haha yeah.. I just have access to the internet and my persian professor is very well connected in iran and through him and a friend of mine who translates the news for a special wire service translating company I get access to first hand sources and the news as its happening
I mean half the sites I go to would be worthless to you guys cause they're in persian so yeah, but you will hear about these sometimes on CNN or whatever when they're like 'according to Ghalam/Tabenak/Ilnah/Gooya/IRIB/Mehr/Sarmayeh/Amir Kabir/Radio Farda/Kayhan/whatever' all these are newspapers/websites/wire services coming out of iran and I just read them in my spare time (which cause I'm only working part time is a lot of time)
good sites to use to see what the fucks up in english:
http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/09/latest-updates-on-iran-election-protests/http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-iran-protest10-2009jul10,0,622206.storyhttp://niacblog.wordpress.com/http://tehranbureau.com/tehran bureau especially is excellent, because not only do they present the news but they also have high quality analysis and discussion of events, wheras the others are more liveblog kind of style, but on days like today they are so much better because you get up to the minute reports of whats going on straight from the horses mouth a lot of the time
speaking of today, today was crazy. thousands of demonstrators, shitload of allaho akbars and ya hossein mir hossein and marg bar khameni and marg bar diktator (but no marg bar amrika lol) bunch of people gettin the shit beat out of them by basijis and plainclothes cops, some deaths probably, but most of the dead arent making it to hospitals, they are just disappearing (militiamen and police carrying them off the streets to locations unknown) so its really difficult to get an accurate count of the dead, but more than likely todays count was less than 10. bunch of cars got lit on fire though and all of tehran was an absolute clusterfuck from noon till sunset
but yeah one interesting thing going down that they may or may not have reported in the western media, but the city of qom is practically under martial law. there are police patrolling the streets 24/7 and all the higher level clerics are being 'guarded' by police and the army (they're more than likely being watched rather than guarded).
as far as looking at the big picture of all this goes, some people say all this action over the last 5 years amounts to a takeover of the islamic republic by militant factions within the establishment, but these people are dumb and dont know their history because the islamic republic was taken over by military elements when the iran-iraq war started in the 80s. but what you are seeing is a huuuuuge rift in the clerical establishment and what I think is going on is that rafsanjani is just trying to get the entire assembly of experts on his side so he can depose khameni.
While this would be a step in a positive direction in my opinion, dont forget that while rafsanjani is certainly more liberal and would probably give the people of iran the liberties that they are crying out for, he is also the richest man in iran and very much in favor of free trade and a neoliberal trade regimen (do not forget... what do you think the Iran-CONTRA scandal was all about (it was rafsanjani buyin a bunch of illegal shit)) so while he is better than khameni, he is no hero. neither is mousavi but thats a different story.
obviously I am simplifying here but yeah baked posting