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I gotta get serious here for a moment, since the first project was a sizable chunk of my life. The Barkley 2 kickstarter is going to get funded no matter what, the Barkley IP and legacy from the first game is so strong it's likely to get much more than it ever needs. So the game is going to continue development, there's little question about that, but what does matter is how this all ends up. I'm really only posting so all the people involved on the project read this, since I've only ever spoken to Chef and Bort about this:

Every single person on the team is responsible for the success of this game. Anyone not willing to grind their bones to make it happen should quit right now, no matter the size of their role. This isn't a volunteer effort, people are going to put money up front to see this happen and if nothing is produced it's going to be a crying shame.

This doesn't need to be the best game ever. It could be, but it doesn't have to and is unrealistic to expect. There's still plenty of time to make more games, like the final title in the Barkley series. But it would be a mistake to shoot for the stars and end up with nothing, when something good that sees the light of day is what people would appreciate a million times more.

Everyone loses if a game isn't produced. On the flip side, it would be a great victory to get something out there that the fans can enjoy.
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have you ever wanted to kill bigfoot?? do you want to know what it feels like to dehumanize yourself and face bloodshed??? then have i got a product for you:

!~`=-( VIDIOT GAME )-=`~!
!!!!!! FREE PC DOWNLOAD !!!!!!
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still not ready to "take the plunge" ? ? ? GANDER THIS:

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<ME> GREat question! you can download  game HERE:

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XBOX GAME (80 MSP / 1 USD / 100000000000 ZIMBABWE MONEY)


Q: will brain damage occur from playing game
A: possible / maybe / perhaps / mayhap / parshcatuche

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A: i am sorry please do not pursue legal action

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A: http://gzstorm.com to blow up website or [email protected] to send virus

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A: play at you own risk

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A: alright

Q: "how to afford vidiot game"
A: sell kideny on black market

Q: bad game or worst game ?
A: speak englishc you son of a b8tch

Q: buy bitcoin
A: ? ? ?
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Dada's Twitter is going nuts right now because of some political thing he said that some idiot pounced on. Unfortunately I cannot understand most of it because of poor google translations. Here is one tweet that was poorly translated from Dutch by google for instance:

yes, that's how it is. " @ LinksRapalje : @ msikma blue mug that I will just come to shove in your throat. Stupid hate amoeba. "

Twitter tough guys want to shove a blue mug down his throat??? Tell me more!
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I've sold scrap metal before and know a little about it. My dad does junk removal from time to time and I help him when he needs another hand. Occasionally he gets a job involving a lot of metal and sells it as scrap. The big problems I see with scrap metal are sources and sorting.

For sources, you'll need to have a decent amount of places to get metal from if you want to make any money. This is going to take a lot of legwork to figure out good places to get metal. Also realize that a lot of this is heavy as hell. You may need more than one person to carry some of this stuff back with you.

About sorting, this is basically where you make all the money on scrap metal. You need to take stuff apart, be able to identify metals well, and stockpile it while you wait for it to accumulate. For instance, if you have a truck full of metal, you'll get paid the lowest rate even if you have a lot of valuable metals in there because it's unsorted.

All this said, junk removal is something I'd recommend in your situation if there's a decent market for it where you live and you have a truck. Throw an ad on whatever craigslist type service people use in your area and you're good to go.
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the game does look pretty cool, i especially like the face graphics. not that it's a big deal, but you probably should have held off posting this until you had the download link up. i am eagerly anticipating this release with much glee.
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the one idea that was thrown around as a feasible plan to get GW back on it's feet was the idea of a meta site. that is, a site that draws content / information from other sites in a meaningful way. there's a lot of ways to do meta sites, but the big problem we ran into was that a good meta site required a lot of initial work and still required one or two dedicated people to run it well. i'm pretty sure this is part of the plan for the new GW, although this is going off really old information.

i think the problem people have with GW, and this is true of the current state of GW, is that someone walks in (in this case drule) and says they are working on GW but nothing gets done for ages. the same happened when ramirez and leafo were doing the site. you could say this is a legitimate complaint, but at the same time, understand that literally no one else is willing to do that job. drule is pretty much the only guy willing to do anything for GW in a big way. so while it might be kind of lame that nothing is getting done for a long time, he's the only one who gives a shit enough to attempt to do anything. basically, if he wasn't here, GW would be in the same situation except there would be no possibility of a new site.

since there's no new blood here, we got a bunch of veteran members who are too busy with life to do anything for the site. i know this happened to me, and it happened to a lot of other long time members here. you need new blood to keep a community strong and there's no one qualified or willing to carry the torch. GW needs new members in order to grow and that looks pretty unlikely.
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the members outside of G&D outnumbered the G&D members, which means they were the majority. i'm saying there were more non-developers than developers. this is why the shift happened to begin with, the majority of the community didn't have as much interest in game development, which is why the site was going to be more broad. there was no way GW would have ever been just a RPG maker site, and it was illogical to do that because those sites already existed and were doing a better job than GW (rpgmaker.net).

think for a second here, who are the staff? they are members of the community. are you aware that anyone can be staff? staff is just another word for people who contribute to GW. on a whim, me and panda decided to do the website. i didn't have to jump through any hoops, everyone was in favour of it. after spending an immense amount of time setting up the site, porting over articles to the new site, and working on content, we quickly found out very few people wanted to produce content or help manage the site. i was spending all of my time on the technical aspects and panda was spending all of his time getting staff members and organizing content. i don't doubt some people were willing to help (like renegade) but there wasn't enough people. i was there when it happened, i can tell you that we had to struggle on a daily basis to get anyone to do anything. i don't mean that in a bad way either, GW just isn't a content producing community. it's shifted into a community that mostly just wants to talk, which is pretty normal.

my efforts may have come too late, but nothing stopped anyone from doing something earlier. the staff comes from the community, and no on in the community felt GW was worth it, otherwise they would have done something. the amount of people who were staff changed constantly, many people made attempts to try and get GW on it's feet but either the effort wasn't good enough or it didn't work. so i would say the fact GW never reclaimed it's status as a game development site is because not enough people cared, that means the community as a whole.
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The best part is the movement of completely alienating the entire RM scene by talking down on it (Mods across the board) and promoting "Indie Games".

Congrats, the RM community left and what's left? Where are all the Indie Game Makers?
by the time this movement you refer to as "promoting indie games" took place there were already very few developers here. most of them already left to other communities in the several year period GW had no site. the few developers left here were being talked down to, but it was because they wanted GW to only be a RPG maker community while the majority of the community wanted it to be more open. it's pretty simple, the majority won out.

You want a cool post modern Indie Game Making community? The staff actually have to be involved in the process. And no, Barkley hitting the magazines isn't Indie the game was full of rips and GZ worked his ass off programming a joke game.
i wasn't even staff at that time. i might have been a moderator, but i was only a moderator because i used to look after the GM forum during GW's "golden age" and didn't actively do anything for GW for years. i had nothing to do with GW until many months after.

you are probably looking for the word amateur instead of indie. i'm not really sure why you make a distinction though. are you mad that the game was popular? something like barkley only helped GW attract more people, but nothing was done to capitalize on this during that time.

There were some stellar artists and talented people here but anyone who ever wanted to be someone moved on for obvious reasons. 90% of the staff here aren't even remotely Indie per se. Congrats on killing a major community with a pseudo attempt at taking the site to a brighter future.
anyone who wanted to be someone likely left the rpg maker scene, not just GW. again, GW had a 90% rpg maker community, and when it was dead it did nothing to promote any kind of development. this means any developers it did have were already gone by that time. all efforts made in the phase to expand GW's horizons was at a point when GW's development community was already dead. it had nothing to do with the death, expanding GW was an effort to resurrect it.

I'm just very annoyed that the former staff members endlessly down talked people in G&D and did nothing to save it.
there were numerous efforts made but none of it worked. i can list a bunch of things i was personally involved with:

- games database:


now out of order, it was dedicated hosting that carried many classic and hard to find RPG maker games. it was essentially a centralized way to download and find games quickly, and was based on this topic:


no one really cared about the games DB because hardly anyone is looking for classics / rare games. in the once in a blue moon chance you are, the rare games topic made the most sense because likely the games DB did not carry the game you wanted (there are tens of thousands of rpg maker games). this was something anyone in the community could have contributed to but no one wanted to.

- sprite database. i don't have a link for this because it doesn't exist anymore, but GW had a database system that was more robust than charas-project.net . the problem? we needed people to fill the database with resources. there were 500 resources to begin with and we needed the community and staff members to add to it. either no one cared or no one wanted to do this, because the database stagnated.

- "gw6":

http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/365/9096160933.png (this is the best picture i can find of the site, this is the beta version)

this site died about 6 months after going live, because of lack of interest. the site had reviews, articles, tutorials, and many of the old articles from the original blog were on there. the problem? no one in the community wanted to write any kind of article. that includes game reviews and articles about games. the new site direction had to do with changing with the interests of GW members, and that included broadening the development tools and topics covered. the site catered to that, but very few people gave a shit about the site.

there were other efforts as well, such as the constant restructuring of G&D, contests, etc.

these things came too late. as UPRC stated, rpgrevolutution and rpgmaker already did this, but had an established rpg maker community. in addition, the idea of "indie games" never took off because we have almost no developers, and the ones that are present come to GW for the discussion, not game development. without any admin, staff member, or mod saying anything, the community made this shift gradually on it's own.

i think GW, as it is right now, is a community that doesn't need a website. there are no developers here and the other members that do come here aren't content producing (not interested in writing for a site). there is nothing wrong with that, it's just a forum for people to talk.

it sounds to me like you are complaining about rpg maker not being popular enough, or the rpg maker community not being what you want it to be. what does GW have to do with that? the only legitimate complaint i see is pubaccess being down if you paid, but something like keeping 10 years of post archives is pretty ridiculous.
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if you are asking a question like this, you should probably do small scale projects to get experience that will help you understand the process better. i would say there are general guidelines that can be applied when making an rpg, but i think it's a little different for everyone. you need to understand how you work creatively first. doing smaller, manageable projects will prepare you for bigger projects and naturally teach you the workflow.

you could get more help if you posted with more detail what you are trying to do, problems you had in previous projects, and anything related. there is only so much advice you can give to a general question like "where to start in rpgs?"
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it has nothing to do with discrimination, the way the rules are set up just make it difficult for someone using an easy creation middleware to pass review. there are a few standards that you need to manually code in to get past peer review, along with other things that most beginner developers wouldn't think about when making a game (title safe area, proper text sizes, content rules). using something like IGM suggests the person making the game doesn't know as much about programming, hence why they are using IGM to begin with, but then they will fail review because they don't have the knowledge needed to pass and fix their game.

for example, let's say you made a game in IGM with saving. you'd fail because you don't have a standard save set-up, because you need to be able to handle the user pulling out the memory unit multiple times while saving, which would crash the game. someone using IGM probably doesn't know how to do this, if they did, they probably wouldn't be using IGM to begin with (p.s. i heard IGM isn't great).

there is one game on xbox that uses indie game maker, but it was made by the people who programmed indie game maker. also, i haven't seen anyone beyond the program creators using IGM for xbox development.
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to clarify on this a little further even though very few people here care about 360 development, an easy game maker for xbox 360 is almost useless because of the peer review process. so you might be able to make a game using something like indie game maker (enterbrain makes this), but you won't be able to pass review without more detailed knowledge of the 360 framework (xna) and the community standards. this means you will not be able to distribute your game.
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how come more people haven't downloaded this? this is looking very promising and it's a big leap forward from when it was last posted on here. i just downloaded and played it on a netbook and it didn't run very good, but i still played it for a good 40 minutes or so and will check it out on a better computer soon. when i do, i'll post a much more detailed reply.

there's a lot of stuff in the game, which made it a little confusing when introduced to new things, but overall there seems to be a lot going for the game. i am not sure how representative this demo is of the finished product but the systems in place and the content you have already should be enough to make a good game and the rest pretty much lies in the execution. so great stuff so far.
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try this for the background problem:

There is a newer version for a very obscure music bug that a very small percentage of people experienced. The last version release is actually 1.09:


Replace the EXE with the version 1.09 exe, and make sure the bass.dll and BGM.dll are in the same folder as the 1.09 exe. In other words, drag all three files into the main barkley folder and use 1.09 to boot the game.
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this game looks like the "new cool" but i have heard it's very hard to understand anything. i am cautiously anticipating this game with much glee....
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older version posted on the poppenkast for those who want to play right away (has bugs obviously):


i played this old version and the game has very high polish and the controls are great. in general you have a lot of stuff made for this already so it is looking pretty good.
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there is a very tiny link at the bottom that says SAVE TO PC but that link doesn't work.

how to download game???!??!?!
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you are correct about the bank bailout, however bailing out the banks isn't the point. nearly any leader would have bailed the banks given the circumstances. it's the fact that he has done next to nothing on financial reform, and given how badly the banks fucked up, this is absolutely unacceptable. about the public option, it's bleeding to death in a ditch at this point. i am not sure what your opinion of it passing is, but given how the process has been going thus far i would give it a 1% chance of passing. there was an article on huffington post about health insurance company stocks reaching 1 year highs:


given how the public option would only hurt private insurance, and the mandate would only help private insurance, these developments suggest that the HI companies and investors already know how this health reform bill is going to end up.
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report card:

- bailed out the banks, but has done next to nothing to regulate financial institutions to prevent them from doing the same things that crashed the financial markets.

- the public option no longer exists, the medicare buy-in idea was rejected, and now the going idea is a mandate for 30 millions americans to get health insurance. americans are going to lose out on this and HI premiums still remain unregulated, while americans receive the lowest amount of health coverage per dollar among industrial nations. obama and the democrats could use reconciliation to get a medicare buy-in but they won't ever do this.

- copenhagen was a waste of time, however this is not just obama's failure. no deal was ever going to be made.

- the wars are a sticky issue and it's hard to really justify one way over another at this point, but it is humorous he received a nobel peace prize and then dedicated another 30,000 troops.

obama does a good job at convincing people he is trying his hardest to do something when he has zero interest in actually pulling through on many of the promises he makes.
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The background bug occurs because the music is played incorrectly and causes the background not to load. This is why fixing the music should have solved it. Are you positive you put the new 1.09 EXE in the barkley folder, and ran the new exe? I haven't heard of the BG problem with the music playing, so it must be something else. Two things to check:

- Do you have a BG folder in the same folder as the game EXE, and does the BG folder have a bunch of files in it (132 to be exact)?

- Is there a game_errors.log in the same folder as the barkley EXE? If so, post the contents of the game_errors.log here.
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There is a newer version for a very obscure music bug that a very small percentage of people experienced. The last version release is actually 1.09:


Replace the EXE with the version 1.09 exe, and make sure the bass.dll and BGM.dll are in the same folder as the 1.09 exe. In other words, drag all three files into the main barkley folder and use 1.09 to boot the game.