Then a car came the wrong way and hit yours because you were too distracted noticing punctuation errors on a truck. The three passengers who were with you died instantly strangled by the seat belts they were wearing. You survived, but suffered serious injuries because you weren't wearing a seatbelt so you flew through the windshield. When the ambulance came to rescue you all your limbs were bent the wrong way and your jaw was hanging by a fine string of muscle. Half of your face was missing and there were small bits of you scattered through the road.
You're in a traction bed. The doctors couldn't save your legs so they had to amputate them above the knee. You have only two fingers left on your left hand and you lost your right hand. Your face is purple and yellow because it's covered with haematomas. You'll still have to undergo major reconstructive surgery to fix your jaw.
Even though you're heavily sedated, you're still in extreme pain.
Art (I want to be an architect).
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