im currently nowhere
my mother started drinking a few years ago and ive failed my first year of university three times trying to juggle taking care of her kids, taking her drunken abuse and doing a degree. a few months ago she got clean and now im just a 22 year old NEET whos £9000 in debt. im so fucking done with life i feel like im just sitting here waiting for a relapse. i'd kill myself but i can't inflict that pain on my siblings so i just sit here playing videogames and being a worthless human being.
sorry to darken the thread or something
I am sorry to make any kind of presumption about what your intentions were in writing this, but if it was in any way a call for help or advice, then I can offer some.
It's okay to be nowhere. I work with a lot of people coming out of school in the UK who have a lot of pressure on them to have figured all their shit out by the age of 16. They got forced through this tube of education and most of the time they get squirted out the other end a few years older and just as clueless about what they want to do with their life. They're back in the same situation of unknowing but faced with the same life decisions, but this time instead of sixth form/college it's university. And there is a large number of these kids who get this far and have this sudden moment of realisation that they still don't know what they want to do. So they just pick something and pray, or carry on the path they already set out on, even if they have long lost whatever initial passion they had for that subject.
Myself, and my friends and my family, and everyone I work with. None of us are where we want to be. Some of us are in the back half of our twenties (me) and some are late sixties. Some are older, even. Fuck, I know you know this. We're an aimless mass. I just see all this pressure on kids to have figured it all out by X age and none of them have. And when they think they have, a lot of the time it changes.
I was 22 before I even started my degree with the OU. I'm still not even halfway through what with chipping away at it around my work. Now four years down the line, I have different interests. I'm not so interested in the subjects I am studying. I doubt I will put it to much use when I'm finished.
What I am trying to get at is that it's okay to never know where you want to go because time and experience and perspective can change your goals anyway.
As for your debt. Is it an SFE tuition fee loan? The funding for these loans was changed in the last few years (off the top of my head maybe three years ago? Maybe you fall on the right side of this change!?) so that as long as you are earning under a certain amount, you do not have to pay back a penny of the loan until you reach that income bracket. If this is the case, then do not worry about it. Put it out of your mind. It is not even a concern. Further to this, if you don't fall into this income bracket within a certain time frame (30 years maybe?), they will scratch the loan off completely. Okay, maybe that's not the ideal situation but helps relieve the pressure of this debt hanging over your head. Call student finance and see if you fall into this category.
Lastly. I know this is a bullshit thing to say, but if it frustrates you that your life is consumed by this aimlessness (the void of videogame escapism) then you should change it. I don't mean some broad stroke like "GO AND GET A JOB" because I know that insurmountable mountain and how bold people on top of it can be when they talk down to you. But you can't move if you do nothing. So do something small. Tiny even. But whatever it is, just don't do nothing because then you are back in that void.
And also:
If you just want to get all this shit off your chest, that's what that phone number is for.
I hope this helps you out some.
now is the winter of our discontent