Question How F'd up is your SLEEP CYCLE? (Read 2130 times)

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Does over-sleeping mess you up as much as under-sleeping?  I've noticed that dozing off after my natural 7-8 hours can be pretty bad.
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It definitely does. If I sleep too much or too late I don't wake up and feel morning dozy for the whole day. Untill around 9pm, when I always get some kind of energy boost. It's really annoying. I feel bored and shitty and "Why shouldn't I just go to bed, nothing to do" and then around 9pm I suddenly cheer up and feel like taking over the world. Which means I stay up till 2-3am and feel shitty again the next day because I sleep late.

My friend once turned his sleep cycle around, full 24 hours forward. Took only a few days I think. He also didn't eat for 48 hours once, just to try how it feels. A great man, a great man.
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It's been hard to go to sleep as of lately, with this heat wave and all. And because I work nights, I find myself going to bed around 2:30 - 3 A.M. I get up at 6:30 A.M. Then fall asleep at 7:30 A.M. Get up at 10 A.M. Seems to be the plan as of late.

But yeah, stupid heat wave has screwed up my sleeping patterns a bit. I'm waiting for the harsh winter to return.

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Since I joined the military I typically go to bed around 1-130 and wake up at 630.  I work out just fine, my body is just used to it by now.
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I'm about the same as summoner, actually I think that's pretty normal
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I go to bed lately at about 10:30 and wake up at 8am. at uni my sleeping pattern was pretty irregular sometimes pulling all nighters for no particular reason. I hate doing it and much prefer how it is now. and yeah, getting a job will usually sort you out as you have to get up so you go to bed at a normal time so you're not tired in the morning
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Since I'm on my summer vacation, that means no school, which is accompanied by a really fucked sleeping schedule. For the past month or two, I've been going to sleep at around 9-10 am and waking up at around 6 pm. I wake up, eat dinner, then stay up all night again. It's not too bad, since I kind of prefer the nighttime hours to the day. Also, since I'm a loser with no real social life to speak of, I don't miss out on much anyhow.
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Usually 4am up at 11am or something. Work work.
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I don't have one. Its all over the fucking place. But I'm trying to adjust it to be more normal now.
Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 07:41:46 pm by warpped655
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I'm about the same as summoner, actually I think that's pretty normal
yeah I don't know if this is actually true or not, but I always kind of figured that if you shot a few below the recommended 7-8 hours and were consistent about it, it was better than being all over the map on weekends trying to catch up by sleeping 10 hours or something suddenly.   I definitely get used to less hours during the school year pretty quick, so I've kind of based my conclusion from that.
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I go to bed at around 8:30-9:00 pm and wake up at 4:30  when I work and now I feel like an old man
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I keep staying up until 6, not being able to go to bed, and staying up and going to bed at 11pm and writing really huge run-on sentences.
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that's easy

holidays / free days / days off from school: i don't sleep. at the moment i'm really spent i'll fall asleep automatically and in those cases the length of my sleep is pretty random. when i wake up i go on with the usual life until i fall asleep again

school days: sleep on 11/12 am, till 6 pm
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I am so glad im starting to break mines down.

While waiting for my fall semester to start my schedule completely fucked itself up. Mostly because of CoD4, wow, and a few other things.

2 days ago i fell asleep at 8am, woke up at 2pm
yesterday i fell asleep at 5am, woke up at 4pm(very long sleep)
but today I fell asleep at 1am and woke up fresh and new at 9am. I guess what helped me a ton was finishing a 30 minute work-out at around 10-11, took a fresh shower, played with the lappy for a little bit, and was knocked out.

I guess tiring your body out, refrehing it, and letting it rest will really do the trick to fixing sleeping patters.
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i usually force myself to sleep when bakugan brawlers comes on at 530, wake up and get to work about 15 minutes late at 3:15. I get off at 1130 though so the only time i ever go to bed at a reasonable time is when i haul my ass to last call and get too trashed to play video games.

also marge i go without eating for 2-3 days about once a month. i get a sick day about that often and i almost always use it sitting around doing nothing, so i assume i don't get hungry because i'm not using any energy.
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You get ill once a month? What happened to your immune system?
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my sleep cycle is fucked now that i just got back from iraq.  i think the jet lag's starting to wear off, though.  plus, we've been having all these wildfires here, so the ash clouds drift over the town and really mess with my respiratory system.  hopefully that goes away soon :(

edit:  who am i kidding my sleep cycle was fucked up in iraq because i was night shift and i slept with the lights on and next to a chronic masturbator
Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 03:00:49 am by Pasty
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Mine was pretty normal.
Go to sleep between 11pm-2am and wake up from 7am-10am usually.
But I just got a new job that's a night shift ( 12am-8am) and its only 4-5days a week. its gonna fuck my sleep schedule sideways.
I'll be going to bed 9am till 2-3pm 4 to 5 days a week and The rest of the days I'll be on a regular sleep schedule as my Girlfriend whom I live with, her work schedule is 8am-6pm so her days off I'll be spending a lot of time with her.
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I spend 3/4 of the year being forced to get up at 6am for work, going to bed at around 1-3am depending on how much shit I have to do. For the other 1/4 though my schedule gets seriously messed up. Like the past two weeks - I got up at like 4pm yesterday, so I'm not bloody tired at the second.

It takes DISCIPLINE to reorganise your schedule, but alas - discipline requires motivation ;_;!!!
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Lately I've been going to bed around 3:30 AM and getting up at like 2 PM, which is a lot of sleep but somehow never seems like enough.