Games What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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Also what's really stupid is sometimes the soldiers will shout out "RELOADING!!!!!!!!!" and I'm like really, you have to shout that? Who's going to complain at your because your reloading... Is Joe from 4th squad going to be like "Hey man, what the hell? What are you doing, reloading?" maybe it's because I'm playing easy(too lazy to challenge myself) and it's so you know who to shoot while they reload, but you can never tell where it's coming from... honestly do they really yell that during a shoot out IRL in the army(sorry if they actually do don't want to offend people)
they do teach you to shout when you're reloading/out of ammo in army to let your partner(s) know.
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alright, thanks for clearing that up... Like I said, makes sense in real life but it gets annoying with the lack of variety in voice acting. I really wish they would use more voice samples for "RELOADING!"... there really isn't much variety in combat dialogue in general for Crysis 2. yeah I know, what else can you say during combat besides "RELOADING!" or "MAN DOWN!" or "GRENADE!" but how about like "Oh shit!" or "Take that!" just sayin'... of course I don't think I'm even half-way through the game so there could be more. /nitpick
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oops was trying to modify not post a message... delete this one.
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Argh. after I got my desktop fixed I figured I'd play Minecraft on it, it crashes after 10-15 minutes of playing. I say to myself 'fine' and play something a little more my PC's level and try to play some BC2. Only to be barraged with issue after issue. Left with a screen flickering that I have yet been able to fix. Making it unplayable. So I say fine, I never did really give Battlefield 2 much of a try. I start up a game and I'm bombarded with it's equivalent of "Fire in the hole" and I can't turn it down with out turning down Sound effects. Making it ALSO unplayable (for me at least)

Frustrated. I haven't Played CSS or Day or Defeat. maybe I'll play those for a bit after they are done downloading.
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I'm replaying Majora's Mask on my Wii right now. Good shit. Gooooood shit.

I can't believe this game came out a decade ago.
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What do you know. All that trouble with modern games MEANT for my PC and I'm able to get Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 for the PS2 running on an emulator with relatively few issues. It took a little bit of tweaking, and its not perfect, but its playable and fun. I decided to skip Porshe Unleashed in the NFS line up. It looked kind of dull and Hot Pursuit seems to be lauded as one of the NFS speed series best entries, so I decided not to wait to try it. It's pretty fun, I can understand why its well liked.

Anyone else here play any NFS games? or am I largely talking to myself?
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My parents got me need for speed underground 2 as a gift back when it came out, and I actually ended up enjoying it quite a bit despite not really being into cars or racing games. being able to pick a car, fully customize it, and drive it around the city/participate in races and competitions was pretty fun the way they designed it. a couple months a go I read about some other need for speed titles and some other street racing series, but none of them particularly appealed to me. nfs carbon might be ok
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I got Fallout: New Vegas today and alread put on 7 and a half hours. I kind of feel like they fixed like half of Fallout 3... and then screwed up the other half. I like all the references to the first 2 games and I love that there are a shitload more quests than Fallout 3, but I still cannot seem to put this in the same league as the first 3. Maybe I'll change my mind later.
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My parents got me need for speed underground 2 as a gift back when it came out, and I actually ended up enjoying it quite a bit despite not really being into cars or racing games. being able to pick a car, fully customize it, and drive it around the city/participate in races and competitions was pretty fun the way they designed it. a couple months a go I read about some other need for speed titles and some other street racing series, but none of them particularly appealed to me. nfs carbon might be ok
Huh, I thought I had replied. I remember typing up a reply anyway.

Yeah Underground 2 was actually the first NFS title I played oddly enough. It was basically an RPG-like racing game with the upgrades and such, yeah I liked it a lot as well.

Hot Pursuit 2 is coming off very Burnout-like to me so it makes sense that the more recent one is made by Criterion.

NFS: Carbon is pretty bad actually. (I've played it)

The Need for Speeds that I've heard are good:
-NFS 1, 2, 3, and 4 (The classic series, I personally only enjoyed 3 and 4, the first 2 have aged poorly)
-Hot Pursuit 2 and Hot Pursuit 2010 (The fantasy sports car vs police with a very Burnout aesthetic)
-Underground 1, 2 and Most Wanted (street racing, crime oriented)
-Shift 1 and 2 (NFS's Sim series, was originally meant to be a separate series, NFS name tacked on to garner more attention)

the rest all seem to be regarded as mediocre. To be honest, while NFS does have a spotty record, that's 11 games considered to be largely good out of 18 games. Not that bad.
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Just finished Mass Effect 2. Gonna quickly try and finish my Witcher playthrough before the sequel comes out in a week or so.
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I'm replaying Majora's Mask on my Wii right now. Good shit. Gooooood shit.

I can't believe this game came out a decade ago.

welp.  came in here to say the same thing.  now I got nuffin.

I should also mention that perhaps my greatest flaw as a person is my strange obsession with zelda games, which I think is actually a reflection on an inability to grow up.  adult baby and whatnot.  did you guys hear that the song in the trailer for skyward sword is zelda's lullaby backwards?? aw shit.
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played damn near half of the portal 2 story mode at a friend's house recently. strange game. it's a bit funnier than i had expected, to the point where i'd definitely call the story a comedy before i'd call it anything else. kinda wish they had endeavored to do more with the comedy outside of interjecting silly lines every few minutes, but it's good for what it is. i don't think i'd classify the comedy as particularly outstanding, but that i chuckled at all is more than i've been able to say for most videogames. you do get the feeling that the story and the game itself were created by different people with different intentions, probably in different buildings, possibly on different continents. it feels like the game has a little bit of an identity crisis going on there, but in a backwards sort of way that kinda works to the game's advantage, just not as much as it would have if everything had been on the same page. a few main story points are reasonably cohesive, but i don't think the major thrust of the game is.

the rest of the game is pretty much status quo i think. just a continuation of the way portal feels and works with minimal genuine additions to it. although i haven't finished the game or played co-op, but what i have played feels very much in-line with the way the first one is put together. all this doesn't really hurt the game, but i wouldn't say that the game is any better off for it. the game feels more like the second half of the first one, where you legitimately go to the same places and do the same things you did the first time around. i had kinda gotten my hopes up during the first scene, where you are randomly in some nice room where everything falls apart and you quickly slip back into where you were in the first portal game. i guess i was hoping that you weren't still trapped in the facility and that the story would progress a little bit more into some new direction, but that didn't happen. like i said, i don't think that hurt the game, since it's still strong for what it was, but it could have been better if they had gone in a new direction with it all. don't like feeling like i'm just playing the same game over again, which is what i ultimately felt here.

fun game, but i'm extraordinarily happy i did not spend $50 on it.
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I should also mention that perhaps my greatest flaw as a person is my strange obsession with zelda games, which I think is actually a reflection on an inability to grow up.
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NFS: Carbon is pretty bad actually. (I've played it)

The Need for Speeds that I've heard are good:
-NFS 1, 2, 3, and 4 (The classic series, I personally only enjoyed 3 and 4, the first 2 have aged poorly)
-Hot Pursuit 2 and Hot Pursuit 2010 (The fantasy sports car vs police with a very Burnout aesthetic)
-Underground 1, 2 and Most Wanted (street racing, crime oriented)
-Shift 1 and 2 (NFS's Sim series, was originally meant to be a separate series, NFS name tacked on to garner more attention)
idk which of these have a free drive mode, but that's a prereq for me. not too interested in crime or police chases or things like that
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I've been pretty bored lately, so the last couple of nights I've been replaying Arkham Asylum. It is still a lot of fun, even though the controls seem a lot looser than I remembered them being. I know they probably wouldn't change it for the sequel, but it always felt like the scoring system was kind of backwards. To get the maximum score for any combat encounter, you basically have to drag it out as long as possible, racking up hits and checking all nine of your techniques off the list. That doesn't really feel "Batman" to me.

So, this play through I played "by the rules" for about a third of the game, maxing out all the upgrades I wanted (No real use for the armor ones if you don't get hit, and the explosive upgrades never seemed to actually help that much anyway), and then just decided to go for straight efficiency in all remaining fights. It actually cleaned the game up quite a bit, although it still ticks me off when Batman decides to jump up in the air and turn around twice before sticking his leg out to kick the guy right next to him, thus getting whacked in the cape with a pipe (and still taking damage from it for some reason) when a simple backwards elbow would have sufficed.
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I'm about a third of the way through Metroid Prime 2: Echoes on Metroid Prime Trilogy.

I played through the first Metroid Prime like three or four times when I had it on the gamecube and it's among my favorite games of all time, and Corruption was fun—I played it once when I got it when it came out. Bought myself a used copy of Trilogy and The Metroid Prime Trilogy is a greatgreatgreat boxset. If all I ever played on my Wii was the Mario Galaxy games and Metroid Prime trilogy then that would be more than enough.

it's depressing to look at Other M and to think where the franchise could have gone if Retro was making more Primes. :(
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idk which of these have a free drive mode, but that's a prereq for me. not too interested in crime or police chases or things like that
Underground 2 did (which you played) I'm pretty sure Underground 2 was the first with a open world map. I would imagine Most Wanted would as well because it also had an open world map. I don't remember if carbon did. Undercover probably does. NFS: World obviously does.

Thats it I'm pretty sure.
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Meh well I really have nothing at all to play so I bought that CoD BO Map Pack and whored 2x XP Prestiged to 13th..all while waiting for Portal 2 to arrive by mail.
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i'm just having a wee shot of final fantasy 13 for a minute because i played this last year and i remember just enjoying how baffling a lot of it was, why the heck would anyone make the decisions the makers of this game would make? anyway it's still really funny, if you're in the right mood for it.

i like that snow walks alone down a wartorn path and mumbles things like 'we're the only hope these people have...' and 'Heroes don't need a plan!' over and over again to himself. cool. he seems totally insane. i think this game is a little endearing to me because of the specifically vacant and mathematically predictable way it is insane. i'm not going to play any other jrpgs to get a sense of or marvel at this kind of thing, because this one just takes all of that ridiculous shit and rolls it up for you into a big stinking, glossy ball.

seriously, i'm not saying i like it. or maybe i am. i don't even know anymore. playing this just seems too crystalize something about all of this area of media/entertainment. like playing it makes me want to make some overblown flash cartoon where you take all of the elements present here and chop them up into even more incoherent, garbled parts while introducing stuff that SHOULD seem out of place but probably won't because nothing makes sense at all.

there's a shop. you buy potions there. it's called 'unicorn mart'. another piece of the ubiquitous, rancid debris that we are swimming in. we are swimming in it.

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that game was written by a team of fifteen year old japanese girls