Topic: Transparent Battle Messages (Read 590 times)

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I there any way to make a script to display transparent messages in battle? I tried through "call common event - message display options," but it still shows the text box... :mad: Any help would be appreciated.

BTW, I'm using David patch on 1.08 Advocate version of RM2K3.
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This section is for coding help, not Rm2k3 help. Head over to Game Development for help with this sort of thing.

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The forum is either down or "off access" says all posts are archived or something. Anyone have a link to game development? Also how do you delete posts?
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There is no Game Development forum. There's a Game Design forum.

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If you mean no message window at all then you just need a system set with the transparency color for where the window color and borders would be. If you mean like half transparency there is an option in the battle layout tab of the database.

Also stop bitching about where this belongs, apparently there is no place for RM questions. And none of this RM STOPPED BEING COOL ONCE I HIT 14.