Today was the first GW meet in Frederick Maryland, hosted by me, Xanqui. It wasn't a very long meeting, but everyone who participated had a blast. I stocked up on beer just for the occassion, but I was surprised to see that I had pretty much the same amount in the end as I did in the beginning.

I got several different brands because I didn't know what anyone wanted. Actually, I only got all these different brands because it was all I could grab before the store manager realized I wasn't 21. But we had beer, and that was all that mattered.

I showed up at around 8:00 PM and was greeted by everyone in the meet. I left the door unlocked since I was going to be running a little late. I forget who took this picture. I was pleased to see that they hadn't already wrecked my house, but I trusted everyone who was coming.

The first thing we did was get online with our computers (using the wireless network) and talk to people on IRC about the meet. You might have been in IRC when this all happened.

The games got scattered all over the floor like immediately. My room was spotless before everyone showed up, but I didn't mind all my games on the floor. The first game we played was Mercenaries, selected by me because I was hosting this. The goal was to kill as many people as possible in under five minutes. I won, with 623 kills. I got lucky though, because this massive army surrounded me right at the start.

This is me winning. Nobody even came close to my final score.

Following the game, we started trashing the place, just for the sake of trashing it. I was going to be cleaning it up anyway, so why the hell not? I ended up hitting the table next to my PC and papers went flying everywhere. I was a bit pissed off, because they were my psychology notes that I spent about 5 months gathering. But no harm done, really.

Everyone left without pitching in to help clean up. My room is still a mess. I don't recommend anyone host a GW meet simply because Internet friends are the messiest fucking friends in the world. Everyone had a great time. We laughed, we cried of loneliness, and we did some serious gaming. GW meets are hella fun, especially when you get a lot of people in on it. This was the first one I've ever been to, and I highly recommend any loyal GWer to attend one. I guarantee you will meet some very interesting people you thought you knew, but really didn't.