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- I sort of like Boris.  Like, I like half of Pink, especially the last track on the album (I just abandonded myself), but then half the time its just guitar whale noises to me.  Maybe I just need to listen to it while smoking some pot or something
While I would say being inebriated would help I think it would help with every track in this topic. Nonetheless, I tend to agree; a lot of the noise isn't super 'listenable' but it is an album you can leave on to forget troubles to while your brain invents new ones to the pseudo-rhythm. 
This album just came out for any post-punk fans...
...I dig their prior entry, Light Up Gold, a tad more however. It is just a touch more raw.
And something completely different. These are local boys and I am pretty sure they will be larger soon, for better or worse. 
And one more while I am on a kick. 
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also spiritualized?  what is there to like in their music?
I like the original song and the vocals, frankly. The rest of the album is fairly forgettable. 
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Okay, so the game I am familiar with is not as old but it has a soft spot in my heart. Time Killers was the best arcade cabinet at the movie theater when I was growing up. I loved the way it actually impeded you to lose limbs; you could strategize around removing your opponent's punching ability for instance. Super awesome.
EDIT: And it didn't strike me as a kid, but the background art is impressive as heck! 
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  • a video game which you must play to get out of
  • the band's animated Badmotorfinger logo"
God damn that is awful and wonderful.
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How did I miss this? I have been imbibing a lot of electronic music lately, so here be a few samplins. 
And now for something completely different. 
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courtesy the movie Freaked (1993)
Such a great fucking screwball comedy. Highly recommended. 

VGA patter generator. https://github.com/kaigani/HTML5-image-PatternVGA.js
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Heya folks. I am getting off of a post-depression funk and I am curious as to what everybody around here reads/follows/listens to/jerks off at for news in the game dev scene?
I currently read Indie Statik for news as well as a few RPS pieces(Porp primarily for the Live Free Play Hard series) but not much else. I want to get my hands dirtier and read some lesser known bits and bobs. Whatchu guys got? 
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not notoriously broken but someone here took the trouble to iron out a bug in Pengo's maze generator algorithm: http://ukvac.com/forum/topic335921.html
I might have to use this for a future project. 
And I totally want one of those ET boxes to frame in a shadowbox. That would be dope as shit. 
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Essentially I am a lazy shit who has in recent months been trying to be less of one.
  • 04-07 Went to local community college and got an Associate's Degree in compsci(with a 'Video Game Option,' something I mostly joke about now as it was a useless subtitle). During this time I met, dated, and got broken up by my first girlfriend. It hit me pretty hard As she never gave me a straight answer though I now know she met someone else while she was going to school an hour away(We still chat nowadays off-and-on, I no longer harbor any animosity towards her).
  • After college I had no idea where to look for work in programming games in the bumblefuck armpit of the midwest. Luckily(?) a friend of mine got me hooked up with a tech support job at a local cable company. I met a lot of friends there I still have today and made a decent living.
  • Shortly afterward I met a nightmare of a woman who I dated for about five years before realizing it was all a trap. She had enitced me with talk of moving to a Chicago to pursue acting(something I too toyed with having some community theater experience and an interest in improv) but eventually she balked at this and began pushing marriage and children as hard as she could. I lived unhappily with her for a long time thinking I could do no better but after a friend of mine heard her audibly complaining about my lack of marriage proposal I knew it was time to end things. Several piles of money and empty suicide threats later I was living in the master bedroom of a 1200 square foot apartment wondering what had happened to my life.
  • From there I met girl number two who was(is?) a dream. English major who hates small towns and aspired to professorship. She had her own mental baggage in the form of her own shitty ex. We had known each other for a long time so we started casually seeing each other. I then found out she was moving states away to go to grad school. Rather than think things through I told her I too wanted to go to school and quit my job to join her. I only found out after moving I was unable to afford school and found a string of unhappy jobs to support usin a somwhat happier homelife. We had issues though due to being far removed from one another most of the time due to long night shifts and grueling gradschool schedules. We had planned a return home if only to get back on our feet...
  • Which leads me to today. Having made some connections while away I landed my first illustration job for a game project with the school she had attended. It carried me for a while as I worked a few other part-time jobs to fill in the gaps. She ended up moving back in with me once her classes ended but only stayed for a month. It turned out that she was unhappy and found she didn't want to be back home as it was a depressing scene; lack of good jobs, friend circles falling apart, and family issues will do that I suppose. She never wanted to break it off with me but I couldn't handle the pressure of all of the bills and responsibilities she left for me in the lurch of her move so I cut ties as it was too much for me to handle.
  • Now I am living in a friend's spare room having lost all of my money over these exploits. She moved to a bigger city and is teaching full-time now, which is good though she is extremely depressed and has required a few talkdowns from suicidal ideations. She wants to try again as do I but I need time to figure myself out and what it is I am doing. I am commiting to the 1GAM challenge for now in an attempt to build the games portfolio and skillset my small-town college left me without. I have been a lot happier with a goal and commitment. I may move back in with her but I am not making any promises outside of working to support my games habit.
That is essentially me I suppose. Pepper in therapy, depressive episodes, and some barbells and you may as well be my roommate.
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That is fantastic to hear. I was super excited to see this game even as I first heard and fell in love with the concept. Especially in regards to the revisiting/sequel issue. (It's a very solid first game, but you gotta admit, on a fundamental conceptual level, a platforming game about a no-holds-barred drug addled equine really needs to be something that only scrolls vertically.)
Oh yeah, I really want to do a sequel. It just lends itself to so many potentially awesome interactions. I expect to either do it as another 1GAM this year or come back to it afterward. 
('Cause he gonna be HIIIIIIGH)
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Nice!!  :fogetcool:​ My high score is about 218 I think (would be cool to see my own high score somewhere, even if it's only for the immediate browser session, if you're taking suggestions.....)
Definitely! I am trying to mix it up month-to-month to keep things fresh but this is definitely one that lends itself to a sequel. There are a ton of drug-based mechanics I thought of outside of the speed/jump abilities so I'll be visiting this guy again in the future.
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Does everyone have to dress like an asshole to work at Facebook? I assume so.
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I am alive! 
After successfully moving into the spare room at my buddy's place and navigating a cold I am back and(with luck) annoying you all with regular posts. 
And what better annoyance than my first finished game project, Bad Zebra! You can play it on Itch.io here! 
I am attempting to do the One Game A Month challenge for the year and will be working out some screenshots for my March Game(Cat Puke Simulator) tomorrow. 
Let me know what you think and keep indie games weird! 
Ryan <3
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You'll see me struggling with some of the options more than once over the course of this video, but all in all I am pleased with the results.
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While perusing the internets today, I stumbled upon what appears to be an excellent tilemap editor. Does anyone have any experience with it? 
If not I am going to give it a go this weekend and report my results. I am working on my #1GAM challenge and this could be a potentially awesome tool. 
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Because nobody has stepped up to program a better way to do it.  :captainplanet:
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...I also saw that guy from Half-Baked who was laying on the couch the entire movie
Stephen Wright be that guy. Don't care for him much. 
Louis CK is, arguably, our generation's George Carlin. I love his stand up so 
I also really like Paul F Tompkins. He is just funny, I don't understand it. 
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Let us all have sex with objects. I will take the swiss cheese.  :cheese: