and what do you mean by that with all americans do draw the same - I was saying it would be like if every american could randomly draw looney tunes style without even trying just because it is national cultural export everybody is THAT familiar with it
We do have that though, just think about it. It's all those cartoons from the 80's (I think Hanna Barbera were responsible for most of them.) Scooby Doo, Josie and the Pussycats, even He-Man and G-I Joe mixed the style with the comic book look in the most generic fashion imaginable. Every american can draw like that, because they are just a bunch of generic human shapes with random cartoon features put on. It's just uncanny how much they all look like each other, and it seems like something that could have easily been inspired by anime or anything else that bases it's identity on the fact it was meant to be drawn the same way as everything else within that category. The thing about it is, that literally any person could have drawn them, so it's safe to assume that everyone already can.
Now that doesn't mean they all do. I think the only reason it works different in Japan is because drawing is probably more fashionable there or something. It's not like both examples can be applied directly on-top of each other, since the differences really do seem to stem from the cultural values of the places they originally came from.
That style needed to have caught on though. America needs something to call it's own before it simply equates the quality of any drawing to how closely it resembles how anime looks.