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I've been meaning to make a topic about this band for a while now. Bomb The Music Industry! is the brain-child of Arrogant Sons Of Bitches frontman, Jeff Rosenstock (founder, owner of Quote Unquote Records).

They are a Punk/Ska group, and are absolutely incredible. Their newest album, Get Warmer, is what really sold it for me. It was his/their first album with an actual studio-ish recording, including an actual drummer. It's one of the 'funnest' albums I have ever heard. All of BtMI!'s material is available for download at Quote Unquote Records, and comes highly recommended. All of their albums are great, but Get Warmer is probably the easiest to latch on to.

So, give them a listen. Download Get Warmer. Tell me what you think of them. I think their appeal goes far beyond the Ska/Punk scene.
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Saw this a few nights ago. I loved it. I couldn't stop laughing, and I was left with such a satisfied feeling, as I always do when I see a Coen movie. It's phenomenally acted, directed, written, and shot. Essentially, the movie is about absolutely nothing, which is fantastic. Anyone else seen this? What'd you think of it?

imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0887883/

-spoilers guys-

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It's that time again. New Office starts on the 25th. Who's excited? I know ASE is. I'm pretty stoked. I got my Season 4 DVD along with a key chain of a stapler in Jello, so I'm all set.

The first episode will be:
5.01-02: Weight Loss

Written by: Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky.

Summary (NBC): For the first time, we see what happens over eight weeks of the summer, as a Dunder Mifflin weight loss initiative causes the branch to diet and become obsessed with their weight. Michael pursues a friendship with his new HR rep, Holly. Jim misses Pam who attends art school in New York. Dwight, Andy and Angela attend to unfinished business. One-hour long.

Sounds awesome. Discuss the awesomeness.
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Okay! So, first things first. I've been a huge fan of Pop-Punk my entire life. It's the music that I most identify with. Screaching Weasel, MxPx, New Found Glory, Bad Religion, The Ramones, The Movielife, Green Day, Pennywise, No Use For A Name, Lifetime, The Offspring, Blink-182, Sum 41, Lagwagon, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. And all throughout my life I've run into people who have a HUGE barrier up against anything with the word "Pop" in it. That's all fine and good, but they've hardly given any of the genre's a chance at all. I think that's pretty lame, because Pop Punk has a lot more to offer than it's marshmallow front suggests.

The first thing I kinda want to point out about Pop Punk is that it has it's place and it serves it's place and the people that play it realize this.

Subject A: The Wonder Years, who bill themselves as "Realistic Pop Punk". They sing about things that are actually happening to them, things they've learned, and they're real. It's refreshing, to me, to find REAL lyrics. They're not pretentious, they're not trying to be anything that they aren't, and their music reflects that. It's energetic, hopeful, and fun. FUN. Read these lyrics:
There is something about the simplicity of those lyrics that is really... Full of hope. I can relate to it. These guys know their place. To make fun, energetic music that everyone can relate to. They're not pretending to be something that they aren't (TOOL), and it's really, really refreshing. (felt like i just wrote that o i did hwat) It's fun music.

Also, read this interview.
What do you say to people who think your lyrics are “stupid?” Are these people destined for greatness due to their wonderful ability to scowl and take themselves too seriously?

I mean, let’s be fair, the lyrics on Get Stoked On It! are pretty stupid. I’m not trying to be Thoreau, which I suppose is an issue to some, but we’re just having fun. I understand that everyone has to hate on something. I mean we fucking hate pigeons, hippies, and the Pittsburgh Penguins. I guess they hate hanging out and having a good time and shit. Next time, we’ll try to write a CD in the form of a doctoral dissertation on Friedrich Nietzsche.

Subject B: Blink-182. These guys don't need any introduction. They also have a pretty bad reputation among almost everybody on the internet (digg, apple, ron paul, tool, wii360). And, No, Blink-182 is not the most talented group in the world. Not even close. But they were fantastic pop-song writers. VERY catchy, fun and energetic music. And they didn't take themselves too seriously (even in the later days, for the most part). They were out to have a good time and it really shows in their music. Listen to "Dumpweed", or "The Rock Show". Hits everything on the checklist. Fun, energetic, catchy, reletable. Put this on at a party and try not to have a good time.

Subject C: Pop Punk shows. If you've never been to a Pop Punk show and at least TRIED to have fun with it, you're really missing out. Jumping around, screaming the lyrics, laughing, smiling, and just having a blast. Most of the hundreds of Pop Punk bands I've seen in my life have all been extremely energetic up on stage, and when they're having fun, and you're having fun, who cares that they're power chords? Who cares that there is a 13 year-old girl screaming the lyrics along with you?
Also, this is the case with almost EVERY show ever but everyone really looks out for each other. Someone falls down, there's five people there helping you up. Your glasses fall off, there's ten people pushing other people aside looking for them on the ground. It's a community.
And contrary to popular belief, Pop Punk bands don't really make much money. VERY few Pop Punk bands are in it "for the money". Most bands barely make enough to make it to their next show in the next town, and I really admire that. They believe in their music.
With that said, there are a LOT of crappy Pop Punk bands that have no talent and suck the life and image out from good Pop Punk acts. Stay away from these bands.

I'm going to write more about this later, but in the meantime, put a Pop Punk CD in your car, roll the windows down, and have a good time. Commence bashing.... Now!
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Quote from: fta
CD Package Includes Booklet of Never-Before-Seen Photos And Excerpts From Hedberg's Private Journals
The long-awaited third album from the late comedy icon Mitch Hedberg, "Do You Believe in Gosh?" is set for release on COMEDY CENTRAL Records on Tuesday, September 9.
The CD was recorded two months prior to his death and contains nearly 40 minutes of previously unreleased stand-up material. "Do You Believe in Gosh?" captures most of the material Hedberg was working on for what would have been his next full-length album in a free-form show with a large amount of audience interaction.

This is really awesome. This guy has been sorely missed, and it's just really great to hear that we'll have one more CD to remember him by. Discuss your excitement.
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SO. I just barely "discovered" A Tribe Called Quest. I do not know much about rap/hip hop, but these guys are fantastic. Midnight Marauders is amazing. And this topic is basically to recommend me GOOD rap/hip hop. I REALLY want to give this genre a chance, but I need somebody that knows a lot more than I do to give me a hand. Also, let me know what rap/hip hop artists suck, because I need to know these things, too.

Thanks in advance, GANG.
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The Savages. It's been a while since I've seen such a relevant, brilliantly written movie.

Synopsis: "Laura Linney and Philip Seymour Hoffman play Wendy and Jon Savage, a pair of siblings on the cusp of middle age. She's earning money in New York City as a temp as she writes an autobiographical play about their childhood, while he lives in Buffalo, teaching college and finishing a book on Bertolt Brecht. Their estranged father (Philip Bosco) lives across the country, but the Savages reluctantly rush to see him when they learn that he may not be able to take care of himself any longer. Jon and Wendy bicker over problems old and new as they try to figure out what's best for a man they barely know."

The movie is far better than it's premise. This is, honestly, one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. It's witty, heartfelt, and has some fantastic performances from all involved. I like what one reviewer on RT had to say: "The pleasures are small but intense..." Well put. It's a simple movie, with deep characters and a very nicely written score. And it's just so... Relevant.

Wonderful movie. Go see this immediately? ok
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What song successfully reflects your mood right now? Is it a sad song, or is it a really upbeat happy song? A sleepy song? Angry song?

The song that reflects my mood right now would be The American Analog Set's song "Play Hurt". It's perfect.

(If it doesn't work, here's a direct link. Also here.)

Even the lyrics seem to be perfectly crafted to my SITUATION lol.

This also happens to be one of the greatest songs ever recorded.

So how about you guys? What song reflects how you're feeling at this moment? The lyrics don't have to be a match, just the overall tone of the song.
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So, I didn't see this topic anywhere already, and I'm interested in what people thought about 2007's movie offerings.


1. Juno - I thought this movie was absolutely fantastic. It's heart-warming, it's funny, it's sad, and it's triumphant. Oh, and it's absolutely adorable. I just... Enjoyed watching this movie a lot.

2. No Country For Old Men - Brilliant movie. Engaging, intelligent, and wonderfully directed. A must watch, imo.

3. 2 Days In Paris - I loved this movie. Despite how outrageous some of the situations the couple find themselves in, it is so... REAL. The scene where the couple is contemplating their futures, with the monologue from the chick (forget her name) was perfectly written. I recommend this movie.

4. Sunshine - By now you probably noticed I have no idea how to review movies. This movie surprised me. Although I felt it borrowed too much from Event Horizon, the visuals and the musical score were gorgeous.

5. Live Free Or Die Hard - It's Die Hard. And this movie is so fun and ridiculous and ACTION PACKED, that it's hard not to love it. It's just FUN, and I love that.

other movies that I thought were good but not as good?
-Knocked Up (fantastic)
-Superbad (had it's moments!)
-Disturbia (a great popcorn movie, imo)
-Simpsons Movie (better than I thought it'd be)
-Mr. Brooks (decent)
-Oceans 13 (disappointing)
-Transformers (wtf is this?)

Now, obviously, there are a lot of movies that I missed! So what movies made impressions on you last year? kthx
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Why do so many people on the internets think that this last decade of music has been terrible? It hasn't. They've just been looking in the wrong places.

So, here's a list of bands that "prove" that the last 10 years of music hasn't been as bad as everyone thinks it has been! So, everyone should come up with a list, but there are some rules.
  • Don't list every single freaking band you can think of. Really think about it.
  • Open up your genre's. Don't list 50 metal groups or 50 indie rock groups. We're talking about music in general here.
  • And only stuff that's been released on or after 1997.

So, here's my list that I could think of in 2 minutes.
  • Streetlight Manifesto
  • Explosions In The Sky
  • The American Analog Set
  • At The Drive-In
  • Some of Fugazi's best stuff has been released post-1997
  • Her Space Holiday
  • Jimmy Eat World (quality pop music)
  • John Mayer (great musician, regardless of how he gets old after a while)
  • Thurston Moore's (sonic youth) solo CD is frickin' awesome
  • ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
  • The Appleseed Cast
  • Sigur Ros
  • Anathallo
  • Blink-182 (im serious)
  • Beck (Sea Change, mostly)
  • And I'll wrap the list up with, in my opinion, the greatest songwriter of our generation, Elliott Smith.
your turn
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Has anyone seen/heard about Jellyfish? It's... Uh... It's basically a shopping website that has a "Live Show". On the live show, they pick an item to sell, and the price of the item goes down gradually by a small percentage until they are sold out. It's really hard to explain, so here's a picture of the item currently on 'sale'.

No one knows how many of the item up for sale are available. It could be one, it could be like five. If you click the item it shows you the best deals you can find from most of the major vendors on the internet, too, so you can make an educated purchase. And then after the item is sold there's an "Outwit The Smack!" where you have to choose the option that everyone else will pick THE LEAST and you win coins. It's all very complicated. But it's really pretty awesome to look around and try out. They've got a "schedule", too. For example, Tuesday from 7p to 9p they sell TV's. Following that the category is 'Photography'. The website is run pretty smoothly, but the pace of everything is painfully slow. Thoughts?
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So, the first episode of the final season of Scrubs aired last night, right after The Office on NBC. And... YES.

I'm pretty excited about this season. Should be great. :D I just hope this freaking writers strike doesn't interfere with my Scrubs or The Office. I will go on a killing spree.
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So, I want to make a learned decision for next years presidential election. And I'm not ENTIRELY sure who I would want to see as President! So, how do you guys narrow it down? I've read each candidates Wikipedia page on the issues that matter to me, and browsed through ontheissues.com . I've kinda narrowed it down between a few guys (Colbert), but I'm on the fence.

So how about you guys? How much research do you do? Do you even VOTE? For the guys outside the country (THE COUNTRY = USA), how closely do you follow the elections?

this was totally meant to be in the general forum can a mod move it thanks[s/]  [firefox ][/firefox]