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Long time no see. It provides me great comfort to know you're all out here doing the thing. How ya'll doing?
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I love RCR, never could beat it. The most striking thing about this game is THERE IS SUCH A LARGE SELECTION OF FOOD ITEMS. So awesome that you can go to a diner, sushi bar, ice cream shop, supplements shop, stir fry joint, and each has an entirely unique menu, and the effects of the food subtly different. Pancakes give you like +20 health +1 defense whereas waffles give you +20 health +1 attack. There's definitely something going there, with potential for SaltW user custom shops, like Vellfire's Bento Bistro or JMickle's I don't really know what you eat.
The combat system is super zany, I think there's plenty of room for creativity there, even if you just re-sprite weapons and enemies. Depending on how customized the levels can be, I could easily imagine some Super Mario Bros. 2 type puzzles and levels, like carrying the key to the top of the stage while being chased by ghosts, giant radish pickups, parallel subterranean zones.
Graphics style is super simple and attractive for editting. I don't know if NES palette limitations would apply, would be nice to make it more colorful.
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It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world - Chaos Theory
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I very much like it,too. The skin tones are spot on. There's something about your colors that are dreary but so appealing. I think they're obscured by your camera, wish I could see them in person.
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This is a great idea. I'm a big fan of audio broadcasts, particularly random amateur college stations I come across. I know much of this community is outspoken on certain topics, and would be very interested in hearing anyone willing to speak on air. I really enjoy your youtube bits as well, and think it would be no great leap to take your skits to this medium. Do make this happen!
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3000 hrs of drawings
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bro, i think the doomsday prediction was a ploy by discovery channel. 2013 post-doomsday programming scheme: ancient aliens.
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Good God I'll never listen to enough of Bob Dylan's "Desire". The whole album is beautiful. Great bar music, I'm always playing these tunes on the jukebox.
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I see what you mean in regard to art contrived for some ulterior purpose. Sometimes that's forced and sometimes it's what someone feels fiery passionate about.
What I'm talking about here is obvious ignorance and injustice within society which sparks such feeling in a person. From what I've read on this forum, the prevailing issues are not only female objectification, but sexual equality. Faggot is the new nigger. I was subjected to, and used, sexual slurs on a daily basis. Only after I was counseled in my youth by someone I respected did I see the high road.
Mainstream media will not press the issue. At best, the issue will be reported objectively, when profitable.
Society rides in the wake of the artists, the activists, and thoughtful journalism. The writers and artists framing today's problems are the Harriet Beecher Stowes, Harper Lees, and Mark Twains of our decade.
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hundley is right tho, shit's so irreparably fucked in the media and it's going to continually get worse and worse
This is defeatist and unrealistic, even. Both mainstream opinion and social media have been behind the curve concerning civil progress. Consider that black voting privilege was ensured only 48 years ago. Since then, both public opinion and media portrayal has been changed in a vast way, even though it took time. I do not believe the media is going to make significant backwards turns as long as the criticism exists and the opinion is held that racial and sexual stereotypes exist. The changes are god-awful slow, but as long as there is an opposition, the sentiments change, whether it be the old ignorance dying out, or a more accepting generation moving in.
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HAHAHAHA this is a whole other level of horror

"we've got 13 boss fight representing the 13 branches of the federal reserve..."
This indie sidescroller phenomenon has finally reached that mindless level of NES movie-inspired platformers with inexplicable enemies representing the film's plot devices.
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yeah, i don't think that'd be a sensible reaction to this situation either. it should be outside of the realm of artists and the media creators to have the role of weaving the fabric of society, and i guess the hope would be that without the perpetual bombardment of negative stereotypes from the current mainstream, you'd also begin to see a society that did not identify so profoundly with the media. but that's a totally unrealistic expectation, and in the meantime i guess you just hope that art doesn't take it upon itself to try fighting fire with fire, abandoning artistic endeavor in favor of empty propaganda out of a need to combat all the negative cultural stereotypes the mainstream imposes.
I might misunderstand you, but I feel that you're implying there's some echelon of high art that can't be bothered with the social problems of the generation. I think that artists should feel a certain responsibility in shaping society, if they feel so strongly inclined. Even if one's work is altogether ignored, that artist has framed a social problem for future generations to observe.
I don't mean to imply that everything created must be socially relevant. I mean to say that the arts and media are a cornerstone of society, and some of the forward thinkers unrecognized by the mainstream are just laying the foundation to be discovered by future generations (I'm talking books and curriculum that will be standard fare for our children).
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I've never been a big fan of the offals(?) or obscure animal bits in cooking, granted I've only tried chitterlings (pig intestine). A borscht is a hearty soup right? I'd have to try it before I judged it. I'm going to attempt coq au vin soon (chicken congealed in red wine). A lot of French dishes rely on this congealing process, and it returns some unique effects.
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those are all such nasty but subtle colors. everything has such a dead pallor to it compared to your other paintings. i love the smoothness of it. i can't seem to produce smooth images yet, it's all very splotchy.
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its me at 0.19 also between this and the mario paint one i really like the sound of halfassed console sequenced music, strange spacious tone structures leading to nothing and looping indefinitely. 2.37 is excellent as well so far?? what 3d games could have been
best part aside from the tunes gotta be the troll man wading through garbage water
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That's a weird filter or however you gave it that look. Did you intentionally create the spherical shape in the lower right?
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Stanking is the ultimate full body WORKOUT
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Okay I know what you mean. I used to load those up with veggies, cheese, and cucumber sauce. And then there's the usual gyro shaved lamb/beef you find as street food.
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