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lol what a joke

castlevania went away with the gameboy advance. they can tout the 'new features' all they want, but at the end of the day, it's just another aria of sorrow clone. it's always like that. they say "HAY GUYS ITS DIFFERENT THIS TIME, I PROMISE!!" but its always the same. the same enemies. the same weapon types. the same abilities. maybe a slightly modified 'magic' mechanic. then they fagged them up with anime characters. lovely. it's good to see they're taking a cooler style (though still kinda anime-ish, just not as generic), that's a step forward.

this one isn't looking any different. new features + same old gameplay. same old enemies, that's the worst part. how many times do i have to hack through the same floating eyes, red skeletons, bone throwers, harpies, and axe armors till i get a fresh lineup of enemies? it's one thing to stay true to the roots of the game, but COME THE FUCK ON. it's been like 6 games of the same fucking shit. i think their turns are about done with.

They are using a formula the fans(like me and nightmare) acually enjoy. Changing the series in the past always sucked. Fuck, who remembers acually ENJOYING CV64?! I sure don't. This game to me is like sonic, as long as it's 2D it will be good.
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Hurrah, I finally decided to buy a DS, after many months of deciding, then learning that Dragon Quest 4 is coming to US for the DS, (dragon quest fans say hooray)  I bought FFIII and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, but I am so behind with the DS news that I haven't really looked up on the current popular DS games aside form Pokemon.

So, what are some good games to recommened me playing? (And yes, FFIV I know about, that's one of the other reasons I wanted a DS.) Fill me with some suggestions on what to grab.

Try these:
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword(The stylus is a MUST, buttons are only used for blocking)
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker
Contra 4
Bleach: Blade of Fate
Nanostray 2
Sonic Rush: Adventure
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agh, is it gonna be like the soul system from that other castlevania game? that pissed me off so much because it meant i'd never 100% it (fuck no am i going back and forth through screens 600 times to get the low % drop rate souls)
Its nothing like that "GOTTA CATCH EM ALL" kind of sense, so rest easy
I hadn't gotten around to playing it yet but a part of me hoped, being that it's a classic style CV game that it would be good. Deep down though I kinda figured it would suck being that 99% of cellphone games (especially those playable on cellphones outside of Japan) suck.
I have to ask you a question though, do you think it would be better if it were ported to the DS or something? Most cellphone games suck because of the pathetic framerate and controls so I'm wondering if this is the case here or if it's the game itself that's bad.

First off, OoS's framerate was decent. Secondly, it will not be remade with only 13 enemies and it takes 1 hour to beat. Hell, Aria of Sorrow Mobile was a good port and a better game(despite the frequent yet VERY brief load times) and the frame rate is just right on even some crap phones. So probably no OoS for the DS.
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I'm very much looking forward to this, Metroid style games are probably my most loved type of game (is there a name for this genre yet?). Even though the traditional anime art style of DoS and PoR didn't bother me much (I actually like traditional anime art styles more than traditional western art styles) I'm glad they're returning to the um I dunno... gothic anime? Art style of SotN, HoD, LoI, CoD and AoS. It just seems to work better for Castlevania (funny thing is when SotN first came out I hated this art style and I wanted RoB's anime style back). I don't think the art in this game is being done by Ayami Kojima though as it looks different (looks like something between her style and DoS and PoR's style).
Well I've heard that Shanoa (that's the girl's name, not sure if it's been stated here yet) can use a glyph with both her hands and her back. If you use a glyph with either of her hands it becomes a weapon (meaning SotN's dual weapon system is back) and if you use it with her back I assume it's probably used as magic (haven't heard this yet though). Glyphs are obtained from enemies.
Well when they signed up the copyrights for this game's name they also signed up for the name "Castlevania: Judgment". Most people are speculating that this will be a new console CV game that focuses on the 1999 incedent (although most people think it has to do with that simply because of the word judgment in the name, even though it'll probably end up named Castlevania: Rhapsody of Judgment or something). I think I heard somewhere once that IGA would consider making a CV game for Wii if he could figure out a way to make whipping with the wii remote less taxing on the arm so you never know.

EDIT: Hmm I just thought about it and a 1999 based CV game would make sense to be the Wii CV game since as far as I know in the current known canon Julius Belmont is the only Belmont not to have a game and unless they plan on making a remake (IGA stated once that he would like to remake CV3) this is the only chance to make a Wii CV game with a character that actually uses the Vampire Killer (unless they use another Morris) which if they made I'm pretty sure would be the main gimick.

EDIT2: I noticed that the mobile phone game was named Castlevania: Order of Shadows. I wonder if this game will have some sorta story continuity from that game since their names are so similar (Order of Shadows and Order of Ecclesia, kinda makes me think of Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow).
I accepted DoS's more dbz-ish anime style, but PoR's style just started to suck. The gothic style will always topple TVPG anime style.
edit: Oh yea, CV:OoS mobile was not so good. Your better off buying CV:AoS mobile instead if you want to buy ANY mobile CV games.
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just ignore him, man.  you've got people like otomon and me on your side.  magical negro... he aint nothing but a bully.

Sorry, im just really sensetive :/

As for a trailer? No such luck. There is no trailers to the game, just an interview with Iga. However, if i find one I will post it on the topic :)
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panda suggested he downloaded it in advance but I don't think vg soundtracks work like normal albums so yeah pretty sure in his hurried attempt to imitate EGM darkjak just grabbed a few sentences.

JUST SHUT UP! I DIDN'T TAKE IT FROM THE frackin'!! MAGAZINE, AND I DON'T EVEN READ EGM!!! JUST PLEASE, STOP! Im not foregin either, i am american. I just forgot to spell check. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE GOD frackin'!! DAMMIT!
edit: Oh yeah and another thing, its bad enough I am bullied every day. I get my ASS kicked every few weeks. The last thing I want to hear is someone picking on me online. You are as low as the people who beat on me and make fun of me.
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why must all your topics read like the back of a game box combined with a press kit written by a 12 year old.

why do you insist on fighting me. Its not like I said shit about you, but it looks like you are TRYING to make me.
You know, I've looked for a way to describe his topics for awhile, and this summarizes it pretty well. They all read like an attempt at the COVER STORY in an issue of EGM or something, combined with bizarre spelling mistakes ("chritics"?) and bulletpoint feature lists that read like they were written by a PR guy.

I mean, go nuts man, but your topics just feel very very....SHALLOW.

well at least you care to tell me what is wrong with my topics, for the most part you and #1 dad are the only few mods that don't treat me like shit

as for the rest of you who like to flame me, please stop. I made this topic to discuss about the game, not about my mistakes. Seriously about 80% of my topics are full of assholes who take pleasure in raping my topics by flaming me just because I am different.
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2 years ago, Konami released "Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin". While the game was well regarded by chritics, the fans shunned it due to its non-memorable characters(dracula in a beach shirt :P) and its crappy diologue. Not to mention that Jonathan was like his father, a belmont wannabe. However, Jonny's father was acually cool while this young guy was a whiny emo kid. This game made us wonder, why can't Konami release another CV game as big as Symphony of the Night? Will there be any more CV outings on the DS? Will they lose the crappy anime art style(not that i hated Dawn of Sorrows, Portrait of Ruin's was just bad and didn't fit the atmosphere). All our questions will possibly be answered in the upcoming Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia!

Old style CV character art=greatness

I don't know what it is, but the environments seem to bring some graphical flare.

The bosses for the most part will be brand new. I like this one, it reminds me of the last boss from "Super C". I love nastolgia!  

Item crashes return in this installment. Its not everyday you see a character weilding a screen-filling sword in CV!

Story: This game will take place a couple of years after the events of SotN. The Belmonts have temporaroly dissapeared and Dracula has returned to unleash hell upon the world. A rebel group called "The Order Of Ecclesia" steps up to defeat the count using one of their most powerful weapons. A vampire hunter named Shanoa is that weapon, and she must travel all around transilvania to stop the count once and for all.  

-World Map system that can take you to over 20 locales in transilvania, much like Simon's Quest but with more depth. Konami also boasts that the game will be as big as SotN, I wonder if they can pull that off!
-Old and new enemies will appear.
-The new "Glyph" system allows Shanoa to use magical items called "Glyphs" and transform them into weapons to be used in either her left hand or right hand bringing back the dual weapon system from SotN.
-All new bosses in the game, bigger than ever before(so konami claims).  
-Awesome soundtrack.
-No more anime style characters!
-3rd time in castlevania history that a female is a main protagonist.
-Wi-fi will be used with online shops and an entirely new feature too. The new feature is the ability to do combat with others, much like a death match.

Its odvious that Konami is really putting their all on this title and it will be released this fall, but i wouldn't be suprised if they delayed it.
Interview with Iga: http://youtube.com/watch?v=YJ2JI203Uxw

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I just saw an extended trailer, and i must say this does not look abysmal nor does it look spectacular. This could be the low point of the series, but hey both episode 2 and 3 were my favorite out of the 6. As long as they don't fuck around with the storyline, i will be content and ignore the fact that Lucus is making his new movie look like an out dated dreamcast game.
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Is George Lucus on crack or somthing? This looks like some sort of freaking digitally animaited children's cartoon! What are they thinking?!

Anyway, this movie will basically fill the gap between episode 2 and 3 and seems to be based on the "Clone Wars" cartoon, which was a pretty decent addition to the starwars universe. However, I just don't like where Lucus is going with this movie. Why not use the real actors? Oh well, most(maybe all) of the voices come from the Episode 3 cast, and that was my favorite of all starwars movies. There seems to be some new characters as well as some suprisingly awesome saber fighting. Despite the fact that this movie LOOKS like shit, i will still see it. This is mainly because the Clone Wars cartoon didn't answer all of my questions and it just seemed so mute most of the time. Expect to see some more big screen lightsaber action(and milking :P) this Summer.
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Hey guys, heres another one to add to the ever growing list:

oh dear lord was that one hyped. I don't own a ps3, but my friend bought the game and i was there with him and a couple of my other buddies. So we played it and what happened? IT SUCKED! How did Ubisoft and Free Radical screw this one up?! The only good things i can say about the game are the visuals(Chritics are wrong when they say the graphics in this game are bad), guns, nectar-powers, and the mid-story side switch. Everything else is broken from the AI to your comrades who try to see who can be a better cave man. Honestly, this game makes me want to shoot Free Radical and Ubisoft. Unfortunantly Ubisoft made a crapload of good games and Free Radical created Golden Eye 64(i think) so one mistake(a very big and overhyped one at that) should not make them be hated. Its just one game......ONE ABYSMAL PIECE OF SHIT GAME! *cools down*
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Ok, for the most part it works. However i did find alot of lag in the "Lost Village" area(in the beginning) but after that, the lag lowered by alot :)
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also forgot to post this to help you get the rom started.

Also there is a way to tell sometimes the roms comes with a text file and if you read it it has something like this + -[USA-NDS]-------------[128MBit]-  this tell me it's 64 because 64x2=128rom size

also your game Dawn of Sorrow will uses a 256 the rom size is 512 256x2=512 I will like to Add not all games work that way but you can figure out most like this.

also the newest one has an auto feature

thanks, it saves now :D
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Yes @ TheMonster.

For DarkJak, you probably have the wrong backup-type. Cruise around in options, in the lower left corner of one of the options screens there's something with Backup Media or something. There, you can choose between EEPROM sizes, Flash sizes and some more crap. One of these is compatible with the game.

 :hmm: i cant find anything like that, is there a possible tutorial vid or somthin?
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Now, I don't know if this is allowed and if it is not please don't lock it. I really need help with this:
I just downloaded an emulator called "NO$GBA" and it plays nintendo DS games and GBA games. However, when I play a game such as Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow i don't know how to save. I save my game, then i exit the emulator, then i restart the game to find my file to be deleted. Could someone tell me how to save with the emulator?
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I think that just the idea of a primarily or entirely multiplayer FPS on the DS is incredibly ill-conceived from the start.  Like who thinks this is a good idea?

its not like hunters where it will have crappy campaign, the story is pretty deep much like quake 4(though quakes plots were a bit generic)
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Well gettin a ps3 in a week, getting a second controller + the blue ray remote and I have enough for 1 game, the total for all of this + my computer college I'm left with $114.58 and yes I even added the tax for the items.

So yea, recommend me some good games.

Here are some games that I'm thinking about.

Devil May Cry 4
Dbz Burst Limit
Call of Duty 4
Assassins Creed

If you have a 360, your better off getting the games i kindly bolded for you on the 360. Most of them control better and/or don't have a long install time(even though DMC4 ps3 has no load times after install, its just a pain that it takes up SOOOO much space).
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the show first aired in America in 1967, chances are you didn't see it when it came out, something that I was mentioning these critics did.

never said I did see it when it came out....
Ok, can we please stop filling this good man's topic with nonsensical fighting? We don't want to be the people who caused it to be locked(if it was)
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you were alive in 1967?

no, i watched it with my dad when i was like 6 -.-
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CoD4 was actually pretty decent though, for a single player game. (my bro and I did multi and it wasn't all that great mainly because the arenas are pretty big)  But yeah, I wouldn't mind another online FPS either as I got out of Hunters after the lamers really dug into the game.  I was able to deal with them before:

- Hiding Weavel's turret behind walls
- Shadow Freezing with Noxus
- Constantly choosing Combat Hall so they can "noob camp" using Trace

But when it got to the point when people were getting weapons not native to the map (Omega Cannon on Combat Hall? WTF?), inducing 100% Invincibility, getting the Death Alt on stages that don't even have it, beginning the stage in Death Alt... the game just became intolerable.  I jumped on Mario Kart DS a few weeks ago and it seems the problems there have since died down so I wonder if the same is true for Hunters?  Bah!

Hunters is a hacker's paradise on the DS, which is why i don't play it too much anymore. I would much rather play other games such as "Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" where I never saw one hacker, not one hacker.

but anyways, there have been no new announcements on the game. This can either be good, bad, or they are just pulling a "Square Enix" and will not show much more updates until it's near release.
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