like that. wasn't until like, 6th grade when somebody told me that it's a derogatory word for gay people.

so what do you guys think of the word fag. or gay, for that matter. i say stuff is gay all the time. it doesn't really occur to me that somebody might take offense to it, but if someone DOES take offense to these words, i'd respect that and wouldn't say it around them.

i dunno. what do you guys think? do you call dane cook gay or think that bill o'reilley is a total fag?
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Anyone still in contact with him? I wanna see how his kid is doing. I miss him dearly.
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right 2 the point

What are your favorite XBox Live Arcade games? I'm looking for some new recommendations.

I've really, REALLY been enjoying Castle Crashers (one of my favorite games ever? what) and Alien Hominid (I am addicted to those PDA games). Also, Street Fighter II and some other game I can't remember. But, anyways, I'm looking for some good XBLA games. What do you play?

(also add me and lets play castle crashers)
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How has no one talked about this. I got off work early today, and decided to go to Best Buy to check some things out (test an electronic drumset I could never afford for like an hour), and I eventually made my way to the DS games. I been looking for a new game, and I kinda stumbled upon Ninjatown. The artwork and cutesy little hearts next to the title, the best of E3 winner sticker, and FREE window decal convinced me to buy it, without doing any research at all. I never do that. I always read up about a game. But this was different.

link http://www.ninjatown.com/ here

It's basically a tower defense game, but it's not so straightforward and simple. Well, it IS simple AND straightforward, but it's not boring. You build buildings that Ninja's come out of and they fight lil demon things or something. There's like, a forest Ninja and a Business Ninja (game says they have years of caffeine addiction, so they are fast), and it's rad. The plot is that this evil guy is trying to steal the Ninja's secret Ninja Cookie recipe. awesome. It's actually really funny and clever, as if they actually spent time writing the dialog (!).

Fun game. I recommend it.

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So, it's my turn to do the topic of the week. And I figured I'd address 'EMO'.

cap'n jazz 1994

First, the term emo. No one knows exactly where it came from. However, "members of Rites of Spring mentioned in a 1985 interview in Flipside Magazine that some of their fans had started using the term to describe their music." Emo, depending on where you look, stands for either a) emotional hardcore or b) emotive hardcore. Emocore is another term that, again, depending on where you look, is either synonymous with Emo or references the first wave of emo. So there.

The genre Emo is, as mentioned before, emotional hardcore. Basically, Emo took the original "angry" hardcore punk rock and took it in the direction of melody and emotion. This is extremely evidenct in 'first wave' Emo groups, which I will address next. The Emo genre was also founded on the DIY ethics of the genre's it borrows from. Basically, Emo has deep, deep hardcore roots.

Basically, there are three 'waves' of Emo.
-First Wave (Mid 80's to Mid 90's)
  • Rites Of Spring, The Hated, Indian Summer, Samiam, Still Life, Julia, Hoover, Lincoln, Embrace etc. (as far as im concerned, fugazi is not emo guys)
-Second Wave (Early 90's to Late 90's)
  • Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World, Texas Is The Reason, Braid, Cap'n Jazz, The Appleseed Cast, etc.
-Third Wave
  • I have no idea. Apparently any band fits in this category. I guess Brand New?
But, sometimes it's not best to look at FIRST WAVE EMO, SECOND WAVE EMO, etc. Maybe it's better to just break the genre down even more. So lets do that.

-Emocore (Emo, Emotive Hardcore, etc.)
  • Rites Of Spring, The Hated, Julia, Indian Summer, Baby Harp Seal, and even more recent stuff like The Pine, Raein, Wow, and La Quite.
-Chaotic Emo (Hardcore Emo)
  • Swing Kids, Saetia, Portraits Of Past
  • Orchid, Jerome's Dream, Reversal Of Man, and then later City Of Caterpillar, Pg.99, I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, and Circle Takes The Square
-"Indie Emo"/Midwest Emo
  • Cap'n Jazz, Braid, The Promise Ring, Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World, The Appleseed Cast, and recent bands like Algernon Cadwallader, Ryerose, Street Smart Cyclist, and Make Me.
Today, on this edition of TOTW, I'll be focusing on the "Indie Emo", sometimes refered to as Second Wave, or even (ugh) "Post-Emo". I think I'll work backwards through Emo music, eventually, going back to the origins (in a later topic).

So. Indie Emo. Most of my favorite 'Indie Emo' groups I would actually categorize as Midwest Emo, which originated (mostly) from *gasp* the midwest! I started typing a huge paragraph talking about important CD's and releases and stuff, but instead I think I'll just do some ARTIST PROFILES. Artists that I think are important or totally awesome.

  • -Sunny Day Real Estate
    One of THE Emo bands. Released "Diary" in 1993, which was a huge influence on almost every band mentioned hereafter. Pretty much required listening.

  • -Christie Front Drive
    An infamous Midwest Emo group hailing from Colorado (holla). Again, required listening.

  • -Jimmy Eat World
    asdpfo9;u2hn <3

  • -Braid
    Almost ALWAYS listed with Christie Front Drive, and visa versa.

  • -Cap'n Jazz
    One of my favorite groups. I keep writing sentences and then deleting them, trying to describe this band. They're hard for me to categorize. Listen to them immediately, though, particularly Disc 1 of their Analphabetapolothology. Listen to "The Sands Have Turned Purple" (I love that song). Kinsella's ftw?

  • -American Football
    A mellower, softer spoken emo group. Kinsella's ftw?

  • -Boys Life
    Boys Life IS Midwest Emo.
Now, all those groups are fairly well known, as far as Emo groups go. You could find their CD's pretty easily, and I highly recommend you look them up. There are SO many Emo groups, however, that fly under the radar, and they deserve some recognition. Lets start.

  • -Edaline

    A short lived group, released two CD's, and a 10", I think. One of my favorite Emo groups of all time. The band just worked together REALLY well. I would have killed to see this band live. Go get their CD, "I Wrote This Last Chapter For You" immediately. SO underrated.  http://www.myspace.com/edaline

  • -Sideshow
    Sideshow was the band of Caulfield founder Bernie McGinn. Caulfield RECORDS, which is a huge record label for this particular genre of music. Christie Front Drive, Mineral, Giant's Chair, and Kolya all released records under Caulfield. Anyways, Sideshow is a fantastic Midwest Emo group that, I think, really bridges the gap between Emocore and Midwest Emo. Listen to the album "Eggplants And Sunspots" (1993).

  • -Empire State Games

    Man, I love this band. It shows the fun side of Emo, I suppose. It's just as influeced by Pop Punk as it is the roots of Emo- Hardcore Punk. Grab their Discography from Elkion Records.

  • -Street Smart Cyclist

    A more recent group that just disbanded a few months back, only released two 7 inch's. And they made quite an impact. Listen to "Hood's Up" from their first 7". I really enjoy the math rock and hardcore influence. Basically Cap'n Jazz for the 2000s lol!!1. http://www.myspace.com/streetsmartcyclist 

  • -Algernon Cadwallader

    Also, from the same area, Algernon Cadwallader is still running strong, with heavy Cap'n Jazz influences aswell. Pick up their debut, "Some Kind Of Cadwallader".  http://www.myspace.com/algernoncadwallader

  • -Rockets And Blue Lights

    Another more recent band, from Albany. Wish they would have stuck around longer, they had an incredible sound. You can still get their 10", "A Smashed City With Flames and Music in the Air", from the record label that released it(too lazy to go upstairs and grab it). It's fantastic. Also, if you enjoy this band, listen to Bells On Trike. Pretty similar sound. http://www.myspace.com/rocketscats

  • -The Appleseed Cast

    One of my favorite groups of all time. The Appleseed Cast began with heavy Sunny Day Real Estate influences, PERFECTING the sound (better than SDRE imo), and then using that background to move into the Post-Rock and experimental genre's. Listen to "Mare Vitalis". You should ALL be familiar with this band.

  • -The Casket Lottery

    The drummer for this band, Nathan "Junior" Richardson, drummed for The Appleseed Cast for a while. He's probably my favorite drummer ever, he's incredibly creative and hard working. The Casket Lottery was formed when a dude from Coalesce decided to play more indie hardcore stuff. Oh, and it's fantastic. Listen to "Choose Bronze".  http://www.myspace.com/thecasketlottery

  • -I Hate Myself
    This band is fantastic. This isn't so much Indie Emo as it is just Emotive Hardcore, but this is a must have. There is some speculation as to whether or not they were a "joke" band or not. Some of the lyrics are laughable while others could not possibly be taken as a joke. Either way, this band played the genre very well. Check out their current band, Die Hoffnung.  http://www.myspace.com/noidearecords 
Other groups to look into, that deserve mentioning:
Knapsack, Jawbreaker, The Get Up Kids, The Anniversary, Excitebike, Elliott, Cross My Heart, Chamberlain, Boy Problems, Make Me, Texas Is The Reason, The Stella Brass, Ryerose, Mineral, Malegoat, The Kossabone Red, Kid Brother Collective, Katzenstreik, The Little Explorer, Camber, The Player Piano, Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate), Evergreen, Fireside, Jawbox, Lync, Juno, Owls, Seam, September, and countless others.

This genre has a lot to offer. And I'm probably not the best one to be describing it, or introducing it, but I have a passion for this music. The soft/loud dynamics of Indian Summer. The raw emotion of the vocals from I Hate Myself. The beauty of American Football's songs. Heck, the beauty of Indian Summer songs. The energy of Edaline, Cap'n Jazz, Empire State Games, Street Smart Cyclist. I dunno. It's just something I've grown to love. You should look into it.

(decided to throw pictures in here to make it look nicer but it doesn't look nicer so you'll have to just deal with it looking like 1995 geocities)
(i dont know what else to put was this a good topic yes/no)
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So I carved pumpkins last night. It was a lot of fun. Stuffed Crust Pizza and pumpking carving, while watching THE GRUDGE. It was a good time. Anyways, I think I carved something pretty rad, and I'm pretty proud of it. COLONEL SANDERS, all free hand. It turned out pretty well. And I think everyone should carve pumpkins and post the pictures up here.

Go carve a pumpkin! And then show us. WITH PICS
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So Paranoia Agent is one of the only anime's that really impressed me, and I want to re watch it. I've been looking around at DVD's at the full box set costs like $80. Although, looking around on Google Shopping I've found a DVD release that has all 13 episodes for usually around $17. It's not listed as an official DVD release on Wikipedia or any place like that, and I can't find much information about it, so I'm looking to you guys.


Is this an official release? I don't want to buy a pirated DVD. I want a legit copy. Is this what I'm looking for, guys? Thanks for the help.
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I am a huge fan of The Grudge. (Not Ju-on, or double jew (ju-on 2)) I'm also a huge fan of the Ring, One Missed Call, Darkness Falls, The Eye (japanese one), Pulse, Shutter, and others. I find these movies incredibly, incredibly entertaining. And I require more of them.

Do you know of any other Grudge movies? Japanese Horror movies where cell phones and video tapes kill you? Please guide me to more of these awesome movies. (also the grudge 2, though seemingly marketed ONLY for me, sucked huge donkey boners) I will also accept movies like When A Stranger Calls.
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I saw this last night. I have an extreme hatred for this entire series. My friend said he'd pay for my ticket, so I'm like "okay, why not? i mean, at the very least i'll be slightly entertained!!!"

So I walk into the theatre. I'm like, "oh i want popcorn to distract me during this" so I leave, but the concession stand is CLOSED. I go back to the theatre and the movie starts.

And, actually, it was pretty ----------- man this movie blew huge monkey bowler hat chunks. It was SO BAD.

I saw the first Saw. And the third. I thought the first was pretty entertaining, and all I could think the whole movie was "AS YOU WISH" (princess bride everybody), but I was entertained. The third sucked huge donkey tits. This movie... Ugh.

It opens with a dude laying on a table, and he has to shove his hands into this contraption that will crush his hands into a pulp fiction or else the swinging axe will slice him in half! he has 30 seconds. Probably the least clever thing I have ever seen. So, he crushes his hands but the axe slices him anyways. Then the badguy comes in and CUTS AND JIGSAW PEICE OUT OF HIS SKIN. Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeety clever!!!

Then we are introduced, kinda, to Sylvester Stallone's little brother. He's like a detective for something. And then there's another police man that also happens to look exactly like Sylvester Stallone. So, the whole movie the only way to tell these two clowns apart is that one of them stabbed himself in the trachea with a pen so that he didn't drown and he has like a bandaid on his neck.

Basically, this movie sucked gigantic pikachu cheeks. I literally RAN out of the theater when the directors name came up at the end of the movie. I don't think I was ever so bored in my life. The acting. Oh man. THE ACTING. I like how one reviewer put it: "It's not a good sign when watching someone stick their hand into a table saw is easier than listening to them recite dialogue."

I don't know what I was expecting, but this was a terrible, terrible film. Everyone else in the theater loved it though.

Highlight of the movie is when I farted at a silent part of the movie - TWICE. The second one was like a higher pitched one. So it was like, *low fart* *wait one second* *high pitch fart lasting about a second*

Saw V. More like... Big Momma's House V. 0/5
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I know we've had a topic about this, but it's dead now.

Here's the idea: Find a new, or relatively new to you, local artist near you and tell us about them.

I just found out a few weeks ago there is a totally freaking awesome local group called L'elan Vital in Denver, Colorado. They are amazing, and I had no idea that such great music was being created in my city. I almost feel ashamed I haven't been supporting them for longer. Anyways, give them a listen.   http://www.myspace.com/elanvitalmusic  They are post rock, I guess. Really, really impressive stuff.

So tell us about a local artist where you live , and go and support them. Please don't just say "WELL LINKIN PART IS FROM WHERE I LIVE" or "U2 came from my country". Go find a local artist that you think deserves some attention. I want to hear about them.
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I've been on a streak of watching ridiculous action movies because a) I love explosions and b) it's so mindless and awful that it's so fun.

I watched POINT BREAK last night, and I don't know how I have lived my life up to this point without seeing it. And the whole Rambo Series, Deep Blue Sea, the Die-Hard Trilogy, Mad Max, etc.

So, what are your favorite action movies, and recommend me more awesome action movies. I don't want "TRANSFORMERS" action movies. I want Point Break, Robocop action movies. And Predator is overrated.