By the way, you really ought to
download The Chain Game 1 here and
download The Chain Game 2 here and play them!
Okay, I PMed a couple of people about this, and I have decided who will do the First Chapter, and who will be the two co-directors.
RPG will do the first chapter. He has until the 24th, which is more than enough time to give it a good start.
UPRC and
Mateui will be our co-directors. Basically they will try and help test each chapter for bugs and keep things running when I'm away; nothing too major.
Now, I'd like to establish the basic grounds rules which will keep the game looking and playing consistent:
- About battles:
- Default Battle System is allowed, but keep it to a minimum. For character battle sprites, just modify the regular hero sprites to be used in battle. For battle animations, set it so that the hero disappears during an attack, and use the hero sprites in the battle animations so that it looks like they are attacking. This is pretty much what we did in CG2, only now we're in RM2k3. If this is CONFUSING, I'll make a short demo game showing what I mean.
- Do not give heroes exp for battles. One problem in CG2 was that hero levels, attack powers, and monster difficulty were pretty crazy and variable. So in CG3, do not level up heroes via exp. Instead, at the beginning of each chapter, level up all the heros manually so that they will match the monsters in your chapter. I think this will work out well because hero power vs monster power can be regulated very precisely relative to each chapter.
- About dialogue:
- I think the dialogue format for CG2 worked pretty well, so that is what we will use. It will look like this:
this guy are sick
As you can see, the color code for the character name will be 04 (yellow) followed by a new line with the dialogue on it.
- I am not going to change any dialogue to make it more intelligible when I bugtest, because some people might intentionally misspell or write crazy shit for humorous effect. So beware!
- As I've said before, I'm not going to care too much about how you do the story. The main goal of The Chain Game 3 is a blend of humor and good gameplay. Keep the story somewhat coherent and non-retarded, do not kill off main characters without approval from the rest of us, don't add more than one playable characters per chapter, etc. Use your brains, but have fun!
- After RPG is done with the first chapter, the general sequence of events for passing the game will be like this:
- Participant will upload the game or somehow deliver it into my (virtual) hands NO LATER THAN 2 weeks after they recieve it. What this means is that if you get the game on Wednesday the 12th, and I tell you you have until next Wednesday the 26th, you have to give me back the game with your addition before the end of the 26th. If not, you better have a goddamn good reason to be late, and be able to get the game to me in another day or two, or else you will be skipped entirely.
- After I get the game, I'll also pass it to the two co-directors. They will try and play through the new part if the can to catch any bugs or discrepencies, which they will notify me about. I will keep the game for overview no more than two days after I recieve it. If I take more than two days to pass the game to the next person, call me out on that shit! I have no more excuse for delaying the game than anyone else.
- About the world map and creator notes:
- If RPG doesn't make a world map and creator notes section, I will do it myself when I get it. The world map is, obviously, the world overmap which players will move between towns on Final Fantasy style. The creator notes section is a map with an event on it, with a bunch of comments from each player. This is where you can put little notes and informational tidbits for everyone else so they don't get confused about something you've done. Of course, don't hesitate to make topics here in the forum, either, but if you have SUPER SECRET INFO, put it in the creator notes.
- Use the default hero speed (4: Normal) for all cities and indoor areas. For the world map, use half speed (3: Half Speed.) It is extremely important that you remember to set the hero speed correctly when teleporting to and from the world map!
That's pretty much it for now. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free.