Did you read this article at the AV Club?
Anyway, I completely agree. We have the huge privalege of having access to everything that's come before, as well as the great unknown - the future, so things are always getting better, right?
to bring up the counterargument, however, I totally get it. I think it's a little unhealthy towards art to be always looking backwards and moaning "things were better [when ][/when]", but I get it. For a start, we've all seen a movie or looked at a black and white photo of a band playing live and just "goddamn, if only I was there then". And, I was thinking about this the other day, and there was once a topic here about roughly the same thing, what a good year for music 2007 was. In 2007 there were all these records coming out by bands I loved, there were bands I'd never heard of putting out records that I discovered, I had the money to go see many of these bands live, I was at university, my own band was finally starting to come into our own a bit, my friends were making music that was good...looking back it seems that this was one amazing year. And yeah, there was some really good stuff released, but it wasn't a revolutionary year in the way that people talk about 1977 or 1967 or 1991, it just so happened that a bunch of bands I liked who had been doing their thing throughout the decade put out their best or defining albums in that year. Or that I discovered them in that year, so they seemed new and fresh and exciting to me. Fact is, it's not important. Keep looking ahead. That's important.
Your Pussy's Glued to a Building on Fire
"We're gonna live like kings! Damn hell assed kings!"