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I mean... alive is a very strong word.
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Brand new piece, hot off the Paint Tool SAI!

Between Reality and Fiction

It is yes, a render of my Remi-Chan internet personage.

I also have a speed draw showing the process from start to finish!

Simian Speed Draw #147 ~Between Reality and Fiction
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'Sup? I'm Remi-Chan, or Remilia Esoterica: Goddess of Chaos and Garbage... but no one got time for that mouthful so Rem/Remi or Remi-chan is more than enough!

I'm a prolific rpgmaker developer, artist, voice actor, dancer, writer and probably other things I forget. :0

Once upon a time I used to go by Bizarre Monkey, changed alias and rebranded myself in 2021, not for anything silly like trying to wash out my old identity, just had a lot of people assume I was a furry which while I don't have any issues with furries, definitely wasn't the kinda branding I was looking for. I should clarify that until today, I have never made an account here, so you would only know my past iterations if you've gone beyond this place.

Well, here's a little snippet of the kinda thing you might be able to look forward to from my goofy ass!
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I have a custom of giving feedback to at least 5 posts behind, even if it's just a one-liner and definitely supersubjective uhhh yeah. I like screenshot threads because you can comment on other people's work.
That's a good way to be, it keeps forums buzzing!
@Remi: you definitely like writing XD, that's good for a database sort of thing, menu looks great, love the animations
Yeah this was always the planned design for the Database in the TAB for Fantasia, and only now after five years into its development is the plan becoming reality!
@Remi again: gasp! cutscene. The character at the center feels slightly smaller, which I like because it kinda gives it a bit of a perspective effect. I don't know if that's final for them though, as right now it seems like a scaled down version of the artwork shown besides the text box. Really cool tho!
Yeah, both the arts in that shot are placeholders. This is content that will be in Disk 3 which i truthfully haven't been able to begin working on yet. The smaller one in the middle will be replaced with a sprite, while the image on the lower left side is going to be a character portrait. Cutscenes are something I enjoy, especially when i get to do a fully rendered animation!

And here's this week's screenshot.
This is mega cute, and is that a cat girl I see!?


Style looks really professional and making custom UI stuff can be a lot of fun for sure. :) Nice work!
Thankies! The further I can get away from the rpgmaker 'look' the better, as having a game that looks like it was made in RPGmaker is not the selling point some silly clowns seem to think it is!

The stigma exists for very good reason. :0

Oh, uh... yeah I'll always have more to show, i was talking about how i like making animated cutscenes earlier so, I'll share one of those!

Apotropaism ☢!SEIZURE WARNING!☢
Making some of these animations was so fun. Pjcr (my portrait artist) and his work is also usually utilized for these. Some are MAPs or Multi-animator projects, but i can share some of those later.
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Thank you~ I do quite enjoy putting those together, as is probably obvious by the fact there's over 140 of them at this point.

New post? new art~!

The Final Union

This one is my magnum opus (for now), it depicted the final battle in one of my games. There's a lot of lore in this one but it won't mean much without me spoilering a bunch of the plot so I'll just let you enjoy the over-detailed visuals instead.

This was sixteen hours of work, a tad removed from what is usually less than half of that, but given the immensity of detail you can kinda see why!

Alternate version without the five flaming sword-bits arranging to make a pentagram at the back.

Made such a nice looking right hand only to obscure it with a wing-strut haha woops!

And of course, a Speed Draw to go along side it. This one is less full than the Warden of Eld one, as I forgot to record the drafting session and forgot to switch viewports while doing photoshop edits, woops!

Simian Speed Draw #142 ~ The Final Union
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Yeah, RPG Maker MV is what I have been using for most of my new games since it came out.

You can thank my friend Triatic for the baseline Linux builds with each release. It's just 'hit this button and export' in the engine so it's not a difficult thing to do. Although because of funny syntax reasons, if you have file extensions in anything but all lowercase it creates errors. For instance, we had some .PNG's instead of .png's in one build, and that broke some stuff. I have retroactively fixed most of those issues now, but it is something to be aware of when exporting to Linux.
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Looking forward to being able to work on it again, ha ha!
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:O it's Nessy!

I think you succeeded, that screenshot is IMMENSELY CUTE! I can feel diabetes coming on from all that sugar!

Although uh... you might be mixing up tenses there in that dialogue. "Today has ... isn't it?" should probably be 'Today has ... hasn't it?" as the other one assumes past tense, and is then followed by present tense.

Hope that helped, it might be intentional, though! Like maybe that cat or bunny or whatever is a timelord or something and they like to distort tenses for fun? I sure can get behind that vibe!

Speaking of timelords with animal inspirations.
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A lot of Palworld, ultrakill and world of warcraft: season of discovery.

Pokemon but better and with some new mechanics that make it actually fun and not just a dopemine grindfest.

It really is a game beyond my ability to describe. Take a first person shooter like say, DooM 95, make it low poly 3D, then add the style system from DMC and the ability to flip and shoot coins into your enemies Rufus Shinra style.
Also its based in the lore of Dante's inferno.

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery
I already made a 28 minute long video about this, but here's a fun clip of me questing at level 50 in Phase 3.
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Kind of a basic bitch here but here's mine.
I used to go really ham back in the day, tho!
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"No! I'm not letting them or myself down! I will become strong, I will live once again for only me. I will live with pride!!!"

Story and World
Having fallen into a sedentary lifestyle after the era of Menagerie where she defeated a nemesis that even the gods feared... Fyori is called upon by her friends of old to pick up the pieces of her declining life and live once again for her own sake. She finds some friends along the way, and even love at the end!

A land of fae and legends ready to be explored and with a comforting vibe that lends itself to a very beautiful psychedelic experience!

Fyori Felicee

The titular protagonist of the game. After defeating the Anarchic Annihilator during the era of the Menagerie, she retired to Spriteopia under her Mother Blu's instruction. Unbeknownst to her, this would be an utterly boring retirement lacking the surprises and suspense Fyori had come to treasure in the adventure that came before. Suffering this torment for a century, Fyori finally takes charge after learning one of her old friends from that era has mysteriously disappeared from the timeline. While her supposed goal is to get to the bottom of it, realistically she just wants an excuse to go out and explore and find adventure. Blu allows her to be the free spirit she wants so long as she doesn't leave the planet.

Mad E. Lin

A shadow pixie Fyori finds in a chest at the end of a Forgotten Temple full of Dark Faeries and other Youkai.mad E. Lin tends to shift from raging tempest of loud destruction to calm zephyr of contemplative wonderment from one moment to the next. She claims to be the Heiress of Shadows, and that she was hiding in the chest to get out of doing chores that her mother keeps dumping on her. While the reception is rocky, mad E. Lin warms up to Fyori when she realizes Fyori has no real allegience with her mother and simply wishes to have an adventure. They team up with the end goal being for Fyori to try and make Mad's life a bit easier by using her political influence as Queen of Spriteopia to make some sort of compromise.

Mad does not fight in combat, not because she cannot fight. The opposite is true, in that she would make things too easy. Fyori accepts this, having been almost killed by one of her attacks, and is happy to have company that isn't sedated to all hell or an Aspect making a play at motherhood.



-Fae and fairy vibes everywhere!
-Gorgeous environments
-Fly around a world of immense beauty and charm.
-Electrifying bullet curtain combat with tech never before seen in my games!
-Endearing flawed characters who you'll love probably immediately!
-Powerups to collect which massively increase your power for a time!
-Optional areas that look pretty and may have some fun little surprises.

  WASD = Movement
  Spacebar = Interact and use Spellcard/bomb
  Left Click = Fire
  Right Click = Cancel and Open Menu
  F5 = Restart to Ttitle Screen (This does not save your progress.)
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I'm a multimedia molotov of crazy conjecture and creativity, and I often make videos. How often...? Well, that might be easily answered if you look at my youtube statistics, ha ha! Suffice it to say though, if you though a hundred videos, you are only going to be short by about 15x the actual amount.

It genuinely is a sin that I only have 244 subscribers just because I don't repost memes or upload OSTs I didn't create or do something vapid like rwact content, ha ha! But focus! let's not get negative and into the nihilistic depression that is the current social media model. We shall rise above because I'd rather the focus of people who care about my work than the unenlightened masses, anyway.

(Still if you need some funny content creators to sub to, well, my subscribing to me is free and --mostly-- painless!)

So, it's probably not surprising given my prolific nature as a game dev and general multimedia mafia that I have some experience under my belt, but instead of just tooting my own horn without saying anything, I'll let my videos speak for me. In this post I will unveil the Starchaser series, a recent variety of long form story content that tells of my various creative ventures.

Or just reviews a weird mode of a 20 year old game but shhhh
And as a bonus, just 'cause i like you guys, here's the unlisted but very much real sneak preview of the third entry into that series!
I don't know why I decided to use a different voice slant per video but oh well! it gives them character I guess!
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I came equipped with Paint Tool SAI and Photoshop CS6. I have had an extensive art journey that I will not go into right now because if you look down you may have just found yourself entangled in a GREAT WEB that will pay off in the third of the Starchaser series which I am definitely working on right now and will definitely have finished by May 10th (HA HA!)


What I'm saying is I do art, and now... I intend to share with you said art.

Warden of Eld

This is The Yamayoji, or High Court of the Dark World. The dark world in this case being the MAMIX (Matrix for Apoptosis Mitigation and Imprisonment of Xalatath) and is in charge of casting judgement upon its prisoners. Rehabilitating not mere sinners but cosmic enemies who have posed existential threats to the very fabric of space is not an easy job, but she'd not trade it for the world. She often goes by "Ashe" as it was her name back on Eden before its fall. She is employed by cosmic administration for this task.

She is a calm but cold and imposing presence. Like the judge of a supreme court, she commands both jaw-dropping authority and tranquility. Through her mirror she can see all the sins a a soul bears as well as their entire history both in life and death.

Despite her stoicism, even she, the Judge of a realm which even Hell fears- has a softer and more vulnerable side. She takes pride in those she successfully rehabilitates, and despite being quadrillions of years old, mortals can still surprise her. She also recently discovered she has a weakness for pudding far more crippling than her weakness for tea. Losing her hat also makes her feel naked.

She is mostly very fair, and judges based on the bigger picture rather than hyper-focusing on one particular point of time. She is often curt but in a way designed to help people reflect on how they might be better. Once mortal, she wishes to see them change and be better.

If only they knew... If they had seen as she had seen. Would it destroy or would it resolve them? Alas, it is not her call to make. Rulers would have to do for now.

I also have entertaining proof that I drew this, from blank canvas to completed image!

Simian Speed Draw #131 ~Warden of Eld
More art to come later!
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RPGmaker default menus are ugly as sin, so I opted to make something entirely custom.
It is going fairly well! Now I'm up to making the brochures listing, which is like collectible lore about worlds and events and junk, while Pamphlets like shown above are more about characters.

The choice box is not filled as this is straight from photoshop, ha ha!
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