As some may remember, Trihan (I think it was Trihan) created an IRC bot that hosted a variant of the popular party game Mafia, werewolf. While doing tutorials on sockets in java, I decided that I would try to make my own version of werewolf as a standalone game. I recreated a lot of classes from Trihan's version as well as using my own ideas to make a (hopefully) fun version.
Basic RulesTo begin, players are split into two different groups: werewolves and civilians. Each player is alerted of which group he/she is in, but they do not know which group the rest of the players are in. If you're a civilian, your goal is to eradicate your village of werewolves before they outnumber you. If you're a werewolf, your job is to hide amongst the civilians until they are no longer able to fend you off.
The game is split into two phases: Day and Night. During the Day, everyone (including the werewolves) may talk to each other and vote to lynch someone or no one. Once a majority is reached, a player is either removed from the game, or no one is killed. If a player is lynched, his/her identity as a wolf/civilian is revealed. During the night, the werewolves vote to eat one civilian; however, if all the werewolves do not come to a unanimous decision by the end of the night cycle (which lasts 45 seconds), no civilian is killed.
ClassesCiviliansInvestigator: Can investigate one person per night. While tracking an individual, the investigator will be made aware of all targets (either through abilities or voting to kill) their target makes during the night
Medic: Once per night, the medic can choose one person to protect. If the werewolves choose to kill the protected individual, the medic will intervene and save the person. There is always 1 medic per game
Magistrate:Once during the game, the Magistrate can arrest a person for one day. The arrested person cannot vote, use abilities, or be the target of any votes/abilities
Possessed Citizen: Upon being lynched, the Possessed Citizen can unleash a Spectre that will kill one person of the Possessed Citizen's choice.
Medium: The Medium can talk to the dead.
Zombie: After death, the Zombie still has the ability to talk to the living.
Priest: Once per game, the priest can save a player from being lynched. The act of saving a player reveals to all the identity of the priest.
Psychic: Can divine if a person is a werewolf or not once per night.
Vigilante: Once per game, the vigilante can kill one player. If the killed player isn't a werewolf, the vigilante is killed as well.
WerewolvesWerewolf with Improved Senses: Can sense if a person has a special ability or not once per night.
Werewolf with a Shadow Aura: If the psychic tries to divine a Werewolf with a Shadow Aura, the psychic will divine that the werewolf is a normal civilian
ScreenshotsExplanation (Click to reveal)1) Game Name: What a client will see when it gets information on available games
2) Password Protected: If checked, your game will require a password (provided by you) to enter
3) Host Button: Click to begin hosting your game
4) Text Input: Use to send input as the Server. Type "/kick " + a username to kick a person from your game
5) Disconnect Button: Click to stop hosting your game
Explanation (Click to reveal)1) Join Button: Click to join whatever game is selected from the list below
2) Refresh Button: Click to refresh the list of games
3) Game List: List of all joinable games
Explanation (Click to reveal)1) Disconnect Button: Click to quit the current game
2) Ready Button: Click to vote to start a new game. Only enabled if there isn't a game in progress
3) Status Text: Displays your current class and current status
4) Use Ability Button: Click to use your ability. Only enabled if you have a class that can use an ability and that ability is available for use
5) Vote Button: Click to vote to lynch/eat somebody. Only enabled if you haven't voted and are able to
6) Channel Chooser: Use to choose who you talk to: W (Wolves), A (All), or D (Dead). Can only broadcast messages in channels you can listen to.
7) Text Input: Use to enter text. Press enter to send your message.
8) User List: List of all people currently in the game (living or otherwise)
9) Text Area: Where all text from you and other users go. Blue text messages are votes, red text messages are game events, black text messages are messages from users, purple text messages are messages from the server/host, and gray text messages are automated messages that do not impact the game.
Download LinkDownload Here Must extract before playing.
What's Left to DoThe core game engine works for all I've tested it for and so have the classes, but I have not tested this game over multiple computers. At this time, I'm testing for how the game handles multiple hosts running at once as well as multiple computers plugged in at once.
Having trouble playing?Make sure port 51092 is open/forwarded