How is mephedrone? I've got a gram of methylone that I've been meaning to use but I never have the time
Dietcoke have you read up on Mephedrone at all? There is some pretty strong belief that it is cardiotoxic and many people are experiencing scary effects. Blue appendages, heart murmurs, numbing of limbs. I'm usually ready to dive head first into new drugs but I'd steer clear of this one for now. Methylone is a whole different story. If you like MDMA and don't mind something a bit more speedy and short in duration, give it a try. How much do you have available? 250mg would be a good place to get your feet wet but I've taken up to a gram in one session. The next day can be rough though. Apathy, lethargy, the usual post-mdma effects. I honestly prefer Methylone more...
One a side note, I finally procured a gram of Ketamine. K-holing was and wasn't what I was expecting simultaneously. It was giving me flashbacks of my cough syrup chugging youth but at the same time felt clean and right. This was a 200mg line insufflated btw.