So, it's my turn to do the topic of the week. And I figured I'd address 'EMO'.
cap'n jazz 1994First, the term emo. No one knows exactly where it came from. However, "members of Rites of Spring mentioned in a 1985 interview in Flipside Magazine that some of their fans had started using the term to describe their music." Emo, depending on where you look, stands for either a) emotional hardcore or b) emotive hardcore. Emocore is another term that, again, depending on where you look, is either synonymous with Emo or references the first wave of emo. So there.
The genre Emo is, as mentioned before, emotional hardcore. Basically, Emo took the original "angry" hardcore punk rock and took it in the direction of melody and emotion. This is extremely evidenct in 'first wave' Emo groups, which I will address next. The Emo genre was also founded on the DIY ethics of the genre's it borrows from. Basically, Emo has deep, deep hardcore roots.
Basically, there are three 'waves' of Emo.
-First Wave (Mid 80's to Mid 90's)- Rites Of Spring, The Hated, Indian Summer, Samiam, Still Life, Julia, Hoover, Lincoln, Embrace etc. (as far as im concerned, fugazi is not emo guys)
-Second Wave (Early 90's to Late 90's)- Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World, Texas Is The Reason, Braid, Cap'n Jazz, The Appleseed Cast, etc.
-Third Wave- I have no idea. Apparently any band fits in this category. I guess Brand New?
But, sometimes it's not best to look at FIRST WAVE EMO, SECOND WAVE EMO, etc. Maybe it's better to just break the genre down even more. So lets do that.
-Emocore (Emo, Emotive Hardcore, etc.)- Rites Of Spring, The Hated, Julia, Indian Summer, Baby Harp Seal, and even more recent stuff like The Pine, Raein, Wow, and La Quite.
-Chaotic Emo (Hardcore Emo)- Swing Kids, Saetia, Portraits Of Past
-Screamo- Orchid, Jerome's Dream, Reversal Of Man, and then later City Of Caterpillar, Pg.99, I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, and Circle Takes The Square
-"Indie Emo"/Midwest Emo- Cap'n Jazz, Braid, The Promise Ring, Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World, The Appleseed Cast, and recent bands like Algernon Cadwallader, Ryerose, Street Smart Cyclist, and Make Me.
Today, on this edition of TOTW, I'll be focusing on the "Indie Emo", sometimes refered to as Second Wave, or even (ugh) "Post-Emo". I think I'll work backwards through Emo music, eventually, going back to the origins (in a later topic).
So. Indie Emo. Most of my favorite 'Indie Emo' groups I would actually categorize as Midwest Emo, which originated (mostly) from *gasp* the midwest! I started typing a huge paragraph talking about important CD's and releases and stuff, but instead I think I'll just do some ARTIST PROFILES. Artists that I think are important or totally awesome.
- -Sunny Day Real Estate
One of THE Emo bands. Released "Diary" in 1993, which was a huge influence on almost every band mentioned hereafter. Pretty much required listening.
- -Christie Front Drive
An infamous Midwest Emo group hailing from Colorado (holla). Again, required listening.
- -Jimmy Eat World
asdpfo9;u2hn <3
- -Braid
Almost ALWAYS listed with Christie Front Drive, and visa versa.
- -Cap'n Jazz
One of my favorite groups. I keep writing sentences and then deleting them, trying to describe this band. They're hard for me to categorize. Listen to them immediately, though, particularly Disc 1 of their Analphabetapolothology. Listen to "The Sands Have Turned Purple" (I love that song). Kinsella's ftw?
- -American Football
A mellower, softer spoken emo group. Kinsella's ftw?
- -Boys Life
Boys Life IS Midwest Emo.
Now, all those groups are fairly well known, as far as Emo groups go. You could find their CD's pretty easily, and I highly recommend you look them up. There are SO many Emo groups, however, that fly under the radar, and they deserve some recognition. Lets start.
- -Edaline

A short lived group, released two CD's, and a 10", I think. One of my favorite Emo groups of all time. The band just worked together REALLY well. I would have killed to see this band live. Go get their CD, "I Wrote This Last Chapter For You" immediately. SO underrated. http://www.myspace.com/edaline
- -Sideshow
Sideshow was the band of Caulfield founder Bernie McGinn. Caulfield RECORDS, which is a huge record label for this particular genre of music. Christie Front Drive, Mineral, Giant's Chair, and Kolya all released records under Caulfield. Anyways, Sideshow is a fantastic Midwest Emo group that, I think, really bridges the gap between Emocore and Midwest Emo. Listen to the album "Eggplants And Sunspots" (1993).
- -Empire State Games

Man, I love this band. It shows the fun side of Emo, I suppose. It's just as influeced by Pop Punk as it is the roots of Emo- Hardcore Punk. Grab their Discography from Elkion Records.
- -Street Smart Cyclist

A more recent group that just disbanded a few months back, only released two 7 inch's. And they made quite an impact. Listen to "Hood's Up" from their first 7". I really enjoy the math rock and hardcore influence. Basically Cap'n Jazz for the 2000s lol!!1. http://www.myspace.com/streetsmartcyclist
- -Algernon Cadwallader

Also, from the same area, Algernon Cadwallader is still running strong, with heavy Cap'n Jazz influences aswell. Pick up their debut, "Some Kind Of Cadwallader". http://www.myspace.com/algernoncadwallader
- -Rockets And Blue Lights

Another more recent band, from Albany. Wish they would have stuck around longer, they had an incredible sound. You can still get their 10", "A Smashed City With Flames and Music in the Air", from the record label that released it(too lazy to go upstairs and grab it). It's fantastic. Also, if you enjoy this band, listen to Bells On Trike. Pretty similar sound. http://www.myspace.com/rocketscats
- -The Appleseed Cast

One of my favorite groups of all time. The Appleseed Cast began with heavy Sunny Day Real Estate influences, PERFECTING the sound (better than SDRE imo), and then using that background to move into the Post-Rock and experimental genre's. Listen to "Mare Vitalis". You should ALL be familiar with this band.
- -The Casket Lottery

The drummer for this band, Nathan "Junior" Richardson, drummed for The Appleseed Cast for a while. He's probably my favorite drummer ever, he's incredibly creative and hard working. The Casket Lottery was formed when a dude from Coalesce decided to play more indie hardcore stuff. Oh, and it's fantastic. Listen to "Choose Bronze". http://www.myspace.com/thecasketlottery
- -I Hate Myself
This band is fantastic. This isn't so much Indie Emo as it is just Emotive Hardcore, but this is a must have. There is some speculation as to whether or not they were a "joke" band or not. Some of the lyrics are laughable while others could not possibly be taken as a joke. Either way, this band played the genre very well. Check out their current band, Die Hoffnung. http://www.myspace.com/noidearecords
Other groups to look into, that deserve mentioning:
Knapsack, Jawbreaker, The Get Up Kids, The Anniversary, Excitebike, Elliott, Cross My Heart, Chamberlain, Boy Problems, Make Me, Texas Is The Reason, The Stella Brass, Ryerose, Mineral, Malegoat, The Kossabone Red, Kid Brother Collective, Katzenstreik, The Little Explorer, Camber, The Player Piano, Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate), Evergreen, Fireside, Jawbox, Lync, Juno, Owls, Seam, September, and
countless others.
This genre has a lot to offer. And I'm probably not the best one to be describing it, or introducing it, but I have a passion for this music. The soft/loud dynamics of Indian Summer. The raw emotion of the vocals from I Hate Myself. The beauty of American Football's songs. Heck, the beauty of
Indian Summer songs. The energy of Edaline, Cap'n Jazz, Empire State Games, Street Smart Cyclist. I dunno. It's just something I've grown to love. You should look into it.
(decided to throw pictures in here to make it look nicer but it doesn't look nicer so you'll have to just deal with it looking like 1995 geocities)
(i dont know what else to put was this a good topic yes/no)