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Whoever said it's bad should be slashed. I mean sure the autotiles make everything blocky right now but you have to work on custom graphics to make it not blocky. VX allows more freedom over RPG game design ideas. like Ranged AOE spells, etc.etc.etc.etc. @_@

yeah but i hear it requires alot of scripting and I fail at that :(

Edit- also I cant stand the 1st person fighting view, and from what i've tried with that tankentai sbs it seems like it requires so much work to add new skills and such compared to 2k3, but like I said I fail at scripting so maybe thats it.
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So regardless of that guy jackin my thread, the verdict is VX = bad and 2k3/2k = good still? Got it
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So I havn't really screwed around with a rpg maker in a while, but now that I am starting to get back into it I was wondering if the newer RMVX is better than rm2k3. I know this has been discussed before, but now that people have actually been using both programs for a while I'd like to hear from you guys on which you think is better.

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Its pretty short, but as for the content that was provided it looks kind of odd when someone talks during a cutscene and everything freezes like the flames stop waving back and forth as an example. It was pretty good though I remember playing this a while back and i loved it than and i still like it now.
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Didn't you make a similar game like this a long time ago?

Downloading now by the way
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if for some reason tournament 2 dosnt happen sign me up for ness
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With only 5 teams, I don't think it will happen untill more people sign up. I've already sent out a PM to everyone who has brawl. If you guys know any friends or something that might be intrested feel free to ask them. I added a list of participants a while ago for those who can't find partners or those who don't know who to ask.
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Since people have had a hard time finding a partner, I'm going to push back the tournament a week. The tournament will be held on May 21st now. If people have a problem w/ this please PM me.
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Yea, theres only 1 team discluding me... The tournament starts in 5 days. If I need to push it back another week or so for ppl to get groups together I will.
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Seriously, that is what pisses me off the most about Blizzard's practices. They announce or let slip information about their games when they're not even past the conceptual stage, which makes everyone go HOT DAMN NEED THIS NOW for like the 10 years following the entire fucking development cycle of the game.

Hell, look at Warcraft Adventures and Starcraft Ghost, they got announced with fucking CONCEPTUAL ART AND VIDEOS, ended up being cancelled for being awful shit and people WOULD NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP about the game.

 :fogetlaugh: I still wonder what happened with that game, and why they waited like 5 years just to cancel it. I was so excited for starcraft ghost.

And IMO,

I think they will be making a diablo3. As unlikely as blizzard says its going to be, I dont see much reason in taking down the diablo3.com site without some indication that they are in the process of making it. I guarantee that in 1-2 years the diablo3 site will  re-done with screen shots and info about the game. Oh well I'm actually excited, diablo was one of my favorite game series. I still love playing them every once in a while.

- However... as good as a new diablo 3 game would be. Idk about a prequel... I mean diablo,mephitso, and baal were always the fun parts of the game, being able to kill them... If it is actually going to be a prequel, you obviously wouldn't be fighting diablo... and if its after, they are already dead. So who will be the antagonist(s)?
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Aha! Now I know it's not directed toward me. Of course I already knew this, but now I know 100%. Your sig is very good at catching one's attention though. The reason I know, naturally, is because I make art and not music.

On a related note, I'm totally gonna kick some ass this time around.

 :sad: I wish caught this at first, when I made this topic i saw mateui's sig somewhere and I really thought it was directed towards me :fogetnah:

so I pmed him like and idiot only to find out 5 mins later (when i logged out by accident) that it dosnt even show a name as a guest.
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This game really depends on your taste. I've been playing on and off over the years since it came out, and at some points I'm having a really fun time, an dont want to stop playing. Others I cant play for a week because I died like 4 times in a row getting de-leveled and the fact that it may take about >2 hrs to find a group.

No party - No leveling.
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fine since you want melee stages so much I'll enable them however all stages will be allowed except wario ware because it gives you items... which is not fair.
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In my opinion I think that a brawl tournament should have only brawl maps. And the reason I have no warioware is because of the Mini games giving you random items. which goes against the rules.

Other than Final Destination, Battlefield, and great sea, not many brawl maps are chosen (some are im just saying majority of people choose those 3)
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Can we have substitute partners? As in, if Team Eric's partner can make it to one round but can't the next, can I replace him? That'd probly make things a lot easier. Maybe 3-4 people per team, and only two playing per round?

That would be a good idea, however that would just complicate things for people, and it would be unfair to people who cant even find one partner.

So I'm going to say no, maybe if alot of people like the idea ill say yes but untill than, sorry. :fogetnah:
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Ugh, ever since this update my tf2 crashes, I emailed steamm and they said it was something in the update so anyone else who had this problem dont worry about it. email them or something so they fix it faster.
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I wanted to participate in the earlier tournament, but wasn't able to, so I want to get a crack at this one!
Hopefully my internet will be kind during this.

Also finding a partner might be pretty hard for me. I don't really know anybody here that well. :sad:
But I'll try to find someone...

Even if you dont know people well, ask anyone you want really. Its like the first day at a new school, meet new people :fogetlaugh:

Yeah, could this be moved to the weekend? I've got stuff during the week.

Otherwise I'll look for a partner!

Depending on the situation a weekend might be better, I dont know yet I'll see.
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GamingW Super Smash Bros. Tournament #2

This tournament will be held on May 21st(Might change depending on # of players)

Basic Information- This tournament will be a 2v2 tournament. From lack of players this tournament won't start untill more people sign up. Than I will choose a date to start.

Picking Partners- You will be able to choose either a member from GW or you can choose a friend from your town. Pick your partners Now!- If you pick a partner too late you will either 1. Not find a partner in time or 2. Pick someone you originally didn't want.

If you have connection issues than talk to your friend from real-life and ask him how his connection is. If its better than yours try bringing your wii over there and setting this up. This is optional, but it may be neccesary for some of you who want to win without freezing ever 2 seconds.

Contact your opponents ASAP- When you find out who you will be facing off against. Feel free to talk to your opponents set up a match time, or even get in a few practice matches to see how your skills are going to match up against theirs. Find a time between the two teams of when both teams will be on. If you wont be able to play for a few days, ill post-pone the match.

Results must be back within 3-4 days!!!

It will be like last tournament where you just tell me who won, and ill change the brackets. This will have it fast enough that people aren't waiting 5 days for someone who dosnt set up a match, however 3-4 days will be the max unless you PM me saying you aren't able to start a match untill whenever.


1. Stock 3, 12min matches.
2. 2-On-2
3. Friendly Fire On (Team attack for those who don't know)
4. Double elimination
5. No items
6. All maps but wario ware(it gives items)
7. No stalling
8. Best 2 out of 3
9. Mix-Character Matches. (You may choose whoever you want, and you are allowed to change between matches.)

Replays- Saving replays can be very important for these reasons. If you or your opponent breaks a rule, and you post saying you want a rematch. The only way I'd be able to tell whos lieing or cheating would be if someone had a replay they saved. They could than upload it to the computer and send me it. I'd be glad to look it over and determine who gets disqualified or if it was a small error and its just a rematch.

Author Comments :fogetmmh: After re-writing this for the third time I feel as if I left out a ridiculous ammount of stuff. I've spent like 2 1/2 hours writing this from past times of previewing it and hitting back instead of just scrolling down. Not only that, but they had much more detail but oh well. :fogetshrug:

Overall Have alot of fun!

(Write your sign-up like so: Alias,partnersalias.yourcode,part.code.)
List of Participants
(Ill edit in my partners code later.)

1. Abkewl5(Loki),Blue[Wagon](Blue).5412-9566-7463,N/a.
2. Doppleganger(T-POP),Erave(Tyler).0473-7436-1564/0473-7489-1051.
3. Sarhan(Ban), InfernoHit.1891-0832-4255(Same Wii).
4. Eric(Eric),Tyler,1504-5382-5906(Same Wii).
5. Capt_Strife,jaller141,YLYM,Jallr.5026-4094-5824,1805-1959-9491 

If you are having difficulities finding a partner look at the list, all of these people play brawl.

(Taken from the SSBB thread in video&computergames)

1. Sarhan BAN 1891-0832-4255
2. Man-O-War M-O-W 0731-4419-1999
3. YoshiJRC JRAFF 4038-5676-1305
4. halibabica Libby 0645-5438-6224
5. jman00 JMAN 3609-0712-5466
6. Tatsujinken Tatsu 4038-5653-4308
7. Capt_Strife YLYM 5026-4094-5824
8. BlindMind Aaron 3866-7692-5205
9. NightBlade Night 2750-0773-8502
10. abkewl5 Loki 5412-9566-7463
11. Pasty Pasty 4425-1160-0614
12. Terin ----- 0516-6940-9694
13. Riptor Steve 3566-1227-8074
14. IceSage ----- 4897-5603-0259
15. the_hoodie HoodE 1289-7905-5050
16. Eric Eric 1504-5382-5906
17. Evil Bob Jesus 0216-0489-5844
18. Velfarre Gnoll 0473-7480-8774
19. TrickLobster ----- 5455-9050-3845
20. Trash Head 2 Trash 3866-7712-0866
21. JohnnyCasil Johny 4382-1634-9871
22. Erave Tyler 0473-7489-1051
23. King of Games ----- 5370-0117-0936 
24. Mateui MAT 1461-5905-1317
25. Despain ----- 0173-0993-0846
26. DDay ----- 0860-2939-7818
27. Doppleganger T-POP 0473-7436-1564
28. Cheesy Doritos Julio 2148-7886-6225 
29. weesman88 WES 0946-1908-2220
30. mkkmypet Krusz 3222-5249-4770
31. angry black man HMLND 4725-7693-2927
32. Nikuru Telos 0173-0952-8065
33. sanctuary6284 Sanc6 2105-8306-0441
34. Raziel BRYU 1375-6956-4612
35. daaku Sol 1375-6887-5441
36. yomic777 Yomic 3136-6260-6230
37. HolyFlame SION 0774-3925-5754
38. Belross BELLY 4339-2243-2641 
39. Mr Epic Hero EPIC 0301-9551-4399
40. jaller141 Jallr 1805-1959-9491
41. Omcifer 2LATE 3823-8290-2315
42. Mirthless ----- 3694-9708-3990
43. Zohaib ZOH 4983-4636-4304
44. Chainer Piko 5112-3276-0678
45. Montai ----- 1848-1345-8316
46. Carius JCE 0173-1173-1928
47. jsnnoa ImNot 3394-3389-6977
48. thejackyl JCKYL 2363-5582-5267
49. Lord Typhoon Eltee 2449-4579-3996
50. Christophomicus Chris 1375-7066-7628
51. FQGamer Zack 3780-8700-4701
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Unless most people are busy, whos up for a gw brawl tonight (saturday)?

Edit- New tournament thread up. I will be PMing all of last tournaments participants telling them to look, regardless if they sign up or not.
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So is this going to be an anything goes partnership tourny, as in I can be partners with a GW member or one of my friends?
It seems kinda sloppy that way, but I suppose it'll be much easier to find a partner of my own.

I haven't played team battles with wii friends before, do I need to be friends with your partner too, if it were someone outside of GW?

edit: someone should do a character specific tournament too

As sloppy as it may seem, the chances of having 4 gw members on at the same time for a match are much less likely than  2 gw and 2 off line or 3 gw and 1 offline etc.

You can pick your own partner, as long as they are able to make the schedule for a match. So keep that in mind.

And the I wont make a thread untill a few days, and that will just be for signups the tourney will be about like a week or two after the post. Depending on the amount of people that sign up (hopefully a good amount of people) this should be a fun tournament.

Edit- Oh and halibabica as unfortunate as it is, if you dont get back or something before the tournament ill try to get someone to make another tournament, or if I have time I'll make a tournament (seeing how this one goes ill see if the teams are, if its even me who makes the next one)