Topic: What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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nah, actually it's fucking shit.  just wait until the honeymoon period is over

Because of what? Same could be said if Diablo 2, I guess.
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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Yeah. In my case its definitely Steam Sales. I have a large (but slowly shrinking) collection of games I've bought due to steam sales. At this point though I only buy games that I've been specifically waiting for to reach 5 dollars or lower. I haven't bought a game in many months.

However my gaming has screeched to a crawl due to a sudden lump in work I have to do.

I was mostly thinking of people who make the effort to go to a store and drop $60 on a physical copy of a game and then going straight to CoD or whatever when they get home as if they didn't just buy a brand new game.  It's one thing to spend $5-$10 on a whim and end up not really playing the game very much (or at all) because that's not really much of an investment (I mean I spend roughly the same amount to SLOWLY KILL MYSELF every day which is objectively worse), but at $60 you are just being irresponsible with your money yo.  And I'm talking specifically about people who don't even unwrap the box.  It's regrettable if you spend that much money and end up just not liking the game very much, but at least you made an attempt to get your money's worth, you know?

On a related note I bought a used copy of Alpha Protocol for $7 the other day and have played an hour or two and have already lost interest.  I went into it knowing that the gameplay was going to be pretty lousy, but I had heard that the choices you make in the game significantly affect the way the plot plays out (unlike Mass Effect where there are really only peripheral changes), but unfortunately that plot appears to be TOM CLANCY'S: STOP THE TERRORISTS which is supremely uninteresting.  If it turns out to be a wacky Metal Gear style plot then I might pick it up again, but otherwise I guess I'm going to have to read a book I GUESS.
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I was mostly thinking of people who make the effort to go to a store and drop $60 on a physical copy of a game and then going straight to CoD or whatever when they get home as if they didn't just buy a brand new game.  It's one thing to spend $5-$10 on a whim and end up not really playing the game very much (or at all) because that's not really much of an investment (I mean I spend roughly the same amount to SLOWLY KILL MYSELF every day which is objectively worse), but at $60 you are just being irresponsible with your money yo.  And I'm talking specifically about people who don't even unwrap the box.  It's regrettable if you spend that much money and end up just not liking the game very much, but at least you made an attempt to get your money's worth, you know?

On a related note I bought a used copy of Alpha Protocol for $7 the other day and have played an hour or two and have already lost interest.  I went into it knowing that the gameplay was going to be pretty lousy, but I had heard that the choices you make in the game significantly affect the way the plot plays out (unlike Mass Effect where there are really only peripheral changes), but unfortunately that plot appears to be TOM CLANCY'S: STOP THE TERRORISTS which is supremely uninteresting.  If it turns out to be a wacky Metal Gear style plot then I might pick it up again, but otherwise I guess I'm going to have to read a book I GUESS.

yea some people have that much $$ i guess
i know a lot of gamesjournos like that but its not their fault their business interferes with pleasure.
actually yes it is

alpha protocol, i hear very good things about that game actually, and have been tempted to pick it up since its so cheap (ADDING TO MY PILE OF forever UNPLAYED GAMES). i hear it has some crippling weaknesses but is interesting and unique enough to be a bit of a cult hit (not unlike deadly premonition i guess??)

also i have resolved to just delete steam. i've had enough of the "CANNOT START IN OFFLINE MODE, YOU NEED TO BE ONLINE TO DO THAT" bullshit when i want to play offline dude gabe i already payed for all these shitty game.s helldamnfart
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I was mostly thinking of people who make the effort to go to a store and drop $60 on a physical copy of a game and then going straight to CoD or whatever when they get home as if they didn't just buy a brand new game.  It's one thing to spend $5-$10 on a whim and end up not really playing the game very much (or at all) because that's not really much of an investment (I mean I spend roughly the same amount to SLOWLY KILL MYSELF every day which is objectively worse), but at $60 you are just being irresponsible with your money yo.  And I'm talking specifically about people who don't even unwrap the box.  It's regrettable if you spend that much money and end up just not liking the game very much, but at least you made an attempt to get your money's worth, you know?
I was honestly innocent of the knowledge that this was even a thing that people do.

yea some people have that much $$ i guess
i know a lot of gamesjournos like that but its not their fault their business interferes with pleasure.
actually yes it is

alpha protocol, i hear very good things about that game actually, and have been tempted to pick it up since its so cheap (ADDING TO MY PILE OF forever UNPLAYED GAMES). i hear it has some crippling weaknesses but is interesting and unique enough to be a bit of a cult hit (not unlike deadly premonition i guess??)

also i have resolved to just delete steam. i've had enough of the "CANNOT START IN OFFLINE MODE, YOU NEED TO BE ONLINE TO DO THAT" bullshit when i want to play offline dude gabe i already payed for all these shitty game.s helldamnfart
2 things:

Have you heard of Backloggery?

And I can only assume you are joking about deleting Steam.
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I was honestly innocent of the knowledge that this was even a thing that people do.
2 things:

Have you heard of Backloggery?

And I can only assume you are joking about deleting Steam.

2 thing

1) yes, i tried that a few years ago when i was young and determined to finish all games i had not finished

then i realized i have a finite amount of time on this earth (thankfully) and decided not to spend it tryng to beat bugs bunny crazy castle

2) why would i joke about that......there's no reason for me to keep it outside of playing l4d occasionally w friends. if dark souls comes out on it i might reinstall but fortunately (uh???????) its coming out on Game for Windows (hhahahahahaa) afaik. otherwise steam is just fucing depressing, i cant play it offline and when i open it up its just all this $$buySkyrim99%off and social networking wienerbusiness

sorry im just very gamesjaded right now
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I was honestly innocent of the knowledge that this was even a thing that people do.

I think it might also be that people will pick up 2-3 new games at the same time (usually around november/december when all the high profile games come out) and then start one but never get around to the others.  I guess they are just succumbing to marketing in the most blatant way possible.

alpha protocol, i hear very good things about that game actually, and have been tempted to pick it up since its so cheap (ADDING TO MY PILE OF forever UNPLAYED GAMES). i hear it has some crippling weaknesses but is interesting and unique enough to be a bit of a cult hit (not unlike deadly premonition i guess??)

The gameplay mechanics really lack polish, but if you are interested enough in the setting and story, I don't think it's broken enough to not be able to look past it.  The shooting and cover systems are wonky, and sometimes guards will be alerted to your presence for no discernible reason (there were a few times where I was crouching perfectly still and out of every guard's line of sight and the would still get into alert mode for whatever reason).  The level design itself was kind of boring, but I only played the Saudi Arabia section of the game so maybe it improves later on.  But if the story and characters work for you then it's easy enough to just go around knocking dudes out to get to the next plot decision point.

I'm not going to abandon the game entirely, because I've heard enough good things about it that I think it deserves more of a shot and I'm sure things will pick up fairly soon, but man I really don't care for political thrillers or whatever this genre is.
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On a related note I bought a used copy of Alpha Protocol for $7 the other day and have played an hour or two and have already lost interest.  I went into it knowing that the gameplay was going to be pretty lousy, but I had heard that the choices you make in the game significantly affect the way the plot plays out (unlike Mass Effect where there are really only peripheral changes), but unfortunately that plot appears to be TOM CLANCY'S: STOP THE TERRORISTS which is supremely uninteresting.  If it turns out to be a wacky Metal Gear style plot then I might pick it up again, but otherwise I guess I'm going to have to read a book I GUESS.
idk if i'm remembering this wrong but i remember finding the gameplay of it a little difficult to get into first, like the first levels were kinda wonky anyway, with the gameplay kinda evening itself out when you unlock more skills and shit to make the progression of the game a little easier. like i remember finding stealth almost impossible early on in the game but reasonably functional at times later on. it's been long enough since i played it(and it stuck with me that little to make my memories kinda hazy) so i don't really know if this was my doing or the way the game worked.

i kinda enjoyed alpha protocol for the most part, but i wouldn't really call it a particularly good game. the story itself was more or less the focus but takes too much of a broad strokes approach for it to be really engaging or interesting for more than a few moments. the plot itself was just empty, and it almost gets saved by a couple conceptually interesting characters, but none of them stand in the foreground enough to really direct the story experience. i think i found the game more interesting for ALMOST being an exceptional game but taking too many wrong paths in the execution of it.

i dunno. play it if you feel compelled to do so, as it's not the worst game you'll ever play, but you're probably going to have a better experience with a book.
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Beat Dead Space 2. It wasn't as good as the first one, but I enjoyed it, and if you liked the first one you'll enjoy it as well. But yeah, its mostly just the same stuff, only the boss fights aren't as good.

Decided to take up playing Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit once it finished downloading. As I haven't played a racing game in a while, especially one of an arcade nature.
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yo what's the deal with people who buy games and then never open them.  what is that.

I got the witcher 2, gt4, new deus ex, diablo 3, and mass effect 3 I haven't played any yet.

I just get home get bored, buy them and end up in a position where I can't play em or am too busy.
I think with me its more of an occupational thing. I'm still about two years behind in movies and shit and since blockbuster went bankrupt and I don't have the net to steal shit crap ass rebox movies aren't helping at all
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don't have the net to steal shit

yo what's the deal with people still on 56k dialup. what is that.
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Legionwood 2.
Current RPG Making Projects:
Main projects: Eternia's Promise, demo out on
Desperation Of A New Era. Prolouges out, Part 1 out. Finally a game that I can
upload and complete.

Liberated Arms VX Ace Current Status: Cancelled. For now.

Dreamwalker VX Ace Current Status: Dead, unless it's restarted one day.

Story of Ligara: Dead. Again.

And my other thousand games...(not literally)
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yo what's the deal with people still on 56k dialup. what is that.

I'm using my phone our net got turned off cus my bro couldn't pay for it and I was at work. I told em before I was gonna get another isp anyways cus I got a cease and desist(<- prolly mispelled cus I'm really high and those words looked weird) letter from the other one. I only dlded a couple things and just got home (no one else knows how).

Also some dude almost ran into my car
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Like on his feet I guess he thought he knew me?
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It's been a while since I played Fallout 3, and I've played through every other Fallout game at least twice, so I thought I'd give it another go. It's a lot worse than I remember it being. Like, how anyone likes this more than New Vegas is completely beyond me. I think the art is a bit better and you can tell they had more time and money than Obsidian, but Bethesda really fucked the atmosphere up so bad. I also don't know why they made 30 really long quests instead of like 100 short ones. I played for about 3 hours and I really don't want to play it any more.
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It's been a while since I played Fallout 3, and I've played through every other Fallout game at least twice, so I thought I'd give it another go. It's a lot worse than I remember it being. Like, how anyone likes this more than New Vegas is completely beyond me. I think the art is a bit better and you can tell they had more time and money than Obsidian, but Bethesda really fucked the atmosphere up so bad. I also don't know why they made 30 really long quests instead of like 100 short ones. I played for about 3 hours and I really don't want to play it any more.

yeah, i tried to play it again recently and ran in to the same problems.  the reason i've seen people give for preferring 3 to NV is that 3 has more stuff in it, whereas NV is more of a sparse and guided experience (like you're sort of railroaded for the first 3rd of the game), but that seems to confuse having a lot of boring crap to wade through with actual good content.  plus the DLC of NV gives you plenty of time to experience that sort of free roaming thing, esp in OWB.
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yeah, i tried to play it again recently and ran in to the same problems.  the reason i've seen people give for preferring 3 to NV is that 3 has more stuff in it, whereas NV is more of a sparse and guided experience (like you're sort of railroaded for the first 3rd of the game), but that seems to confuse having a lot of boring crap to wade through with actual good content.  plus the DLC of NV gives you plenty of time to experience that sort of free roaming thing, esp in OWB.
I don't really care for open world games all that much unless its integrated into the gameplay rather than "hey here are a bunch of places you can walk to". If you know what I mean. Like, this sort of thing makes sense in the grand theft auto games because of police chases. Or in a couple of 'tactical shooters' where they let you try to choose a smart path on a map rather than a linear map. (Ghost Recon comes to mind)

These days the open world thing often seems kind of pointless except for aimlessly wandering, which I don't do all that often since I'm goal oriented in my gaming now.
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yeah, i tried to play it again recently and ran in to the same problems.  the reason i've seen people give for preferring 3 to NV is that 3 has more stuff in it, whereas NV is more of a sparse and guided experience (like you're sort of railroaded for the first 3rd of the game), but that seems to confuse having a lot of boring crap to wade through with actual good content.  plus the DLC of NV gives you plenty of time to experience that sort of free roaming thing, esp in OWB.

i didn't feel like fo3 had more stuff in it at just felt like it had...the same amount of stuff but spread out over this big empty wasteland that nobody wants to walk through for hours

and it was much more boring stuff yeah
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starting a second playthrough of ~uncharted 3~ half a year after beating it...

as a story-driven game (and uh as a game) it falls apart midway but i still love how it overcame my low expectations of "lol a movie-like game huh yea i bet" by being extremely likeable in general. its got some fantastic environments (colombia flashback in the beginning and the french knight's chateau ruins are some of my faves) and set pieces. gameplay is good mindless fun. yea and everyone wants to be nathan drake, it's a great hollywood fantasy ala indiana jones.

5/5 nathan drake simulator
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Have you guys seen this game Dragon's Dogma? From what I can gather it's basically garbage: huge open-world but no fast travel and all enemies are in the same place every time (meaning when you are running 5 miles back and forth for a quest you will do the exact same thing every time) among other things. But the combat looks kind of cool, very arcadey and all the spells and whatnot look really cool. It's like a combination of Shadow of the Colossus, Devil May Cry and God of War with some Skyrim/Open-world RPG.

But I keep watching videos and it seems really neat, but I won't buy it because I know it'll get boring or become utter shit, without a doubt. However, if the game had co-op, I would have bought 2 copies already (for me and my brother).

I really want a nice open-world-ish RPG with action-based combat and online co-op! There's no games like this!! Dark Souls is the closest thing and while it's an amazing game (best game I've ever played), I just want something a little "lighter" (not so stressful and nervewracking) with more "fanciful" combat, like crazy spells and shit like that. If anybody knows of a game like this please tell me. Like Monster Hunter Tri I guess, which has co-op too I believe. I want this game!! If dragon's dogma had co-op it'd be perfect, because the irritating nature of the problems would, at least for me, disappear if I could do it all with a friend (or multiple friends).

Like another game we play a lot (not so much recently) is Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. It's fun enough on its' own, but being able to just chill with microphones and chat while we fight things is really nice.
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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Have you guys seen this game Dragon's Dogma? From what I can gather it's basically garbage: huge open-world but no fast travel and all enemies are in the same place every time (meaning when you are running 5 miles back and forth for a quest you will do the exact same thing every time) among other things. But the combat looks kind of cool, very arcadey and all the spells and whatnot look really cool. It's like a combination of Shadow of the Colossus, Devil May Cry and God of War with some Skyrim/Open-world RPG.

But I keep watching videos and it seems really neat, but I won't buy it because I know it'll get boring or become utter shit, without a doubt. However, if the game had co-op, I would have bought 2 copies already (for me and my brother).

I really want a nice open-world-ish RPG with action-based combat and online co-op! There's no games like this!! Dark Souls is the closest thing and while it's an amazing game (best game I've ever played), I just want something a little "lighter" (not so stressful and nervewracking) with more "fanciful" combat, like crazy spells and shit like that. If anybody knows of a game like this please tell me. Like Monster Hunter Tri I guess, which has co-op too I believe. I want this game!! If dragon's dogma had co-op it'd be perfect, because the irritating nature of the problems would, at least for me, disappear if I could do it all with a friend (or multiple friends).

Like another game we play a lot (not so much recently) is Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. It's fun enough on its' own, but being able to just chill with microphones and chat while we fight things is really nice.

was really interested in dragons dogma way back when it was first announced since it indeed looked like a monster hunter/demon souls type deal

but i guess all the talk of lame story/world and wrpg elements turned me off, i'll download the demo though to see for myself if its at least fun

So basically what i want is a ps3 monster hunter......

online-enabled co-op games are great. if only i
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